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Posts posted by Texasrocks

  1. Sark showed in Washington and the last three years that he can build a team. Now we need to see if he can maintain what he's doing right (recruiting, navigating the portal, S&C, support staff, player development) and address weaknesses (secondary and game management).

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, troph said:

    I couldn't care less. Penix has already lost 2-3 years of NFL time playing for 6 years and WA won’t be a mainstay in the NIL era. I don’t see them recruiting a Penix caliber QB anytime soon. Deboer probably leaves soon too. 

    I assume Washington take a  big step back next year with the loss of Penix and Odunze. They seem like a rich man's version of TCU from last season.

  3. 7 minutes ago, sith_horn said:

    Truth. Sweat and Murphy aren't coming back. Collins is likely gone too. We've got some promising guys in the pipeline, but it would be a miracle to replace their capability by next season. And similar with Worthy, Mitchell, Sanders and JWhitt.

    Washington is Exhibit A that high-level QB play can take you a long way. If Ewers keeps progressing, anything is possible. He's got to make a leap though.

  4. Now we find out how good a coach Sark is. That was a disappointing end to a great season and Sark should be proud of what his team accomplished this year. That said, there are some clear issues that need to be fixed. Saban is the GOAT because, win or lose, he continually adjusts. Sark needs to do the same. There's no shame in getting lit up by Penix, but the secondary struggled way too much this year. Something's got to change back there. The offense struggled in the red zone most of the year. Some of that was Ewers, some play calling, some sloppy execution. Whatever it was, Sark needs to work it out. Clock management was iffy at times. The team too often played down to its competition. Hopefully Sark can make whatever changes are necessary to win the whole thing next year.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Doc Daneeka said:

    I remember driving from the Dayton airport to Columbus and listening to this clown literally laugh at the idea that Texas had a chance in the Shoe at night. Luckily for him, he doesn’t get paid to be right, just to get attention. Saying stupid things is a really good way to do that. I’m looking at you, too, Bohls. 

    I'm not sure I've ever paid attention to Bohls, but I remember the locals being convinced they were going to crush Texas.

  6. 6 hours ago, TexLonghorn said:

    75% of aggy would blame t.u. for tampering with the cow outside of the portal window and paying it under the table to hurt aggy.

    10% will say that it's to be expected because they are young and next year is going to be their year.

    8% of aggy would doxx the cow and try to ruin its life because it violated a gentlecow's agreement they had to do everything aggy wants.

    5% would argue the cow was really good in the past, and would attempt to get the cow to sign a 10-year $100-million guaranteed deal to stay at aggy, not caring about how it has damaged their program.

    2%, of course, wouldn't know about it or care because they aren't red-ass.

    99% would be aroused by the cow.

    • Haha 4
  7. 46 minutes ago, The Earl of Texas said:

    I have always enjoyed the supernatural status we have with aggy.

    What happened?

    We got sip’d.

    But how?

    Well, for starters, them and the Jews control the media and all the banks! Now, their alumni used to head up the Navy SEALs and he has orchestrated a three-prong strike along with the RAND  Corporation. Sip learned this by staging 9/11. Now do you remember Operation Jade Helm? Well…

    Texas is like Schrodinger's cat - depending on the situation, it somehow controls and manipulates everything while also being insignificant and weak.

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Mitch Cumsteen said:

    Don't fucking fall for any of this propaganda. Wake the fuck up. This is an insidious plot to kill us all off via aggie misery overdose. Straight up Longhorn genocide. That's the only plausible explanation for what they have done to their program.  It's like the Holocaust, but Hitler using Three Stooges movies instead of gas chambers. 

    First they came for Jimbo, and I did not speak out because mother of god, they are actually going to pay a $76 million buyout.
    Then they came for Stoops, and I did not speak out because Texags is running their program and humiliating their AD.
    Then they came for Elko, and I did not speak out because holy shit that suit button is about to give up the ghost.
    Then they came for the Duke assistants, and I did not speak out because even they were like, "WTF? No way I'm moving to College Station."
    Then they came for E Rob, and I did not speak out because OMG he's actually recruiting guys to fucking Syracuse off their roster while he's the acting head coach.
    Then they came for the "NIL", and I did not speak out because the BMAs had to allocate that cash to paying off Jimbo.
    Then they came for the five stars, and I did not speak out because Lane Kiffin is trolling the hell out of them on twitter.
    Then they came for the committed recruits, and I did not speak out because Flipmas!
    Then they came for the no name comfort hire middling inside LB coach of a DOA Florida program who got shitcanned by Mack Brown and cheated at Army... and I just don't know how much more of this I can take.

    My biggest fear, outside of OD, is that I'm forever going to be chasing the dragon. 

    "Listen, years ago I rode with Franchione against Mack Brown. I lost many sheep but I thought it was worth it to be free. When Sherman became President, I supported him – but he stole my sheep. Then came Rumlin and he stole my sheep. Then it was Jimbo's term, and he stole my sheep too. Now comes Mike Elko to liberate me and the first thing he does is steal my sheep. What makes one different from the others? My sheep don’t know. All over College Station coaches come and go. Coaches rise and fall. They all stole your sheep. The only thing to change is the name of the man who takes them." - Old Army in what appears to be a Soviet bunker.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, JLake said:

    Oregon would be a playoff but for us. That isn’t debatable. If you beat Alabama twice they wouldn’t be in the playoffs either. On top of Oregon, we beat Oregon State and Arizona who are both still ranked. Also beat Utah and USC when they were ranked.

    Are you really arguing that a big 12 is better than pac 12 this year?

    There were 4 games between the Big 12 and the Pac 12. Oregon beat Tech by 8. Utah beat Baylor by 7. Colorado beat TCU by 3. OSU beat ASU by 12. In 4 games, the point differential was 6 points. Seems pretty even. Oh, and Tech is currently beating Cal by 10.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    They don’t like being reminded that they aren’t a blue blood because they think of themselves as a blue blood. Sark putting that mirror up to them pisses them off. 
    My dad was a husky fan and grew up in Bremerton. I have some relationships with a couple of his friends, my cousins went to school there, etc. 

    I agree, though even the move to USC wasn't as bad as Riley leaving OU for USC. That's where Sark got his start so he had strong connections to the program. I could see being disappointed, but hating the guy seems a bit much.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 17 hours ago, Huskyfan1997 said:

    Honestly don't know why all the hate for Sark.  Sark brought us back from the dead.  But he realized he could never consistently get 5 star recruits like USC can.  I don't blame him for going to USC.  You pair his play calling with 5 star talent and you get what Texas is now (minus the alcoholism).

    The Sark hate is weird. He left the program in much better shape than he found it and UW got a great coach when he left. That wasn't a Jimbo/FSU situation where he burned down the program on the way out.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Navin R. Johnson said:

    I’m curious, has a recruiting visit ever been reported to have ‘not gone well’, ‘the coaches did not make a great impression’?

    Tommy Tuberville's last dinner as the Tech coach.

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  13. 31 minutes ago, BurgleBro said:

    Legit question from somebody who only casually follows recruiting..

    Is TyAnthony Smith a big deal?   3 star recruit aggie has a few higher rated LBs in that class alone..

    Is it the message that we flipped somebody?   A special position of need? 

    I had the same question. His highlights aren't bad, but he doesn't really have many "holy shit" plays. With the portal, I guess there's not much downside in taking a risk on those types of players. Also, aggy tears.

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