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Everything posted by heso

  1. This can’t be good for my cost of Baltic birch plywood (produced primary by Finland and Russia).
  2. The two pieces slide together and then two pins (only one pictured on my test piece) hold the joint tight together.
  3. Goes together like this when you don’t fuck it up like I did:
  4. It was supposed to be a bridle joint. The bottom or top piece slide into the middle piece at a 90 degree angle. I was working late, tired and rushing. I ran the middle piece across the saw making a cut that was meant for the other two, not that one. So what was a 10 second lapse in attention because I was rushing cost me having to go back to dimensioning rough lumber.
  5. Just trimming up some tenon cheeks, wait, fuck…
  6. As the omicron wave started retreating up here in PA, I started to think we were going to make it out of this without catching it. We've been as careful as we could be short of taking our kid out of school. 5 year old woke up with symptoms and tested positive this morning. fuck.
  7. Johnson needs to wake the fuck up. These aren’t hard balls to catch that he’s dropping.
  8. Might be the only points they score tonight. Might be enough.
  9. I assume you saw the end of the Cleveland game. He’s not coming back next year. He knows he’s done.
  10. everyone's got to have the sickness cause everyone seems to need the cure
  11. I’ve been using the New York Times dashboard: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html that is the link to the main US page. You can back out to world view with the drop downs at the top (World > latest maps and data) I look at the US map a few times a week. It was interesting watching the delta wave spread from Missouri south to the gulf, across to the Atlantic, and then north through Appalachia. It was also interesting to see how, at the county level, a difference of 10% in vaccination rate made a significant difference in delta’s spread and how currently omicron doesn’t give a fuck.
  12. Why the fuck do people keep making commercials with Gronk? He’s not even remotely funny.
  13. Not until the price of Baltic birch comes down. I had almost enough on hand for the whole thing. Ended up using 1/2” instead of 3/4” for the drawer fronts because I had it. 3/4” was $60 for a 5’x5’ sheet when I last bought some in June. Went back in early December for more and they only had 4’x8’ sheets and they were nearly $200.
  14. Half of PSU’s starting defense and their best weapon on offense opted out. Could get ugly.
  15. This is my first go at anything more substantial than cutting boards and construction lumber garage shelves. Simple storage for tools / miscellanea for the basement. The top 4 drawers have the dividers and all of the pieces are friction fit so that they can be pulled out to make different sized sections.
  16. Well enjoy your SEC rematch ratings. Fuck Auburn for being dumb enough to let this happen.
  17. Uga so much faster than UM on this side of the ball.
  18. Yes. I grew up in Pittsburgh and went to penn state so a good amount of my friend group is split between the two schools. I’d never admit it to them, but I really wanted narduzi to be able to return Pitt to glory. College football is so much more fun for me when both teams are good. That said, I love seeing them fail.
  19. Sec had regular season losses to penn state, Pitt, UCLA, Memphis, Stanford, ETSU, and now is 0-4 in bowls. They have 1 good-ish win against Clemson. After that bama over Miami. They have a bunch of close wins against dog shit teams.
  20. The first time I heard Fauci talk about the effectiveness of vaccines while they were being developed he said he would be happy with anything over 50% and ecstatic with anything over 70% effectiveness.
  21. I saw a headline where it’s the first time the sec has lost 2 games to non-P5 teams in a bowl season.
  22. I have to assume highlighting the 12 is a subtle troll at aggy.
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