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Ollie Slatt

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Posts posted by Ollie Slatt

  1. 12 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Just in the last year, there was a football player busted for being a dealer and the FBI is investigating the basketball program.  OSU isn't any worse than any other school but they're convinced OU is the most cheatingest program ever.  

    These are some terrible examples.   There was a drug dealer . . . . and he was swiftly kicked off the team.   Every college team has some idiots they have to kick off. But you drew a direct comparison with OU, who has a history of not actually punishing anything their players do.  If you want to see the difference between the two football programs, then compare the treatment of Tyreek Hill with Joe Mixon.  

    The basketball thing is a bad look.  But it was a single assistant making money for himself rather than something institutional that helped the team in any way.   And the guy was quickly fired once it came to light.  

  2. On 6/24/2018 at 6:22 PM, Aqua Buddha said:

    Unlike OU, most of their fans have some sort of tie to the school.  They're also convinced OU is the most cheatery program in history (possibly true) while Okie State has never cheated or broken the rules (most definitely not true).  They're just as bad as OU and maybe worse but hey, who doesn't have a blind eye for their own team or political party?

    One of the worst college towns of any P5 school, though.  

    Every OSU fan I know acknowledges OSU cheated heavily through the 80s.  And I have heard multiple OSU fans express skepticism about the cleanliness of the basketball program when Ford was there.  But "just as bad as OU"? Really?  I don't think you can say Gundy is running a dirty program.  If he is, then he is really bad at it because the recruiting has always been meh.  

    As others have stated, people who din't attend universities in true college towns don't get it.  I went to OSU and grad school at UT.  Had a great time both places, but the experiences were different.  There is something really great about being able to walk or ride a bike everywhere you need to go in a small town and constantly seeing people you know.  When over half a town are students, it creates a pretty great vibe.   

  3. 17 hours ago, XYZ said:

    In Austin, I have eaten BBQ from Franklin, La Barbecue, Micklethwait, Stiles Switch, Salt Lick, and Brown’s. Which place should I try next? Brisket is my thing. Thanks.

    The above recs of Kerlin and Valentina's are spot on.  I will add that you should check out Leroy & Lewis on one of the days they are serving beef cheeks.  Not exactly like brisket, but close and damn delicious.  

  4. 13 hours ago, Yarbr said:

    I'm guessing big tabocco gets in to it soon.

    Definitely.  The strange thing about this state by state legalization effort that is occurring right now while still illegal on a federal level is that everything has to be done in cash.  It seems to be creating a system where those with access to large sums of cash who do not need bank help (including big tobacco) are at a huge competitive advantage in the new market.    

  5. 51 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I like how almost none of the recs here are where he asked-Downtown or Arboretum.  Can't tell if that's just surly being shaggy, or people genuinely don't know where downtown Austin is.  

    It probably has more to do with the lack of quality options downtown as compared to the rest of Austin (especially if you want a Texas/Austin vibe).  I guess Roaring Fork would tick all of the boxes for OP, but there are a lot of other places I would rather go in this city.  

  6. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Keep telling yourself that it won't. Texas is the next California.

    Its all about urbanization.  Eventually enough people will move to cities / go to college to offset the rural population.  

  7. There was a push for this 5-6 years ago . . . except then it was for six separate states.  I have always suspected that this was a push from republicans to break up electoral votes and gain some senators.  But ironically, I think the new more republican states would get screwed in this deal.  "South California" would just be a shitty state altogether, and both South California and the new "California" would have major water problems and lose their ability to steal water from Nor Cal.  

    From a cultural standpoint, there are major differences between different parts of California.  It is kind of funny that folks in the state of Jefferson, the San Joaquin Valley, and wealthy coastal areas are all in the same state.  You could say the same about Texas, but the differences in California seem much more severe.  




  8. 7 hours ago, Stoogey said:

    No one in their right mind would take that piece of shit as serious fishing gear. Ron Popeil admitted that it was purchased by elderly women as gifts for nephews.

    Earlier this year I saw a guy fishing with one of these on the Devil's River.  The dude had taken the time to travel to the most pristine and out of the way fishing spot in Texas only to use a pocket fisherman.  It was mind bottling.  

  9. 13 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    so, my wife wants to take my sons fishing this summer, but she's pretty amateur, and she wants to stay close in. she is planning on taking them in the morning to maybe red bud isle. is that a decent enough spot, or is there anywhere anyone might recommend in or near austin?

    There are some ponds behind central market that are a kid friendly fishing spot.  I usually take my kids to either Bull Creek or McKinney Falls.   

    • Like 1
  10. 23 hours ago, Rimbo said:

    Oh, what you say is hardly "consistent" with the OT. Remember Genesis 1:26? "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”"

    Maybe God was just using the royal we. You know, the editorial.

  11. 17 hours ago, CooterBrown said:


    Tony’s Southern Cooking was solid and had great friend chicken. Maybe that’s it? Ben’s Long Branch BBQ was in the Franklin building IIRC.


    I finally figured it out.  Place I was thinking of was called Gene's.  Total dive but had great fried chicken.  I think it was in the building that is now Hillside Pharmacy. 

  12. I was actually going to nominate Miley's "We Can't Stop" for this thread . . . but after watching some of these videos, I think she just does not belong in the thread.  

    Definitely nuts though.  And I find her friendship/collaboration with Wayne Coyne odd (see https://www.theguardian.com/music/2017/jan/12/flaming-lips-wayne-coyne-on-miley-cyrus-acid-asap-rocky).   That guy somehow went from being one of the coolest guys in music circa 2001 to a sad, weird creepster.  His shtick is not aging well.    

  13. Nubian Queen Lola's.  Also, there used to be a good fried chicken place on the East side that I would frequent circa 2007-08.  I think it was called Ben's, but I cant find any record of it on the interwebs.  


    Just noticed that Bullfight closed.  I recall that a few people on here held it in very high regard.  



  14. 23 hours ago, CooterBrown said:

    Spotify has a pandora like function also. I personally like it better since it goes into some deep cuts and obscure music I’ve never heard before. Pandora rarely gives me anything I haven’t heard before.

    This is true.  Pandora actually hires human music experts to listen to songs and map out song characteristics.  Spotify (and almost everyone else) uses a machine listening technology (called EchoNest) to build playlists.  I think the Pandora approach does a better job at predicting user tastes . . . but the draw back is the smaller playlists you mentioned.  The machine listening approach allows for an exponentially larger catalog of songs when building playlists.  

    Both services have on-demand features that should have nearly identical catalogs. 

    Apple music is good too.  YouTube is supposed to be revamping their services this year, and it should be better than Google's prior offerings.  


  15. 2 hours ago, MoJames said:

    Tbo has been flirting with Real Madrid for over 2 years and from a distance it appears his commitment to CFC was always a question mark.  He apparently was a part of the reason KDB was uncomfortable at CFC, that and Mou not giving him playing time.

    I think he just wants to live in the same city as his kids.  I read an interview earlier this year where he indicated he would be happy to play for either Madrid team.  

  16. No.  The point of the Mayer example is that "talent" or technical skill playing an instrument (or singing) does not necessarily make you a talented overall musician.  What matters is your ability to make music that is worth listening to. 

    I don't discount that Stills is a talented guitarist or that Crosby has a great voice . . . they just are not the equal of Neil when it comes to an all around ability to make great music.   

  17. 32 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Wait, what?  Neil Young was "so much more talented" than David Crosby, Graham Nash, and Stephen Stills?  

    I'm not a big CSN/CSNY fan, but I'd put Neil behind at least one other member on both voice and guitar.  As a songwriter, yes, I'd say he was the most talented, but in terms of the sheer physicality of being a musician, well . . .

    Songwriting and the ability to convey emotion in your music count for a lot.  The "sheer physicality of being a musician"  is wasted if you can't convert that into compelling music.  Consider John Mayer's talent on a guitar . . . its immense, but I have no interest in any of his shitty music.  Neil's singing and guitar playing are raw and rich with emotion.  Its why he made at least 4 or 5 solo records that are considered classics and guys like Nash and Crosby did not.  

  18. 19 minutes ago, Nole-4-Life said:

    Neil Young...I like some of his songs, but his voice grates on me. How he hooked up with songbirds Crosby, Stills and Nash is beyond me. It's like their mom made them put their shitty brother in the band.

    What?  I get that not everyone likes Neil's voice.  But he was so much more talented than anyone else in that band that it is not even funny.  Its not a coincidence that he was on by far their best record.  

    • Like 2
  19. Tier 1: Pearl Jam, Wilco, Nirvana

    Tier 2: Pumpkins, RATM, Weezer (on strength of first 2 albums)  


    If we want to include individuals, then I would throw Jeff Buckley and Ryan Adams into the discussion as well.  


    I don't even particularly like Nirvana, but their place and importance in rock history cannot be denied.  



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