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Everything posted by mdleast

  1. Things I like in the Bay Area: The sesame chicken at House of Nanking Hanging out around the Palace of Fine Arts The cool vintage arcade at Pier 45 The Japanese Tea Garden
  2. In the Bay Area for a couple of weeks and got to visit my favorite beer bar (Toronado) for a Pliny AND got to try the triple dry hopped Pliny for President (twice)!
  3. Yes! Part of my annual “hurry up and get here football season” routine. Like to read the team and position breakdowns in August and then save the specific opponent chapters for the week of each game. The season is one step closer now!
  4. Fun fact: did you know there is a Taco Bell in Pacifica, CA that (1) is right on the beach and (2) has their own (surprisingly OK) IPA brewed for them? Also, just a few miles down south in the same center in Half Moon Bay, you can visit Half Moon Bay Brewing (good beers and food…just don’t order the fish tacos) as well as Hop Dogma. Their Alpha Dankapotamus just won a gold at the US Beer Open Championship for West Coast IPA
  5. Once again, let’s give it up for the selection in not California beer stores but California grocery stores
  6. How many times (seasons) are they gonna go to the “sleeping giant” well? All of them?
  7. Like “put a ring on it” engagement?
  8. We joke but let’s be honest: that is terribly unfair for aggy fans to have to see each and every time they start the game. Perhaps they’ll do an aggy-specific patch to customize their start screen:
  9. Stanley Kubrick finally got her
  10. Susie : You guys, I'm really going to miss this place. Coop : Me too. Ben : Hey, let's all promise that in ten years from today, we'll meet again, and we'll see what kind of people we've blossomed into. Susie : Yeah! Ben : What time do you wanna meet? J.J. : You mean ten years from now? Coop : Let's meet in the morning so we can make a day of it. Susie : Okay, so what is it? Is it like 9:00? 9:30? Coop : Well, let's say 9:00, that way we can be here by 9:30. McKinley : Well, no, why don't we say 9:30, and then make it your beeswax to be here by 9:30? I mean, we'll all be in our late 20s by then. I just don't see any reason why we can't be places on time. Gary : Okay, then, it's settled. 9:30 it is. All agreed? Together : Agreed. McKinley : Good, because I have something at 11:00. Gary : You just have like a trapper-keeper full of appointments, right? McKinley : No, I just have something at 11:00, and I can't change it, because I already moved it twice.
  11. The response to “Orwellian butter” had me rolling
  12. Don't care will watch
  13. For you beer nerd types such as I, any recs for breweries in the area (let's say generally in the Denver/Boulder/metro area) to check out? It's kind of a choice overload as I look at the options. When looking at out of town places, I am always looking for (i) primarily, the best local beers we can't get back here in Texas and (ii) maybe secondarily, breweries we get distributed here in Texas but have a great brewery/taproom that's worth the visit. TIA
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