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Posts posted by sasquatch69

  1. Abbott reopening restaurants/retail/offices to 75% capacity except in RGV.  Oh, and nursing homes too.



    The standard that Abbott unveiled applies to the 19 out of 22 hospital regions in the state where coronavirus patients make up less than 15% of all hospitalizations. In those 19 regions, businesses that have been open at 50% capacity will be permitted to expand to 75% capacity — a group of places that includes retail stores, restaurants and office buildings. Hospitals in those regions will also be allowed to offer normal elective procedures again, and nursing homes can reopen for visitations under certain standards.

    The three hospital regions excluded from the new reopening stage are in the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo and Victoria. Abbott said those regions’ hospitalizations are still “in the danger zone.”

    At the same time, Abbott said the state was not yet ready to reopen bars, saying they are “nationally recognized as COVID-spreading locations.” He stressed, though, that the state is looking for ways to let bars reopen safely.


    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Meanwhile, over at TexAgs.

    Nothing that the Atlantic writes could persuade me. If they had him on tape burning George Washington in effigy and executing kittens for sport I would only ensure that I registered to vote for him sooner than I otherwise would have.

  3. 1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I knew there was a reason I started this. 


    1 hour ago, Radical Larry said:

    Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of its release in theaters.

    TIL that two of my all-time favorite movies (this one and Pee-Wee's Big Adventure) were released  the same weekend in 1985. How did I never know that?

  4. 2 hours ago, mdmost said:

    I took that more as a return volley to all the "you just lost a listener" types who bitched at them on Twitter about needing to stick to sports or they were going to lose in the ratings to the Fan. 

    This.  And all the replies to this tweet about "liberal agenda" are just stupid.  The Ticket guys are pretty much just addressing current issues at hand in the absence of sports of any significance to discuss.  I assume that, for these listeners, anything less than direct Fox News-style criticism of anything BLM/protest-related is a "liberal agenda". 

  5. Good on BSA for doing this - it's needed right now. As a Scout dad, this pleases me. 


    The full thing is worth reading, but here's the significant part:

    There is no place for racism – not in Scouting and not in our communities. Racism will not be tolerated.

    We condemn the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and all those who are not named but are equally important. We hear the anguish, feel the heartbreak, and join the country’s resolve to do better.

    The Boy Scouts of America stands with Black families and the Black community because we believe that Black Lives Matter. This is not a political issue; it is a human rights issue and one we all have a duty to address. That is why, as an organization, we commit to:

    • Introducing a specific diversity and inclusion merit badge that will be required for the rank of Eagle Scout. It will build on components within existing merit badges, including the American Cultures and Citizenship in the Community merit badges, which require Scouts to learn about and engage with other groups and cultures to increase understanding and spur positive action.
    • Reviewing every element of our programs to ensure diversity and inclusion are engrained at every level for participants and volunteers by applying a standard that promotes racial equality and denounces racism, discrimination, inequality and injustice.
    • Requiring diversity and inclusion training for all BSA employees starting July 1 and taking immediate action toward introducing a version for volunteers in the coming months.
    • Conducting a review of property names, events and insignia, in partnership with local councils, to build on and enhance the organization’s nearly 30-year ban on use of the Confederate flag and to ensure that symbols of oppression are not in use today or in the future.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    Liberty University by December:

    ”Due to budget cuts made necessary by Obamagate and by the heretical lawsuits filed by wicked fallen souls who wrongly blame us instead of China for the deaths of our former students who heroically came to class and paid their parking fees like Christian warrior patriots when we refused to conduct online classes, we are forced to eliminate, effective immediately, all degrees offered by Liberty University, with one exception.   Students are encouraged to enroll in our remaining degree of “How to Be a Ho ... for God.”

    How to Be a Ho ... for God will prepare you for life in these new times with a curriculum that combines Biblical teachings and free market capitalism in its oldest and purest form.  Jerry Falwell, Jr.  will personally instruct you on a variety of subjects, and will even partner with you outside the classroom in your actual career  for only a percentage of your earnings!  He will personally handle client bookings and various other value adding administrative functions on your behalf so that you can focus on what you do best - servicing all of God’s subjects.   Don’t miss this opportunity of a lifetime!”


  7. 7 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    Sadly, they won't.

    They will go to their dying breath believing the entirety of all this is the fault of the Democratic Party, Obama, Biden, the Clintons, Soros, etc.  Oh, they will still be hardcore #MAGA as they lay, thinking their final thoughts.  They lack the introspection necessary to think that maybe their beloved Trump, their Team R governor, congressmen, senators, state reps, etc could be at fault.  

    It's entirely the fault of the Dems.  Entirely.  

    And if you still doubt this could be true for this swath of the American populace, go read the politics board on TexAgs for a while and you'll be convinced. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Bingo.  I like rage as much as the next guy -- yelling and flailing make me feel better.

    But once I've cooled down, and decided that I really, really want to fuck you, I follow a deliberate, strategic path -- the old bull recommendation of "no, son, let's WALK down there and screw ALL of em."

    Winning this fight requires action on multiple fronts, much of it not glamorous or attention-grabbing at all.  For example, bang-for-our buck in trying to recapture state houses before the next round of redistricting.  Strategic use of litigation.  Pushing for a president who will nominate judges who will be more amenable to ruling in favor of the rule of law (which is the position that we'll be advancing).

    Yelling and ranting feels good.

    Playing boring old chess gets shit done.

    After listening to several of Rick Wilson's monthly appearances on the "With Friends Like These" podcast, I'm now more convinced than ever that the backroom deals/boring old chess route is most definitely the way to go, sprinkled with some political machinery/attack ads on top.  It sucks, but it works. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

    So the Centrists and Establishment wanted Trump and then lost to him in 2016.


    What is the plan this time?  

    I see alienation of progressives, youth, and Latinos is at the top of the winning strategy.

    What else?

    Big difference this time around is that people have now seen the actual (rather than imagined) outcomes of a Trump presidency.  Any progressive who sits out the general election (or votes for Trump) is completely turning their back on their values simply out of spite.

    • Like 1
  10. Quote

    PBS NewsHour co-founder Jim Lehrer, a giant in journalism known for his tenacity and dedication to simply delivering the news, died Thursday at the age of 85.


    I always appreciated his calm, even tone and strong intent to get the reporting right.  And, he's a Texan, at least for part of his life - he went to Victoria College in the Valley, then worked at the Dallas Morning News and Dallas Times Herald before starting a new kind of news program on KERA in Dallas called "Newsroom" - which eventually morphed into the national MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour that lasted for many years (and is still on today as "PBS Newshour".

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