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Posts posted by mdleast

  1. The time I was able to have a fresh Surly Xtra, I thought it was tremendous.


    However, I’m also a guy who looks forward to getting to have a Celis Raspberry again so weigh what I say accordingly.


  2. Enjoying a beer brought back by mdmost that he picked up for me in the Portland airport. Wish more airports had local beers you could buy ((inside security)) that you can carry on the plane and bring home with you. The only two I know of/have been to are in SFO (the Napa Market store has OK but not great beers but a decent enough amount of them) and Stone brewpub in the San Diego airport has a cooler with beers to go though, given that it’s Stone and their beers are everywhere, it is nothing all that exotic/something you probably could get back home.




  3. Went and saw it again with my daughter and I definitely liked it a lot better the second time. Decided to watch it this time without thinking at all about the book which helped. I’d say this is the rare movie that would be better to see BEFORE you read the book. Also echoing what was said before I was surprised that there were so few people at the 12:20 screening we attended at the Alamo here.

  4. As much as I really love his first three films, the subsequent ones have had diminishing returns for me. I didn’t care for Mr Fox at all and I’m worried this will be more of the same for me.

    Also, semi-serious and semi-joking, whenever I see any praise for his movies now, I do kinda think of this bit from SNL:


  5. Saw it last night. As the saying goes, the book is always better than the movie. However, it also seems to be a movie that is only more generally based on the book. Same characters and basic plot but also lots of differences/divergents from the book plot. I always realize that there is not enough time in a movie to cover all that is in the book but it also kind of felt like..,someone giving a book report about it after having only read the Cliff’s Notes version of it and, even then, changing up various plot points. Didn’t hate it but certainly didn’t love it.

  6. 1a The Audible

    1b Solid Verbal

    2 Podcast Ain't Played Nobody


    3 Maybe Shutdown Fullcast if I am out of other things.I find their non-CFB banter to be off-putting/grating (and I am a huge every day listening fan of Dallas' Ticket sports radio so it's not that I don't like it when hosts talk non-sports...I just don't dig how these guys go it).  For reference, I feel the same way when Trey and BK on the Horn are talking non-sports items.I think I am just spoiled at how well/unforced the Ticket guys make it sound.



    Current future schedules (and let's see how formatting, etc. work on this new site):



    • 09/05 - USF
    • 09/12 - at LSU






    • TBA
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