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Horns RD Standard

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Posts posted by Horns RD Standard

  1. And after watching the last 2 games in person, I'm back on the bandwagon. When they shoot like they did the last few nights, they're easily the 2nd best team behind GSW. If they stay healthy I'm projecting they win 50 games and get a top 4 seed somehow. And they probably don't bow out until they play GS.

    I know I'm jumping ahead, but looks like some issues have been ironed out. I understand that some teams in the West have improved, but I don't think their improvements put them on par with healthy GSWs or HOU. I see those squads leveling off at some point.

  2. 9 hours ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    Harden never has been a player you can rely on to single handedly lead a team. He feeds off his teammates doing well

    Harden isn't even trying to run offense right now. He's reverted back to pre-CP3 Harden. He just takes the ball and either tries to go 1on5 or will call for a Capela pick to free him up a bit. When he drives now it's either to score or he'll look for the lob to Clint...that's pretty much it. And if he does kick it to someone it's w/ less than 5 secs on the clock. 

    He used to drive and actually look for passing options. Especially cross court to the corner, where that guy would either shoot it or look to start to swing it back around while probing for either a 3 or a lane to penetrate. Basically, the ball actually moved the defense and it got others involved.

    I get that it's a fine line cause he doesn't trust others to get scoring chances as good as he can create for himself. But he has to stay the course and not get content only looking for his. He just has to be committed to creating for others, especially if they're going to defer to him so much. It's critical to this team's success, IMO!

    Oh yeah, House looked like great last night!

  3. Just now, Ghost of Stevie Ray said:

    Call me crazy, but Hayes looks better than Bamba and Allen did at this point

    To me it seems like Hayes has a better understanding of who he is as a player at this point. He's not trying to experiment on sh!t he can't do right now. He can run and jump & that's exactly what he's out there doing!!!

    • Like 2
  4. 34 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    shit, we should be in front of the steelers right now if not for that collapse by jax on sunday.

    how about this - after mnf, the chiefs are 9-2.  if we beat the titans while they're off, we're only one game back.

    lots of these teams play each other (or other tough teams) down the stretch.  anything is possible.

    to me, i would just like to see us avoid the 4 seed.  you finish 4th, you probably get a tough charger team at home, then go to arrowhead.  you finish 3rd, you get someone (five teams are 5-5 right now) not that great at home, then go to foxboro to play a banged up/aging pats team that seems to be struggling on offense, and could be a decent matchup for us.  especially if gronk isn't 100%.

    For the Texans to give themselves the best chance of advancing in the Playoffs, their first goal s/b to simply finish with a better record than NE. Do that and you guarantee yourself you don't have to go through Foxboro(which has been a playoff house of horrors for them).

    I'd be ok with them taking their chances in the playoffs with anyone else!

    The way BoB likes to call games could play as an advantage to them come the playoffs. Playoff games, generally speaking, tend to get played a lil closer to the vest. And w/ BoB you know a couple of things are normally true: The Texans don't blow anyone out nor do they tend to get blown out by anyone either! They kind of play 'playoff' type games each week.

  5. Ok let's summarize this

    Things that are Not Melo's fault :

    - CP3 got himself suspended for a few games & really looks to be either hitting an age hurdle himself or just playing off

    - Brandon Knight & Marquise Chriss are hurt or can't get on the floor

    - Harden missed a few games with injuries

    - Eric Gordon has looked like sh!t to start the year and has been hurt as well

    - Gerald Green has looked like a guy who was on the streets to start the '17 season


    However, let's be honest here. The game as it's played now, has passed Melo by. I don't think it's just our system, but I'm not really sure there's a team out there that plays a style where his game would be a positive addition to it. He's a slow footed one-dribble shooter without great handles or play-making ability. Defensively he can't guard any spots on the floor anymore (especially with the freedom of movement calls now being made).

    I for one was hoping that coming here, he'd find "Ariza & Luc" type spots on the floor offensively that he could be effective in. I thought, hey - I'd much rather have a shooter with Melo's acumen taking wide-open 3s than either Ariza, Luc or hell PJ for that matter. But his shot(or what thought was a decent 3pt shot) just hasn't come to fruition. I mean Ryan Anderson had a helluva first half last year with us, but we were also playing a lot faster tempo then. I think the slow pace that we now play at also probably didn't help the Melo situation either.

    With all that being said, I agree with those that said this was a low-risk/high-reward gamble. Now it's proven that it hasn't worked out, time to cut your losses and move on, imo.

  6. 1 minute ago, Goo Punch said:

    Febres is 1-5 from deep, all of them wide open. I'm sure he'll improve on that, but will he ever become a consistent knock down shooter? that's the question.

    He doesn't do anything else exceptionally well, so I'm guessing he must be shooting it lights out in practice for him to have earned a starting spot. So hopefully it'll eventually translate ONTO to court as well!

  7. 30 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    To put it in perspective.


    3 of the last 4 teams to play "true" road games are from the Big 12. Doesn't surprise me one bit. When you play in 'arguably' one of the best conferences, why schedule yourself into an early season hole? Non-conf - feast on a few cupcakes and manage to supply yourself with a few resume builder opportunities along the way. I see no problem with it at all.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    I actually agree with Derka on the topic of attendance at the event. Texas has always had major attendance problems in basketball but that was even worse than I expected. I get it. They haven’t had very good years lately but I would have thought there would be more hardcore fans at that event. It was not good and was a little depressing.

    Maybe they could start by putting more effort into marketing these events better. I'd consider myself a fairly engaged fan and I didn't even realize it was going on cause I never saw it advertised anywhere.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Planet Houston said:

    Verlander's gonna pitch a complete game tonight, so stop your hand wringing with the bullpen.  

    This right here^^^^!!!!!!

    JV is a F'n ACE and will show exactly what that entails tonight. 2-hit SHUT A MF'ER DOWN complete domination tonight!

    He has 24 consecutive scoreless innings in elimination games...that streaks gets to 33 tonight!

  10. The kid is never going to be Colt when it comes to his accuracy. But let's not act like the WRs helped him out a ton either. Duvernay made a great catch for the first TD, but LJH/#14/Porter and a few others dropped some very catchable balls in important situations. No one's perfect so I wouldn't expect him or them to be either. There's enough blame to go around. I blame play calling/scheme to be the biggest concerns. There should've 5/6 possessions that they came out decisively & went up tempo. It's just obvious that the entire offense is more efficient when they do. They went with it 1 drive in the first half, scored and never really ever committed to it again!

    Super Frustrating!!!

    • Like 1
  11. 11 hours ago, elfenix said:


    Willie's on hwy 6 with the biggest chicken fried steak lol

    Didn't he also go in on SA again? Thought he said something to the effect that you have to "weigh'em twice" down in SA, lol!

  12. 22 hours ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    It’s the playoffs and no one should expect us to “coast” in every game against a team that was the legit 3 seed in the West until butler got hurt. It’s not like they were a fringe playoff 8 seed all year, and what separates the 8 seed for the 4 seed was literally 1 game. We could just as easily be playing Utah as we are Minnesota. 


    I think we win 4-1 but won’t be bothered or surprised by a 4-2 series win. Also my opinion is the easiest team to beat in the West right now would be the dysfunctional spurs team. Down kawhi and the rest of the roster is old or inexperienced. I’d rather face them than Minnesota.

    I didn't want the Spurs. I see that we're better than them just like everyone else rationally does. However, the mind of an athlete/coach can be a fragile thing and until they've proven that they are over the mental headlock the Spurs seem to have over them(D'antoni & Harden/Rockets), I'd rather just not have to deal with it, imo.

    • Like 1
  13. 23 hours ago, uoftorange said:

    Game 1 the Rockets blew the doors off them then coasted the rest of the way
    Game 2 Minny blew the doors off the Rockets in the 1st quarter, Rockets returned the favor in the second and then dropped a 42-28 4th on them
    Game 3 Rockets took a slight halftime lead and blew them up in the 3rd
    Game 4 Rockets got up huge then coasted

    No disrespect meant, but the Rockets didn't wait till the fourth in 3 of the 4 games

    You could probably write a similar summary for each team we've played multiple times this season, to be honest with you!

    The Rockets beat teams by attrition a lot of the time. They wear on you because they have a bonafied All-Star playmaker/creator and 1on1 wizard on the floor at all times(CP3&JH). You may hang w/ the 1st team, but can your 2nd team handle CP3 or Harden distributing and making plays with our 2s against your scrubs? And if you handle it in the 1st half can you do the same with tired legs in 4th? They just keep putting pressure on you in waves. That's why there's been some games that stay tight, but just like GS in years past, you never know when they'll drop a quick 15-4 type of run on you and bust a 1or2 possession game wide-@$$ open.

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