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Ollie Slatt

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Posts posted by Ollie Slatt

  1. 1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:

    The Grand Tour.  May be the greatest of all time feel bad songs.

    Anytime you have a kid in the mix, that song is going to rip your heart out.

    When I saw the thread title my first thoughts were Grand Tour and TVZ's Marie (already posted above).  Here is a nice little version of Grand Tour


    • Like 2
  2. 35 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

    What will be the rallying cry for the Evangelicals to be politically active if RvW is overturned? Is the threat of it coming back enough to keep them voting?

    Of course it will be.  These are largely the same people people still talking about welfare queens 20 years after they go the welfare reforms they wanted.  Republican fear mongering does not have to be rooted in truth to work.  

  3. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    I had thought at first glance that this was a pretty clear cut case of federal preemption.  But apparently not.  By couching its repeal of net neutrailty rules as an invalid exercise under TItle II of the Telecom Act, and by telecoms arguing that there is no consumer protection authority under Title i, the FCC has opened the field to state regulation geared to consumer protection.



    That is interesting and very funny.  I had just assumed California was doing this more as a political stunt . . . I never considered that the feds failed to preempt state action. 


  4. This thread reminded me of law school when we had to go though all of the commerce clauses cases chronologically up through Gonzales v. Raich, which is a case worth reading for anyone interested in this issue.   You dip into the case law and it becomes very clear that some conservatives (Rehnquist) actually do care about states' rights.  Others (Scalia) care about it only up to the point where the consequences become politically unpalatable for them.   

    In this instance, there is an obvious interstate element -- certainly a lot more of an impact on interstate commerce than homegrown medical MJ, which was at stake in Raich.  From a legal perspective, the Feds should probably be able to win the case.  And rightly so.  But that does not change the hypocrisy.  We had many decades of conservatives bloviating about states being a laboratory for new ideas, a substantive 10th amendment, etc. They largely abandoned those principles when "states rights" stopped being code for protecting racists and started being code for states liberalizing MJ laws and trying to protect the environment. 


  5. Interesting.  The few times I have been there it was filled with olds in pleated pants.  I think of it as a spot for convention attendees.     

    I don't think the food is bad, but it is certainly not exciting.  Very generic southern food. 

  6. 55 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    I heard this guy on a podcast recently.  He's a piece of shit.  Thinks he's some super smart guy on a mission, but is just an attention whore.  I hope he goes away for a long time.

    This.  I heard an interview with this guy recently (maybe on NPR).  Seemed like a complete ass.  The interviewer would ask thoughtful questions, and his response to every question was both moronic (he basically answered every question with some version of "because I believe in the 2nd amendment") and said in the most condescending tone imaginable.  

  7. Ryan Adams - Heartbreaker

    The Band - Music From Big Pink

    Flying Burrito Brothers - Gilded Palace of Sin

    Jeff Buckley - Grace

    And the PJ, Son Volt, and Weezer mentions above are also spot on.  


  8. Cornelius was no doubt better in this game. He at least made some good reads. But I am still skeptical. And the o line is not what it needs to be.  

    From what we have seen so far, I expect about 8 wins.  I will be surprised if we beat Boise, OU, or TCU.  And I think we lose at least 1-2 other conference games.  The only thing keeping me somewhat optimistic is that some of the other Big 12 teams look unimpressive so far.  

    Hopefully we can put up a good showing against Boise.  We don't know much about the team yet given the poor competition in the first two games.  A win in that game would shift my perspective a good bit.  

  9. If you want a hotel that feels old school with a cool/historic western motif bar, stay at the Driskill.  You want a bit more hip and close to a lot of bars, then stay at the Van Zandt. 

    A day of food for someone visiting Austin for the first time should look something like this:

    (1) Breakfast -- start the day with a breakfast taco.  Veracruz All Natural is a good place for this.  Taco Joint is another personal favorite. 

    (2) Lunch - -get bbq.  If you are not from Texas, then any of the following places will likely serve you the best bbq you have ever had: Franklin; Mickelthwait; LaBBQ; Kerlin; Leroy & Lewis; Valentina's 

    (3)  Nice dinner options -- you can't go wrong with Uchi; Odd Duck; Launderette; Justine's; Kemuri; or Suerte

    After all that, take your lady out two stepping.  Broken Spoke if you don't mind other tourist, or White Horse if you don't mind hipsters. 

    • Like 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:







    Some of your examples are clearly making the sign on purpose.  But not all.  I guarantee that was not Lyor Cohen's intent in this pic.  

    I suspect the girl today was accidental.  But with the shit the GOP keeps doing, who knows.  

  11. 49 minutes ago, G650 said:

    There's few pieces more classic than an all gold Day Date 

    On a woman, sure.  If you are Jack Nicklaus, cool.  On a man over 60, ok.  On a younger guy the all gold seems pretentious to me. 

    In my old firm there was a guy in his 40s that sported an all gold rolex and people would joke about how pretentious it looked. 

    • Like 1
  12. Gold looks good on leather/croc.  

    Gold bracelet (for men) or gold on rubber seems gauche.  There are some exceptions. the IWC posted above is ok, and a gold aquanaut is obviously cool on rubber.  But generally a no go.   

  13. Amistad is solid.  I have used them and would use them again.  The shuttle cost seems high until you see how far it is, how rough the roads are, etc. 

  14. I am sure the locals can chime in with more informed restaurant recs.  But when there for work I have had great meals at Tosca and Rasika.  Also enjoyed Le Diplomate up by Logan Circle.  

    The best thing about the Willard is the bar nuts in the Round Robin bar.  Damn things are addicting.  

  15. 24 minutes ago, chainsaw said:

    I honestly think people underestimate the power of peer pressure when it comes to politics.  So many people are called moderate when really they're just outsourcing their thinking to their neighbors.  If they see a bunch of W stickers in their neighborhood, they will vote Republican.  It will be interesting to see how many first time D voters will be casting those votes because of all the Beto signs they're seeing everywhere.


    I think the same thing happened with Trump signs, especially in traditionally D states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

    I don't want to believe this is how people vote . . . but it is absolutely part of it.  I have lived in some very liberal places where the apathetic and uninterested vote D just because everyone else does, and I have lived in very conservative areas where the opposite happens. 

    My wife is very apolitical but grew up in rural Texas.  For years she would claim to be a republican, but when asked for a gut opinion on most issues would have a fairly liberal view.  I think she now claims to be a democrat mostly because she has lived around a lot of democrats for the majority of her adult life (and she liked the Obamas and thinks Trump is creepy) . . . it has little to do with well examined political thought.   

    Because of this phenomenon, I think the blue/urban parts of Texas will become increasingly blue and the rural parts will remain red.  We should end up like Oregon or Washington where the state goes blue simply because the urban/suburban population outnumbers the rural population and after a few generations of living in urban settings people start to self-identify as democrats.   It will be a welcome change for the state, but it is not necessarily a sign that the average Texan has somehow become more enlightened.  

  16. Ditto the above.  More weight = more dragging.  

    I have a 10' piece of thick rope tied to one end of the kayak. I tied it in a a big enough loop to easily throw over my shoulder.  You may also want a bit of rope to help lower the kayak down Dolan falls, depending on how you do that portage.  Some of the campsites have raccoons, so the rope can be handy for hanging your food too. 

  17. I dig this thread.  Someone throw out some legit Austin examples so I can go sample them. 

    I like Borrego, Taco More and Mi Tradicion, but I am guessing those don't quite qualify for this thread.  They all tend to have at least one member of the waitstaff that speaks English . . . which is who they send to my table under the correct assumption that my Spanish sucks.    

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