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Everything posted by sasquatch69

  1. Cue BT's head exploding in 3 ... 2 ... https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/11/pete-buttigieg-iowa-frontrunner-democrats-2020.html
  2. FYI, the Norm Hitzges documentary is airing tomorrow (Thurs 11/21) at 10pm on KERA-13 in Dallas. https://artandseek.org/2019/11/18/frame-of-mind-norm-hitzges-talks-dallas-sports/
  3. Gonna leave this here. https://artandseek.org/2019/10/29/celebrate-norm-hitzges-at-a-special-frame-of-mind-screening/
  4. Doesn't sound like active shooter deal: "BAYLOR ALERT: Waco Police Department reported a shooting at the Eastgate Apartments at 1912 South Fifth Street. Stay away from the area and shelter in place." https://twitter.com/Baylor/status/1179879241493762049
  5. That would be playing an extremely long game, then, because Amtrak just purchased a ton of new rolling stock for the high(er)-speed Acela lines along the NE Corridor, scheduled to enter service in 2021. https://www.amtrak.com/next-generation-acela-express
  6. Yet a lot of moderate/undecided voters - who dislike Trump but are in a position of low to limited information - may look at Bernie or Warren if they get the nod for the general, make the worst sort of "OMG MY TAXES WILL GO UP" assumption because of said limited information and a few things they heard about M4A or otherwise, and vote reluctantly for Trump simply because they think he'll have less of an impact on their own personal status quo. And thus we get four more years of what we're dealing with now. I'm not trashing Bernie or Warren here. Just saying that underestimating the potential growth of a moderate candidate like Pete in the next year of campaigning - and in the general, if he can get there - is foolhardy. It's early yet.
  7. When the nation's "House of Prayer for All People" - which has tried to remain fairly apolitical amidst taking flak from the left for hosting the traditional Inauguration Day presidential prayer service for Trump, from the right for Pride Month events and an interfaith Muslim prayer service, and everything inbetween - issues a statement decrying the president's remarks and general decency, you know it's a weighty statement. https://cathedral.org/press-room/have-we-no-decency-a-response-to-president-trump/
  8. PBS' annual Capitol Fourth nonpartisan special is happening independently of the Trump event and has been planned for months, although Trump's team is claiming it as part of their other events (parade, Blue Angels, etc.).
  9. Just out of view in that video from above is the sallyport and the spot where the FPS vehicles park - my guess was that the federal officers got out of their vehicles or ran out of sallyport and opened fire from there. https://www.google.com/maps/@32.7786306,-96.8015454,3a,75y,348.09h,91.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0aiw7Dcogu76KPV3gG97rQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  10. Watch the video posted on page one of the thread. Fox saw the guy, took photo, ducked and then federal agents further down the block opened fire almost immediately. The total elapsed time was probably roughly 60 seconds between gunman's arrival and when the gunman collapsed.
  11. DMN photojournalist Tom Fox had just gotten to courthouse and was about to go inside to cover a trial when he saw this guy get out of a car with weapons, and ducked behind the wall as seen in video above. He leaned out, shot a few frames and ducked back again. He's lucky to be alive - but damn, what a photo. I'd be surprised if it doesn't win the Pulitzer for spot news photography. Interview quotes from him in this reporter's feed: https://twitter.com/MeaganMHarris
  12. The Mount Vernon Optic-Herald newspaper website has deleted its story about Briles' hire. It's still listed on the homepage when you view cached version, but the story no longer exists. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ARRfaER57VAJ:https://www.mt-vernon.com/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  13. https://www.kwtx.com/content/news/BU-will-use-portion-of-record-100M-donation-to-build-new-basketball-arena-509595071.html
  14. The magnificent Cavaille-Coll pipe organ dating to 1868 is probably gone as well, only six years after a total restoration. Listen to this beauty, and weep. "The theology behind the Alternatim is so spine-tingling: the Te Deum is supposed to unite the two choirs of Heaven and Earth in prasing God. So the choir here is only singing half the verses while they leave the choirs of angels and saints in Heaven to sing the alternate verses (while the organ roars out its accompaniment to them)."
  15. Not necessarily true anymore. New, much-improved facility, a lot more money (and attention) invested in the program from the AD/school admin perspective, and renewed fan support/interest after Dixon's three years at the helm. They're far from blueblood status, but they're not a cellar dweller anymore either. Middle tier at this point.
  16. I found this episode really enlightening - discussing the roles of the women in Trump’s life and how they shaped him/were shaped by him. Spoiler: He’s got both mommy and grandmother issues. I feel like I understand the guy better, but that’s not reassuring in any way - in fact, quite the opposite. https://crooked.com/podcast/sugar-were-cohen-down-with-nina-burleigh/
  17. It actually has already. May I introduce to you the “Real News Now” update, with Lara Trump.
  18. Yes, to be exact, it’s a shooting campout that covers some hunting techniques - not actual hunting.
  19. Correct. Our son's troop does an annual hunting campout with extended shooting practice led by NRA-certified instructors (who, thankfully, leave all politics out of it). The shooting merit badge has safety and shooting-accuracy requirements.
  20. Este. There are great scouting groups, and crappy scouting groups. I'm involved in Cub Scouts as a parent, and my older son's now in a Boy Scout troop. We're lucky in that we're a big pack with a lot of parent involvement (though we still have our share of hanger-on-ers who are content to sit in the back of a meeting on their phone rather than actually be involved with their kid). Scouting does teach great life skills and team-building in ways that a lot of parents couldn't handle on their own (some can, for sure, but others just aren't wired for it). For the half-decade I've been involved as a parent and leader, they've had stringent guidelines in place designed to avoid repeats of the past abuses that led to these current issues - 2+ adults present at all times anywhere kids are present, etc. Our council is one of the better ones these days in terms of financial position, and money is still tight, so I can imagine the idea of bankruptcy at the national level is just a protection given their small cash reserves. The last thing they want to do is have to sell off the camp properties (like Philmont or Summit Bechtel Reserve) that really define the scouting experience.
  21. TCU’s third-string QB, in his first-ever start, just nailed a slant TD to give the Frogs some life at the end of the half. Pokes look terribad.
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