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Posts posted by sasquatch69

  1. The great Bob Rutford, geologist, Antarctic explorer and former president of UT-Dallas from 1982-1994 (and a big part of it becoming a full-fledged four-year university), died a few weeks ago. I had the opportunity to get to know him late in his life, and found him to be fascinating - and a hell of a funny storyteller. 

    This is a wonderful short film produced by Birkenstock, highlighting his Antarctic explorations. The interview segments were filmed at his home in Richardson shortly before his death.

    Image result for hook em emoji


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  2. 6 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Socially woke. Economically right-wing.

    He's a centrist.

    For a lot of folks, there's nothing wrong with that.  The GOP continuing to move far right doesn't demand an equal and opposite reaction on the left.  

  3. Gonna leave this here.



    Join Art&Seek, The Ticket and Video Association of Dallas on Nov. 6 for a special screening of Norm Hitzges: An Opinionated History of Dallas Sports. A conversation with the legendary sports broadcaster follows the screening at Alamo Drafthouse Cedars.

    In this original Frame of Mind production, Hitzges tells how he got his start, offers his theory about how football is like war and shares highlights from the history of Dallas sports. ... Hitzges will attend the screening and participate in a Q/A afterward with Bart Weiss, who produced this episode and curates the Frame of Mind series.spacer.png


  4. 10 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I don't think they need monopoly protection because they'll own the rails.  They have a monopoly unless they want to grant transit rights or someone else builds their own line.

    As to the financials, I am under the impression that there is something else behind this.  The manufacturer of the train sets was the primary initial investor.  It wouldn't surprise me if they were using this as a proof-of-concept loss-leader to convince Amtrak or other potential operators to build new HSR lines elsewhere and use their train sets for purposes of commonality.  If the federal government committed to upgrading the Northeast Corridor and also built HSR in other high-density corridors (e.g., Miami-Orlando-Tampa; Milwaukee-Chicago-Detroit-Toronto), then the manufacturer could conceivably recoup its investment on this with the profit it makes from selling the hardware for those projects. 

    That would be playing an extremely long game, then, because Amtrak just purchased a ton of new rolling stock for the high(er)-speed Acela lines along the NE Corridor, scheduled to enter service in 2021. 



  5. 37 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Other than Brad (who is a Republican), who did I call a Republican? No one.

    You sound like alt.right whiners who say, "you call everyone who disagrees with you a racist" when that's not true at all.

    Pete used Republican talking points to attack M4A. That doesn't make Pete a Republican. It means he sucks. We need another center-right corporate shill like we need a hole in the head. Healthcare is the #1 most important issue facing us. If his play is to use Republican talking points to attack the most progressive plan to address this crisis then he should drop out because he's adding nothing positive to forward movement in this country.

    Yet a lot of moderate/undecided voters - who dislike Trump but are in a position of low to limited information - may look at Bernie or Warren if they get the nod for the general, make the worst sort of "OMG MY TAXES WILL GO UP" assumption because of said limited information and a few things they heard about M4A or otherwise, and vote reluctantly for Trump simply because they think he'll have less of an impact on their own personal status quo.  And thus we get four more years of what we're dealing with now.  

    I'm not trashing Bernie or Warren here.  Just saying that underestimating the potential growth of a moderate candidate like Pete in the next year of campaigning - and in the general, if he can get there - is foolhardy.  It's early yet.  

  6. On 8/20/2019 at 9:53 PM, ChiTownDoc said:





    These in Vegas are in the fitness industry. And possibly other industries too.  Use your imaginations.   But they’re all a good time.  No stuck up prudes allowed.  They come free when you’re dumb enough to spend thousands for a pool cabana.  

    Love 52-80 hating w every comment. Lol. Moar on the way!

    "*Student* beauticians, Mitch."

  7. When the nation's "House of Prayer for All People" - which has tried to remain fairly apolitical amidst taking flak from the left for hosting the traditional Inauguration Day presidential prayer service for Trump, from the right for Pride Month events and an interfaith Muslim prayer service, and everything inbetween - issues a statement decrying the president's remarks and general decency, you know it's a weighty statement.


    As faith leaders who serve at Washington National Cathedral ¬– the sacred space where America gathers at moments of national significance – we feel compelled to ask: After two years of President Trump’s words and actions, when will Americans have enough?  

    ... We have come to accept a level of insult and abuse in political discourse that violates each person’s sacred identity as a child of God. We have come to accept as normal a steady stream of language and accusations coming from the highest office in the land that plays to racist elements in society.


  8. 3 hours ago, Gooby said:

    I think it's usually on PBS.  In light of Trump threatening their funding, they should say fuck it and not show.

    PBS' annual Capitol Fourth nonpartisan special is happening independently of the Trump event and has been planned for months, although Trump's team is claiming it as part of their other events (parade, Blue Angels, etc.). 


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  9. 12 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    Yeah, lots to figure out there.  I've seen the US Marshals at many a Federal courthouse.  They have sidearms.  I've never seen anyone -- even in a guard booth or whatnot -- with a long gun.  That said, there are clearly shots coming from the left (seeing the impacts on the courthouse, although man, those shots are WAY WIDE of the target).  So, I'm not even sure if the shots that got him were from shooters inside the courthouse or shooters outside of the courthouse, stationed to the left.

    Whatever the case.....the reaction time is incredible.  From the beginning of the incident to the end is maybe a minute?

    Just out of view in that video from above is the sallyport and the spot where the FPS vehicles park - my guess was that the federal officers got out of their vehicles or ran out of sallyport and opened fire from there.  


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  10. 4 minutes ago, Uncle Nate said:

    So I have to ask...because it's not said here.  Did Tom call 911 when he saw this guy?

    Because if he chose the picture over calling....well...I really hope that's not the case.  If it is, fuck him.

    Watch the video posted on page one of the thread.  Fox saw the guy, took photo, ducked and then federal agents further down the block opened fire almost immediately.  The total elapsed time was probably roughly 60 seconds between gunman's arrival and when the gunman collapsed.

  11. DMN photojournalist Tom Fox had just gotten to courthouse and was about to go inside to cover a trial when he saw this guy get out of a car with weapons, and ducked behind the wall as seen in video above.  He leaned out, shot a few frames and ducked back again.  He's lucky to be alive - but damn, what a photo.  I'd be surprised if it doesn't win the Pulitzer for spot news photography.  

    Interview quotes from him in this reporter's feed: https://twitter.com/MeaganMHarris

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  12. https://www.kwtx.com/content/news/BU-will-use-portion-of-record-100M-donation-to-build-new-basketball-arena-509595071.html



    Baylor University will use a portion of a record $100 million donation to help fund a new basketball arena, the school announced Tuesday.

    “Baylor Athletics is thrilled to announce a lead gift for the Baylor Basketball Pavilion,” the university said in a tweet just after 1 p.m. Tuesday.


  13. The magnificent Cavaille-Coll pipe organ dating to 1868 is probably gone as well, only six years after a total restoration. Listen to this beauty, and weep.

     "The theology behind the Alternatim is so spine-tingling: the Te Deum is supposed to unite the two choirs of Heaven and Earth in prasing God. So the choir here is only singing half the verses while they leave the choirs of angels and saints in Heaven to sing the alternate verses (while the organ roars out its accompaniment to them)."



  14. On 4/3/2019 at 9:07 AM, Brian Fantana said:

    TCU is a hopeless pit of despair for any basketball coach. The environment is terrible as is the fan support. Good for him for getting out of that mess.

    And also lol @ UCLA fans that thought they were going to get any better than this wet fart hire.

    Not necessarily true anymore.  New, much-improved facility, a lot more money (and attention) invested in the program from the AD/school admin perspective, and renewed fan support/interest after Dixon's three years at the helm.  They're far from blueblood status, but they're not a cellar dweller anymore either.  Middle tier at this point.

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