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Everything posted by Horn21

  1. Sometimes shopping on Christmas Eve isn’t the worst decision ever.
  2. Absolutely. And I like that he makes recs based on what he truly enjoys and not just what the popular opinions might be for certain whiskey.
  3. I had my eye on the EC18 during the Austin Shaker raffle last weekend. Have not had it, but have heard good things. Unfortunately for me I was one of about 10 people that didn't get my name drawn.
  4. And he used to be married to Sia, whatever that is worth.
  5. So, I updated my current whisk(e)y inventory last night. Hopefully this isn't too long-catty. The BTAC and OFBB are '17s. I have a couple things to celebrate on the horizon that I will pop the cherry on the WLW & GTS for, but most of the unopened stuff is waiting to be rotated into the drinking lineup once the opened bottle ahead of it is drained. I started this inventory in part because I wasn't sure how much I had unopened vs. opened. It certainly feels like I have way less than 50 open bottles, but that might be because I've emptied a number of bottles over the last couple weeks. It's quite a spectrum of bottles from garbage to greatness. I also have some noticeable holes that need to be refilled. Unopened Opened 1792 SB Full Proof 1 A Midwinter Nights Dram 1 Ardbeg Uigeadail 1 Balvenie DoubleWood 1 Barrell SB Cask Strength 1 1 Basil Hayden’s 2 Ben Milam SB 1 1 Ben Milam Straight Rye 1 Bernheim Wheat 1 Black Maple Hill Rye 1 1 Blanton’s SB 3 2 Dalmore 12 1 Eagle Rare 2 1 Eagle Rare (1.75L) 1 Eagle Rare SB 1 Elijah Craig 2 Elijah Craig BP 1 2 Elmer T Lee SB 1 1 Evan Williams SB 1 Four Roses SB 1 George T. Stagg 1 Glenfiddich 12 1 Glenrothes 1995 1 Henry McKenna SB 1 Ivy Mountain Appalachian Corn 1 1 Jefferson’s Pres Select 18 1 Joseph Magnus (Sherry/Cognac) 1 Kentucky Owl Rye #02 1 Knob Creek SB 1 Knob Creek SB Rye 1 1 Kooper Family Rye 1 Lagavulin 16 1 Laphroaig Quarter Cask 1 Macallan 12 1 Noah’s Mill 1 Old Forester 1910 1 Old Forester 1920 1 Old Forester Birthday 2 1 Old Forester SB 1 Rebel Yell SB 1 1 Rock Hill Farms SB 2 1 Russell’s Reserve Rye 1 Russell’s Reserve SB 1 2 Stagg Jr. BP 1 1 Suntory Toki 1 Templeton Rye 1 Texas Ranger Blended 1 Thomas H. Handy 1 1 Tomintoul 16 1 TX Blended 1 Very Old Barton 1 Weller 12 2 1 Weller Antique 1 Weller Antique (1.75) 1 Weller Special Reserve (1.75L) 1 William Larue Weller 1 33 50
  6. That looks fantastic. I feel like a Celestial + Dallas golf for ABW + Lions Muni golf deal should be in the works. Maybe Onion Creek, if I can pull some strings.
  7. Build the chopped onions into a mound and let the heat and the moisture from the onion work their magic in the center of the pan. A chef showed me one time and it’s completely changed the quality of my caramelized onions. It takes patience for sure.
  8. They actually do distribute it.
  9. That one is ~$85? Think you’ll buy a 2nd bottle?
  10. And just to let @USCATX and @Whiskyteer know....imaginary barrel no. 5017755 tastes delicious. You're welcome to try it sometime if you live in Austin. But only if you have enough Christmas spirit to believe that it exists.
  11. Speaking of Balcones, I am curious about these fellas. But at $85/$115, my curiosity will have to wait until someone tells me they're worth it.
  12. She also got: 2 bottles of a nice store pick ECBP, 4 bottles of Blanton's, 2 bottles of Kentucky Owl, and 4 bottles of RHF. Among others.
  13. You're really gonna roll your eyes when I tell you how I acquired 3 bottles in the first place. My wife threw me a big surprise party for my 40th this year and bought a ton of whiskey for it. She didn't know anything about the OFBB but it had Birthday in the name and because she found out that the annual release date is actually her birthday, so she bought them.
  14. I've got 2 unopened '17 OFBB and a 3rd with a few pours remaining. I know there were less bottles this year, but if anyone gets his hands on a couple '18s and wants to trade one for a '17, I'm your huckleberry.
  15. I haven’t really tried much of their stuff, but I know that[mention=129]capnamerca[/mention] is a big fan of BM’s products.
  16. The W12 might make up for the highly questionable sock/pant situation. Mayyybee.
  17. Horn21


    I’m curious what point it is that you are attempting to make here. Unless I am wrong, there is one woman who was behind this fraud and those seeking asylum had no part in the fraud. On top of that, and this isn’t even the point, but I feel like it should be pointed out to you... the denial rate for asylum seekers is something like 75-85% in most cases, depending on country of origin. So this lady was running a scam over 4+ years involving 100 applications. Let’s assume 1/4 of those applications were accepted. So.......7 people a year have “invaded” our border over the last 4 years because of this woman. Congrats on that super awesome “Gotcha!” moment, I guess?
  18. Horn21


    So when your original argument that was essentially along the lines of “How can I be racism-ist????!! These god damnt Mexicans don’t even like these other god damnt look alike Mexicans!!!” is shown for the horseshit that it is, you decide to.... stroke out? Given your gibberish response, the alternative is that you lack a functioning brain.
  19. Only on days that end in "y"
  20. I’ve got 2 bottles of the 518 batch. That’s some damn tasty bourbon.
  21. You're sorta whistling past the graveyard if you don't take issue with the current GOP leadership direction. It's easy to scare dumb people, and that's Trump's tactic. Let's demonize the media and the liberal public educators and keep folks scared. That's his plan. I grew up in suburban Dallas and have voted Republican/Libertarian in every election since 1996. I just turned 40 this year and voted for a slew of Dems for the first time in my life. Even typing "I voted for Dems" is a bit of a shock to my system. Sure, my worldview has changed somewhat over the years. But more than that, I've come to realize that the current GOP does not stand for the kinds of things that I thought it stood throughout my 20s and into my 30s. My default position is to be skeptical of politicians in general, any of them really. So while the issues matter to me, I don't trust many politicians to maintain integrity on their stated positions on the issues. This election, for me and many others, went beyond the issues. It came down to decency and leading with hope rather than fear. Is Beto a perfect candidate? Hardly. But unlike Cruz, he focused on hope and moving our country forward as a diverse group of people, while Cruz cowered to Trump and tried to win my vote by telling me that I need to be scared of brown people and baby-killing liberals. He gave me zero reason to actually vote for him. It might be anecdotal, but I've talked to a lot of friends and acquaintances in the same position. Me (40), my wife (37), and my mom (70) all punched D on our ballots for a lot of candidates for the first time in our lives this month. I just found out this week that my mom voted for a lot of Dems. I was shocked. "Unfortunately for him, I cancelled out your Dad's vote."
  22. I think you're ignoring reality, Sack. Brisket is correct. Trump and his pack of GOP cowards who bend the knee to him have turned off the female and the educated demographics, regardless of age. The only demographic adding numbers for the GOP are uneducated white males.
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