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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bone3421

  1. I kinda did....posted a few times that 40$ was the floor and expected a bump soon
  2. What if I told you of a stock that is up 127% this month and 41% for the week....
  3. I get that....just seems paying that much for deep itm calls has got to be for a reason...gotta be more than just trying to profit on a mediocre price increase imo Curious if it could be hedge for a short or if it's a squeeze play... Today might be pretty crazy...
  4. Anybody got a thesis....someone is buying deep in the money calls (12$-17$)for April 16th so far from the screenshots the total is 131mil spent on 12000 calls...so possible 1.2 million shares if exercised Redditor assumes it's someone waiting to start squeeze when they exercise options
  5. Is this finally it.....[emoji573][emoji573][emoji573][emoji573]
  6. The meme has become the safest stock....
  7. Lol...no shit Curious about the % being close on dbl of volume for ups vs down....just something I've noticed this week so far
  8. Been trying to pay attention to the candles last few days...can someone smarter explain why it appears the sellers have more power than buyers.... I see green candles lately with twice the volume have equal to or less effect on price than the red candles...ex 112k green volume raised price 1.48% 67k red volume dropped price 1.13% 132k green raised it .7% 64k red dropped .55% Picked ones close together of course the last one is side by side in a 20min window
  9. Join the dark side....sell everything and yolo it in gme....joking??? maybe????
  10. For sure...I dont see 100k happening at all, just a fun thought. 1st price point is 1k for me...will sell probably 5 shares to lock in nice gains and then let rest ride if it continues to go up but if I dont like the movement then the rest gets sold
  11. There is no way in hell I would have the balls (or believe it gets there) to hold for the 100k being thrown around....but just for fun...I would have 1.6 million (after my 960k in taxes lol)
  12. Just out another 1k into gamestop... hope it jumps up on Friday like I'm expecting
  13. I mean I'll take some if it helps you out , but I'll be happy with just the xmas party also
  14. Why are we talking about rocket in the [emoji573][emoji573][emoji573][emoji573] thread... Wish I jumped on but wasnt sure if it was real. Some thought it was legit and some were saying it was just distracting from gme Speaking of gme is having a hard time cracking 130 last 2 days...
  15. When I first saw this I was going to say...I would for sure...then I scrolled and saw g650 handled it himself So I just came back to ...lmao
  16. Your buying right? Surly Christmas party so you can stay below threshold every year?
  17. It's only 2% your crying about people having 49 million after they're taxed on 50 million.....
  18. How many rich white billionaires were made recently...if you want to burn down the Rockefellers and Dupont's etc sure...I dont think it matters in 2021 ,rich is rich, and lots of people of every color will be effected equally (besides the Carnegie's and Hapsburg's..damn the old richies)
  19. Cant tell if your agreeing or not that 30k is the poor cut off lol....assuming agree Let's go even farther and subtract just for easy round numbers 1500 a year for electric...1000 for water, 10400(200$a week) for food and 18000(avg rent is just under 1500) So all that 30,900$ just by avg.
  20. I agree with the premise about the head start not arguing against that at all. My personal opinion is I just dont think it makes much difference for this particular idea.
  21. Yeah we just had a made up tax bracket for the older days....sure there was probably some ways around it but it was there for the wealthy.
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