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  1. Yeah that series was great. Only watched the first new one and to me it came across as a bit forced and scripted.
  2. You forgot the praying coach? And that other dude who saved the Portland Federal Courthouse from the ANTIFA mobs?
  3. Thanks! Know where I’m going tonight.
  4. Looks like Reykjavik only gets one minute of totality. Still, Iceland in August would be pretty awesome. Thinking about cashing in some miles. https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/iceland/reykjavik?iso=20260812
  5. Just dropped on CNN about the Columbia shuttle last flight.
  6. Yeah that was very cool. Here it was like someone flipped the light switch. Then again as the first sliver reappeared, boom lights on.
  7. Predicted by Todd Rundgren in 1972…
  8. TexPx


    Georgia O’ Queef
  9. Well he did sign an executive order mandating classical architecture for DC federal buildings so he will probably want some changes made.
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