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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Texas73

  1. The ACA was passed by Congress. Expound on how it was shoved down your throat.
  2. Why do you have to be a douche to put this sign out? I know several people in Travis Heights in Austin who have the sign and they are not douches.
  3. Fall, 1971, 2-2 at Estrada apartments on Lakeshore Blvd was $230. Then in 1973 my efficiency at Elmont and Pleasant Valley was $120 ABP. Good times
  4. Wow, the gerrymandering done in 2010 should be declared unconstitutional. This is disappointing and just what a lot of Trump voters used to vote for him. Supreme Court justice .appointment
  5. Excellent post until your last sentence. Are you aware that Thomas rarely joins in on the discussions of the Supreme Court. He rarely asks the defendants or prosecutors questions. Reports are he sleeps during the proceedings and then votes with the right wing every time. I don't call him Uncle Tom but all of my black friends do.
  6. Is this sarcasm? "settlin the NK question and all" If this is real them you are one dumb MF,
  7. Fake News. That was easy.
  8. Fox News says Obama opened up the border numerous times a day so it must be true.
  9. Trump is going to be so pissed at Melania he won't fuck her for days.
  10. These are not over the top if you have been paying attention the last 2 years. They are horrendous but they are reality in today's America.
  11. Seriously? Do you know what "hilarious" means?
  12. Forget the super delegates. Clinton had more lay people supporting and voting for her than Bernie. Hillary won the primaries, she desered the nomination and she deserved the presidency. I hope the 11% of Bernie supporters who voted for Trump and proud of themselves. They fucked all of us. Fuck off.
  13. In the '60s there were 2 Democratic polling places in my town of 2600, the high school and the one cell police station. Republicans had to go to a private residence to vote which was 4 miles out of the town. Fewer than 15 voted Republican then.
  14. Totally agree. Hurd is a dead man walking.
  15. Bullshit. I have values. You are an asshole with no values and no real argument.
  16. You have that right. I've been in Austin since the early 70's but I am from east Texas, Van Zandt County. They would vote for a Republican child molester over a Democrat. When I ask my relatives and friends from there why they will never vote for a Democrat they say because of Food Stamps and Abortion.
  17. Hillary didn't spend her donations on herself like Trump did with his foundation.
  18. I've admired and liked Hillary Clinton for decades. Like President Obama I thought she was eminently qualified to be president. There are tens of millions who feel like I do.
  19. So none of this is really happening? Whew. You can stop posting now.
  20. I don't know. Why are they being sent way when they legally go to a port of entry? TIA
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