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Everything posted by heso

  1. Phil didn’t do any of this to make the tour better for the smaller guys, the no-name guys, the guys missing cuts. Phil did this because he wanted the media rights to his personal highlights so he could profit from them. This wasn’t for the small guys, this was so the top handful of guys that even non-golf fans recognize could make more money than they already were. And he needed that money because he gambled too much of it away. The Saudi’s offered him insane money to leave the tour so he jumped. His decision had nothing to do with anything other than putting more money into his bank account.
  2. “In Pennsylvania, 62% of women registering since Dobbs registered as Democrats, 15% as Republicans; 54% were younger than 25.” https://www.inquirer.com/politics/election/pennsylvania-women-voter-registration-dobbs-20220822.html I can see the top of the steel building in Pittsburgh from my dining room, trump won my precinct something like 52-48. The two houses across the street from me had a Biden - Trump sign war in 2020. I have NEVER seems a yard sign anywhere around town for Oz. And almost no signs for Mastriano. Even the people loaded up with Trump and anti-Biden stuff won’t put out signs for them. No one wants to be publicly associated with these guys. The governor’s race is basically a race on abortion. Mastriano has called for a complete ban on abortion, saying it will be a crime if he’s governor. Meanwhile this was Shapiro giving interviews on cnn a couple of days after the 2020 election while everyone was waiting for PA to finish counting the mail in ballots:
  3. I was definitely cunty in my initial reply because it’s the internet and I hastily thought you were making a stupid comment that with a moment’s pause would have made obvious. The 3-4 wins a year was correct, but it’s a bit of a disservice to DJ to lump one of the all time greats with two guys that aren’t remotely close to his level. I still think you’re wildly overvaluing Reed and I think Bryson brings more value as a sideshow than he does as a golfer, but I’ll resign that eyeballs are eyeballs regardless of how you get them.
  4. Reed has a masters and 8 wins that mean nothing other than they are wins. He has more missed cuts than top 10s in the last 2 years. He’s going to slip out of the top 50 in the next few weeks and likely never make it back in.
  5. It’s not that he’s not interested in winning tournaments, he’s just not that good at winning them. He was so sure that he could dominate the tour by just being longer than everyone else that he claimed Augusta was a par 67 or whatever for him. He’s won a grand total of 1 tournament since then, a year and a half ago. But he’s young and he has talent, so I expect he’ll win a couple more after that Saudi league folds.
  6. One of those things is not like the others. You’re lumping one of the best golfers of the last decade with a guy that is decent but is more well know for being a clown and hurting himself trying to prove everyone how smart he is rather than winning tournaments and a guy that’s a solid but unremarkable tour player that outside of two events, the rider cup and the masters, would be completely unknown to casual golf fans. Also he’s a cunt, a cheat, and a thief. Fuck Reed. The tour is better without him. Bryson provides more value as a sideshow than he does trying to win. DJ is the only real loss to the tour out of those 3 guys.
  7. Lolwut? Bryson and Reed have combined for 3 wins in the last 3 years, and the last on was in March of 2021. They’ve played a combined 68 tournaments since their last win.
  8. I really hope they manage to make it a full season without someone in the top 100 owgr winning a tournament. 123, 132, 174 so far.
  9. I don’t think they need to bother blocking anyone. The majors can keep their exemptions as they are and the LIV guys can keep qualifying as they have been. I don’t see any of they majors directly blocking anyone that has an exemption. If someone chooses to go play on a tour that doesn’t qualify for owgr points, we’ll that’s on them. They won’t lose any sleep over it when they lay down on their pile of cash. Most of the guys that have any real hope at competing in majors have exemptions for now anyway. That’s the only real way the tours can hope to limit the young stars from jumping to LIV. It won’t become an issue until guys like brooks and Bryson start to lose their exemptions, if liv is still around by then.
  10. ‘Money didn’t play a role’: Why Charles Howell III says he’s ditching lucrative PGA Tour career for LIV Golf https://golf.com/news/why-charles-howell-iii-ditching-pga-tour-liv-golf/?amp=1 You’re in your 40s and starting to bounce in and out of the top 200 OWGR. We all believe that you just couldn’t pass up the chance to play on the storied team crushers with Bryson.
  11. It’s a continuation of them trying to buy and fake their way to cool without having any idea what that actually is.
  12. I’ll remember Cam Smith shooting -6 on the back 9 plus that par save on 17 to win his first major when Rory had the engraver practicing his name Saturday night, probably forever. I forgot who won the event in Portland less than 48 hours after it was over. if I’m a top 10 golfer in the world I’m making more money than I’ll ever dream of spending (unless I have to keep Paulina honest). At that point my legacy is what’s important and the LIV tour means nothing more than an extra zero in my bank account that I’ll never spend down.
  13. Not just message board assholes, but the golf community in general, and of that lot DJ is the only one that I believe actually doesn’t give a fuck. Koepka tries so hard to act like he doesn’t give a fuck be he definitely cares. He said someone should get fired for not featuring him in one of what was probably 3-4 different commercials for the 2019 us open.
  14. I don’t really care if they say it or not. What the players say is really the least of my concerns. It sort of irks me that they are trying to feed us bullshit canned lines about family time and more freedom. but I also know that, considering the douche bags that have jumped, that Bryson, Reed, Koepka, etc are absolutely going to expect us all to give a shit and be impressed when they win a 54 hole, no cut, weak field tournament because they beat a few other douche bags and a bunch of scrubs. every single aspect about it seems forced and phony. Even the fucking tag line on their website: “golf, but louder”. It’s all so cheesy.
  15. I can’t see why I should I’ve a fuck about shotgun starts. How is that better in any way for me, the tv golf viewer on Saturday and Sunday? I don’t want to try to figure how which holes a guy has to play down the stretch. I want to see the guys in contention play the same holes consecutively. Why are they blasting music? What kind of music? Doo-wop? Thrash metal? I assume since their trying to pretend to be cool it’s some sort of modern pop mixed with euro house music. That seems really stupid. The team aspect is so fucking lame. Fireballs? Niblicks? Come on. It’s like they sat in a board room in Saudi Arabia and someone said “how can we get people to care about this?” And someone me else said “well I hear people are really invested in teams. Let’s make up some teams and i guarantee people will love it.” And it never crossed their mind what ties most people to a team. the whole thing is so contrived and phony and stupid. the guys that are any good should just come out and say “this is a shitload of money and I don’t give a fuck about anything else.” And the other guys should say “I’m well past my prime and I’m never going to win anything of any significance ever again and this is a shitload of money.”
  16. These young guys don’t really have anything to lose. It’s not like the LIV guys are going to get lifetime bans. So the LIV folds after a few years, they get to bank a ton of easy money instead of grinding to make cuts. And they come back to basically the same place they left off with a pile of cash in the bank. Wolff has missed 6 of his last 10 cuts and finished T25, T40, T60, T61. Hes dropped from 12th to 77th in the OWGR the last two years. He’s earned $1.4 million this year and probably got offered 10x that to jump.
  17. 13 LIV players from the last tournament plus Reed and Bryson qualified for the US Open: DJ - T24 Richard Bland - T43 Reed - T49 Bryson - T56 Phil - MC Sergio - MC Oostie - MC Kevin Na - MC James Piot - MC Taylor Gooch - MC Brandon Grace - MC Sam Horsfield - MC Jinichiro Kozuma - MC Jed Morgan - MC Shaun Norris - MC All except Bland will lose rank in the OWGR.
  18. 13 LIV players from the last tournament plus Reed and Bryson qualified for the US Open: DJ - T24 Richard Bland - T43 Reed - T49 Bryson - T56 Phil - MC Sergio - MC Oostie - MC Kevin Na - MC James Piot - MC Taylor Gooch - MC Brandon Grace - MC Sam Horsfield - MC Jinichiro Kozuma - MC Jed Morgan - MC Shaun Norris - MC
  19. Not just them, but Rory and Rahm too. They both played themselves out of it, but to battle off 1, 2, & 3 OWGR players on Sunday at the us open is damn impressive.
  20. Holy shit. The fucking goal posts being the exact width of the opening between the trees. Guys, if you weren’t sure, hit it between the trees.
  21. Love the short par 3. Was hoping the green would stay hard. It was playing over par through 3 days.
  22. The short par 3 set up at 108 today and the green is soft.
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