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Everything posted by heso

  1. Can’t imagine running afoul of the coal miners union as a Democrat in West Virginia is a good thing.
  2. Hopefully he gets fired the first time he suggests a turnover chain.
  3. heso

    NFL Week 14

    We’re not dead yet motherfuckers!
  4. That tracks with Poindexter’s statement about it happening some day but the timing not being right. He stays at penn state, gets promoted to full DC and then gets to take the job at UVA next time around. How bad is the AD going to look when the former player, loved by the fans, Jersey retired, interview seems like a formality decides to say thanks but no thanks and stays put, and then the next guy no thanks.
  5. Looks like Tony Elliot to UVA.
  6. Poindexter staying at penn state.
  7. JSJ might be following Pry to VTech.
  8. Sure looks like he broke the plane and then was down well before #2 took it away from him.
  9. PSU’s DC left to be the HC at VTech. The safeties coach and co-dc who was in line for the full DC spot seems to be likely leaving to be the HC at UVA. Robinson went to PSU and is from NJ. He seems to be a good candidate for the DC spot. Hopefully if he does move, it’s before signing day and he can steal those 5* DL recruits away from aggy.
  10. He ran for my house district in 2020. Lost to Conner Lamb who will be Fetterman’s main challenger in the dem primary for the senate seat.
  11. Just to make the VT hire official: Edit: if you can’t see the tweet I guess? Brent Pry, PSU DC.
  12. Shot two was pretty bad. Third was probably 20-30% worse.
  13. I got my pfizer booster Saturday evening and it hit me like a truck yesterday. 24 hours after the shot my fever was at 104.3. I was able to bring it down to a reasonable range with Tylenol but that wasn’t fun. Today was a lower fever (101.5) but super fatigued and achy in my joints. Seems to have mostly passed at this point, I expect to be fine in the morning. It’s crazy how I went from feeling a little shitty but able to ignore it to cut down and carry a Christmas tree (although atypically winded from carrying the tree 100 yards), to “fuck am I dying?” and alternating between shivering and sweating a couple hours later.
  14. There are few things I like watching more than Michigan losing. But this scene in the big house and all of the emotion of the program finally pulling this one off is fuck to watch.
  15. They are really feeding off of the momentum. They know they can play with these guys now and every break their way just keeps amping everything up more.
  16. They didn’t look impressive against penn state either. The fumble in the red zone they returned for a td was the difference in that game.
  17. It still feels hot as fuck when you’re sprinting around when it’s 30 degrees. Then what you have on is damp and cold when you're not running around.
  18. Sure looked like kick catch interference.
  19. In the last 5 years Bama, Clemson, OU, and OSU are the only teams that have finished top 10 every year. UGA is the only one to finish top 10 four times. PSU is the only team to do it 3 times. And that’s with mediocre QBs. What if’s are bullshit, but had he been able to keep Justin Fields from decommitting he very likely has a playoff appearance in there. Franklin has some really questionable in-game decision making. He’s really struggled at finding and OC and effective OL coach. Trying to paint him as just some average head coach seems dumb.
  20. That label of “backsliding democracy” has been obvious for a while to anyone that would accept it as truth. Unfortunately it will be flatly rejected as nonsense by the people that need to hear it.
  21. I don’t trust the Steelers defense if they only get a fg here.
  22. How the fuck do you go for it there?
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