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Ollie Slatt

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Posts posted by Ollie Slatt

  1. On 8/18/2018 at 7:07 AM, deadshank said:

    The Nashville machine is to blame.

    This seems like the correct answer to me.  However, I reject the premise that seems to be present in most of the posts on this thread that mainstream country used to be really good and lost its way somewhere in the 90s/2000s.  The Nashville machine and country radio are doing the same thing they have always done . . . market to America's rubes.  And guess what, rubes often have bad taste.   

    And so much really good country music made over the years was so different from the Nashville sound of the day that it had to be classed as some sub-genre to differentiate it (Bakersfield country; cosmic country; outlaw country, neo-traditional, Americana, etc.).  

    Guys like Guy Clark, Lyle Lovett, and Townes never had commercial success.  Even most of Willie's best albums (with some exceptions like Redheaded Stranger) were commercial flops.  The country crowd was too busy listening to Kenny Rogers and Glen Campbell.  There are obvious exceptions (I know Dwight, Buck, Dolly, Loretta, and other greats all had commercial success among the mainstream country masses), but most country fans have had bad taste for many decades.    

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  2. 4 hours ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    alt-country, i think we can all agree, is a scourge worse than the alt-right and fake alt-left combined. In fact, run on that ticket and I think you get bipartisan support.

    Wrong!  I listened to the Uncle Tupelo Anthology today. Still rad after all these years.  Alt-country forever (though I think "Americana" is now the preferred nomenclature).  

    • Like 1
  3. Good article.  Guendouzi has showed good passing range.  And Torriera is supposed to be a decent passer who should look better once settled into the club.  I am hopeful the two of them can pair up and negate the need for GX.  As the article points out, that did not really happen in the second half against Chelsea.  But I think it will work given time.  So far Guendouzi has been operating as more of a 6, but he could definitely be pushed up the pitch a bit more.  If those two start to really click (along with AMN once he is healthy), we could have a solid central midfield for many years to come.  

  4. 1 hour ago, Message Board User said:

    Anyone who says they can get through the first 30 seconds of this video without laughing is a baldfaced liar.

    I started laughing as soon as I heard Bryan Adams.  I laughed again when I noticed she put "FAIR USE" in the caption as if saying that has some magical legal significance.  

  5. Huge caveat that I don't play electric much anymore and have not shopped for a new electric guitar in 15 years . . . but I always loved G&L and seem to remember that even their cheaper models had pretty good quality.   So maybe try out a legacy ASAT special and see what you think.  

  6. Most of those schools sound great if she does not mind cold weather, but I would try to assert your fatherly influence to get UMass removed from the list.  

    (1) College kids change majors.  Who you are at 18 and who you are at 20 can be drastically different.  You could pick a new major at Michigan and still be at a great school.  I am not sure the same is true at UMass.   Bottom line, I would never pick a school solely based on one program. 

    (2) You would be greatly increasing the odds of ending up with a masshole son in law (just picture your grand kids decked in red sox and pats gear)    


    Also, did she visit Scotland in winter?  The sun sets at 3:30.   

    • Like 1
  7. The article does a nice job of pointing out that local knowledge is important no matter who you are.  

    I have worked on a few cases in front of a judge in SDNY that has some interesting idiosyncrasies in bench trials (direct exam is done on the papers and not conducted live, she sometimes writes a draft or outline of the opinion and presents it to counsel at the pre-trial conference so counsel know which way she is leaning, etc.).  Its different, but if you know what is coming you can adjust accordingly.  At the end of the day, she is a great judge, but I have seen opposing counsel get a bit petulant (which is what the govt is accused of here) because they had never tried cases in front of her before and were not prepared for some of the idiosyncrasies.   

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    These were my takeaways:

    1.  It's going to be a few matches before we fully see the difference between Emery's and Wenger's systems.  

    2.  It was a better loss to a clearly superior city team vs. how we lost to them last year.

    3.  For every great pass Gouendouzi makes, there's two lapses in concentration.  He's enthusiastic, which is nice, but it will cost us goals in the process.

    4. Torreira needs to play of ahead of Gouendouzi.

    5. Lichsteiner looks like he still has a some gas in the tank and could be a shrewd piece of business done by Mslintat and co.

    6. Never seen Cech so uncomfortable with the ball at his feet.  How soon do we see Leno?

    7. Mesut Ozil gonna Mesut Ozil.  You have to wonder if all the off the field stuff is getting to him.  Where is the player that had 19 Assists just a couple of years ago?

    8. We really need to finish the chances we get when we're playing a team like city.  There were enough quality chances to have won or in the least tied that match. 

    9. Mustafi didn't have any huge mental mistakes.  Perhaps having Sokartis and Lichsteiner playing with him makes him more focused.

    10.  I'd like to see Emile Smith-Rowe get some run of minutes when Ramsey inevitably gets injured. 

    Agree on most points.   However, to point #4, I thought Gouendouzi looked better than Xhaka.  I would not mind seeing him as an alternate to Xhaka in games where we need more of an athletic presence.  I think Torriera as a 6 and him as an 8 could be intriguing.  If he can get away from some of the mistakes, he has the tools to be really good. 

    On #10, I don't think ESR is ready and we are not exactly lacking for attacking mids.  He had some serious bright spots in preseason, but would also disappear for large portions of the games. I think we will see him in meaningless cup games, but I will surprised if we see much more than that this year.  

  9. Those three all have ok (but not great) bbq.  Stiles Switch can be a bit inconsistent, but its good days are better than the other two.  Freedmens used to be a bit better, but I think they have gone through a few different pitmasters.  And the love for TB's on this thread is a bit of a mystery to me.  

    Putting the food aside, Freedmen's has a much cooler ambiance, a bar, etc.   Overall its probably the best place to have a relaxing dinner with your out of town friends. 

  10. 1 hour ago, futureman said:

    god willing

    No, I don't think so. You know, futureman, one day I believe that you're going to wake up and realize you no longer have a brother. And you no longer have any friends. And on that day I'm gonna be standing front and center just laughing my fucking head off.

    • Like 1
  11. A solid navy or dark grey is appropriate for a funeral or wedding.  Just keep the shirt plain (white or light blue) and you will be fine in pretty much any setting.  A dark wool suit to a summer wedding in Texas can be a bit warm though.   

  12. Do you know what style of suits you prefer?  You should probably do some research before investing in a good suit.  Figure out what you like in terms of the shape of the shoulder (natural vs. a little padding), lapel width, number of buttons, vents, etc.  

    If you want to go on the lower end, I would probably try SuitSupply.  If I were going to spend a bit more, I would probably go to Houston or Dallas and go somewhere like Sid Mashburn.   


  13. 43 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Considering that federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction, they get a shit-ton of lawsuits and criminal cases and there are relatively few federal judges. They have very few days of trial time to use in a given year and a whole lot of cases to use it on.  I have found that they are extremely conscious of using very limited trial time wisely.  Therefore, they tend not to be indulgent of meandering counsel or witnesses.  They are not likely to "let you try your own case."

    Generally true. But in this case the judge is old AF and on senior status, so I doubt his case load is too heavy.   

  14. There are already a lot of options, but some of the better options seem to always be exceptionally crowded (e.g., El Dorado, Cabo Bob's, Hopdoddy).   There are a ton of people living in NW Hills, Allandale and Crestview that eat on W. Anderson.  The area could support more restaurants.  

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