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Everything posted by TXSG8R

  1. This thread is a really good plain language roll up of the DOJ filing. Edit: shit, should have read the prior page. Gilbang posted it.
  2. I’m curious how much of this is him being worried about the DOJ versus the recent reports about Truth struggling. Looks like he just started retweeting Q crazy red meat to drive up numbers.
  3. Expanding on my last post, I don’t see any way Desantis could get into office and then drag his feet on pardoning trump for 4 years. The maga mob would burn the fucking White House down if it took longer than 4 months. The bigger worry will be how far Desantis and company will take their reprisals. Based on his ready fire aim approach to election fraud stuff on Florida, it’s going to be rough for any D who has had their name uttered during a trump rally.
  4. I think the goodwill it would earn him would be worth the risk that Trump would run again at that point. He would be 82 in 2028, and running would just open him to more potential legal fuckery. He can do just as much damage to his enemies through elected loyalists and his mob anyway.
  5. I think the window is too small for him to face any serious consequences. If the Rs take the house they will immediately start creating top cover to slow the DOJs work down. If by some miracle he gets punished prior to 24 it’s pretty much a lock that the Desantis would win and immediately pardon him. Red legislatures have already laid the ground work for that to be a foregone conclusion, and this Supreme Court will look the other way. They could have video of him showing Russians humint that exposed operatives and informants and the Rs would brush it off or whatabout it. It’s red versus blue, and the only thing that matters is winning.
  6. More questions, did this classified info have the required document covers that prevents accidental reading and clearly marks the item as classified? If the GSA employee can enter the WH and pack up stuff in the WH, it’s almost certain they have a clearance. With a clearance you get annual refresher training on handling and storage of classified material. Someone with that training would know you don’t put classified shit into cardboard boxes in the back of a truck for transportation. It requires a courier card, document carrier, etc. Were archivists also not present for this packing of material to ensure that presidential material wouldn’t accidentally be shipped to MAL? An archivist didn’t recognize classified markings on documents?
  7. If Mark Meadows isn’t halfway to Venezuela by now he’s dumber than we thought.
  8. So the simplest of questions. Where did the GSA folks get these documents to pack? Was this stuff laying around unsecure in the WH when the packers came? This is stuff that should only be viewed in a SCIF, so if this was laying in the bottom drawer of the resolute desk and accidentally got packed… still a crime.
  9. Secret information can be expected to cause grave damage to national security by definition. He shouldn’t get a pass for any classified material that was compromised.
  10. FN seems to be coalescing around “if it was so sensitive, why did DOJ take 2 months to file for the warrant, and then wait 5 days to serve it.” There is no angle where their orange god is wrong. The required redactions will only help them keep sowing doubt.
  11. No fucking way you give him an inch after running on “lock her up” and then increasing the penalty for this very issue. There is also a wide gulf between having an e-mail server that a third party send classified info to, and boxing classified shit up from the WH, and then hiding and withholding it after the govt starts digging into it. The only out he could have is if he could point at an underling that pulled these items without his knowledge, but that would have happened during the first subpoena/meetings about the issue if that was true. He owns this.
  12. We will likely never know, if it’s classified they can’t confirm or deny anything about it publicly. That vacuum favors a liar unfortunately. Congress / committees should be a trusted check on that information, but Rs have shown they will twist or outright lie to protect the party and Trump, so we can’t expect any validation there either. As someone upthread said, Rs are in too deep at this point with Trump. Any break now would expose all the other shit they were complicit with, so that’s not an option.
  13. CINC is the highest classification authority, he absolutely can class/declassify stuff at will. The question is what process that entails. At a minimum it (should?) requires some paper trail to validate he declassified the info. Many classified items have multiple copies, and those markings need to be downgraded via a formal process. It’s not as simple as using a rubber stamp to cover the original classified marking and calling it good. That Hertling thread touched on it. It can be as simple as a memo for record stating what the documents are, but there has to be something to validate it happening. Otherwise a president can cover any espionage crime, including his own, by saying “I declassified that” upon discovery and we just have to call it good? Its fucking ridiculous that we have to even discuss something like this, but LAW AND ORDER!
  14. In theory, I guess. The problem is that wouldn’t retroactively make what Trump did illegal if we presume he can magically declassify shit by thought. Classifying something that has been in the public purview is practically impossible. Everyone that has seen the item would be required to sign an NDA for example. Everyone that viewed the item after its reclassified would be breaking the law, which in the age of the internet is, uh, hard to enforce. The Snowden stuff was a nightmare for classification holders, just watching the news opened you up to potential charges (not a joke, we got constant warnings about it). It’s pretty hard to put those horses back in the barn once something is downgraded. I don’t know of any examples of it happening.
  15. Need to know is a rule within the classification domain, of which the CINC is all powerful, so I’m not sure it would cause him any issues legally. My concern is there isn’t fully codified rules for classification/declassification at the presidents level, because the constitution expects that person to act in the country’s best interests. Because there is a gray area SCOTUS can play the “not spelled out in the constitution, congress should do something about that” card and dotard walks.
  16. I’m thinking he kept some PDBs that had either nuclear asset postures or something similar for a potential event like China invading Taiwan, or Russia invading Crimea/Ukraine. I doubt he pulled nuclear weapon plans or anything of the like because that would have raised red flags when it happened because 1) those documents don’t reside in the WH, 2) there would be a paper trail for the request, courier, logging out of one SCIF into another for storage, etc, and 3) the pentagon/archives would have definitely noticed that they weren’t returned at the end of his tenure. it doesn’t make it any better, our most dangerous secrets are generally pretty benign looking stuff. Asset postures give adversaries a peak into how we would prosecute a major shooting war. I’m sure his PDBs contain lots of vulnerability assessments for things like our energy grid, cyber, troop readiness during Covid, nuclear weapon and fleet assessments, etc that would provide avenues to exploit. My best guess is a USSS agent saw Trump showing off something like a PDB to donors/hangers on that contained sensitive material and blew the whistle. The ugly part is that if it’s truly sensitive the gov’t won’t be able to really talk about it because “we cant confirm or deny” is the only valid response you can use to anyone that doesn’t have the clearance and need to know about the info, so he can exploit that soft language. There will be committees in congress that will be able to get the truth, and I fully expect the Rs on those committees to use similar dodgy language or just outright lie to prove cover for that orange fuck.
  17. His lawyer pushed that yesterday basically. If he has the docs they can’t be classified because he can unilaterally declassify them by thought alone, there is no “ceremony” (her words) necessary for him to follow. If he looks at them and says they aren’t classified, that’s it. It’s absurd, but with this SCOTUS, it will probably work.
  18. Yea, I speculated that earlier in the thread. One of the good agents that was furious about the agencies actions during and after 1/6 that is self cleansing.
  19. The morning crew at FN just floated they have a source saying the FBI source is USSS.
  20. Curious why people think that would work, guess I’ll be googling and getting on the FBI’s radar tonight.
  21. I really hope he comes up and makes a statement about the Iran assassination shit and then walks off. People will lose their fucking minds.
  22. Classified items require a hell of a lot more than a hasp and padlock. Even beyond the physical security, there are guard requirements, access and security logs, etc. I think the request for camera access within MAL is the real key here. If trump land didn’t give them that, or if they did and the feds saw people going in and out of that area, I’m sure that’s what triggered this. It was bad enough that this material was unsecured in MAL in the first place. If the feds couldn’t verify it was remaining semi-secure and trumpland was taking that security seriously, I think that’s when the gig was up. They were given an inch and tried to take a mile, since that was standard protocol while they were in charge.
  23. The inventory would probably reference document numbers and not the document names or material. They couldn’t create the warrant that could be left with someone without a clearance otherwise.
  24. Correct, access to classified data requires the appropriate clearance level and need to know for the material. You don’t get a TS clearance and get to walk into the pentagon and start digging through files.
  25. Yes, the 14th amendment provides the mechanism, which would have to run through congress. I was specifically referring to him not running for office as part of a plea deal though.
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