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Everything posted by jinx

  1. I think I landed the kill shot!
  2. This is correct. It is not a commuter school, FAU, FIU, UCF and USF are the state commuter schools. There is almost zero campus life at UM, but it is more like a northeast liberal arts school with 5,000 students than any of those above or a UH. The commenter that said you wouldn't know you were on campus unless someone told you is correct. It is VERY small and unassuming. Is Rice a commuter school? Because that is what I would compare Miami to rather than SMU. It isn't as hard to get into as Rice, but much harder than SMU. And Coral Gables is one of the most gorgeous, ridiculously extravagant places I have ever been. Beautiful people everywhere and Ferraris on every block.
  3. Oh, I love Johnny Cash. I'm just saying everyone listed is no longer on this planet. I should have said "no existing Arkys"
  4. So would this have been cool before NIL? I don’t remember it happening before.
  5. Thanks for posting. It was cool to rewatch in 40 minutes. I was there and that place was lit up. It will be crazy again Saturday night. This is why I think the game will be close. We had much more talent than the pigs that year and they still played us until the last second. Both teams are worse, and we have a new coach and freshman QB.
  6. I am just unbelievably thankful, after our first game with a new head coach, that the most concerning thing Surly has to worry about is some ginger GA that may or may not have been yelled at by our coach.
  7. I mean, I think most of us know that OL is truly a 2-3 year fix that we have been working on for the past 15 years. Maybe this 2-3 years will be the real 2-3 year fix.
  8. But just think how much better we would be if the shittier players ate runny eggs, or if Sark kissed the players because he loves them.
  9. On the rewatch last night, it seemed like he was sitting somewhere on a bench when he called the walk in keeper for Card. That was pretty crazy. He was listening to the guys in the booth and it looked like he was nowhere near the sideline.
  10. That replay on the surprise onside emphasizes your point. BJ watched that ball straight off of his foot and caught it like he expected it to happen. Amazing coaching on that play for sure. You could tell it was well drilled.
  11. We paid 1.5 million for a game that everyone is talking about almost as much as the prime week one matchups. I'd say we got every penny's worth. Please stunt on these hoes Sark.
  12. Maybe we beat them by 1.5 million
  13. jinx

    Florida Gators

    I’ll be in Gainesville Saturday night. Go Gators!
  14. I will be happy if we get to 30 and hold them in the teens. Anything less will give me concern. In all honesty, this should be an easy win. We have much more talent than them, we just need top notch coaching (because they have that). It’s just been a decade since we have seen good Texas football, so I’ll still believe it when I see it. But this video was the best hype video I saw for the season. I hope the Homer is right.
  15. It’s gonna be hard for that 5’10” QB of theirs to be able to see much after these 2 shove that skinny center into him after every snap.
  16. I think Kirk may have his own jizz jar as much as he loves A&M. Sure Kirk, A&M has a much better fan base just like Reggie McNeal is better than Vince Young.
  17. jinx


    The fact that 247 thinks both will play goes along with all of the speculation I have seen on here that Sark may pull one for the other mid season. Everything I have read and seen of Sarks history with QBs is he picks one and sticks with him. I highly doubt there will be much switching or playing time for second string unless there is an illness or injury. He seems to have the same philosophy with all of his starters. And after Herman’s ridiculous roster management it is actually something I am most looking forward to.
  18. I was told that was all Texas fault
  19. Why is the tower lit for a national title? Did I miss something?
  20. I was going to pass up on the neg fest, but in my skim of your whining I happened to read your last sentence. You should feel bad and I feel bad for you.
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