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Everything posted by TXSG8R

  1. This probably should have kicked off way earlier. The committee could have used it to pressure agents and staff into testifying.
  2. Really good thread. This has been gnawing at me, and I hope the J6 attempts to connect these dots. Between Grassley’s slip about not expecting Pence to be there for the certification of the votes, Pence’s refusal to get in the car, Trump’s failure to act for 3 hours, and now this loss of texts, I think the plot is fairly understood at this point. Trump was aware that Pence was not going along with the plan, so the real plan was for the riot to force Pence to evacuate the Capitol so Grassley could certify the false electors. That’s why Trump held out as long as he did. I’m sure his lizard brain enjoyed the show, but he was really holding out for Pence to leave. My guess is a small part of the SS was in on it, and smart enough not to text in the clear about it, but the missing texts would probably expose a lot of confusion about broken protocol or finger pointing as the smart ones started putting shit together. The SS is as the thread points out, extremely aware of the protocols around cyber data even before they started getting records requests. There would be no confusion about those requests and what they required, so this data loss after the fact is is a flagrant middle finger to congress and the law. If heads don’t roll from this, we really are beyond repair.
  3. Govt IT requires least privilege and separation of duties expressly for this scenario. Insider threat is a massive focal point for IT depts since Snowden, so layered defense has been mandatory for a while. There should be a pretty clear cut paper trail of someone requesting exceptions to policy to make this happen. This essentially can’t be negligence unless the SS has been operating well outside of govt norms for a while.
  4. I can’t speak for the SS, but I know for DoD phones you can’t install any apps. They are completely locked down and you consent to monitoring of everything you do on that phone.
  5. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I said to be in a party leadership position you have to support party pillars. Nothing Joe has done is counter to any DNC pillars. I never said he was hyper partisan or extreme in any of his positions. The things I listed aren’t extreme examples, they align with DNC party pillars. You are taking moderate out of the context I used it in. I completely agree Biden is a moderate. I said you couldn’t be moderate about a party pillar. You can’t be on the fence about being pro choice and be in DNC leadership. Same for being pro life as a Republican. You can’t avoid the answer or hem and haw about it. Hence the entire discussion about polarization and binary positions.
  6. We had gun restrictions in 1870 too. Their vision of an unrestricted gun ownership utopia isn’t grounded in anything from the past.
  7. Fair, but I don’t know how, at a minimum, the school police IC wouldn’t have an immediate handoff to the local PD IC. Maybe I’m underestimating school police qualifications, but I would think that local PD would be a tad more qualified with incident response and response management in general. And in an active shooter or barricaded shooter situation, why wouldn’t swat take over immediately?
  8. Holy shit dude go back and read page 66. You’re violently agreeing with me. I completely agree that Joe Biden is completely in line with the DNC platform. Even if he wasn’t a full on blue liberal (he is), the entire OP was that to get to any party leadership position, you can’t be on the fence (moderate) about any party pillars. Joe Manchin is the example of what I’m saying. You can’t hedge on either side, and it drives things towards binary, polarized positions. We don’t have blue dog democrats or country club republicans anymore. They can’t exist in our current hyper partisan reality.
  9. I don’t know where you or BLKNSTY interpreted what I said meant anything radical or extreme. I said you couldn’t be in party leadership if you don’t support the party pillars. Joe electing a black woman is totally in line with the DNC platform. The two party system forces both sides to align more and more to rigid pillars, and that purity test is now moving down to the rank and file party members.
  10. What pillar was Joe Biden the candidate a moderate on exactly? He promised to get rid of student debt, elect a black woman to the SC, kill fossil fuels, yada yada. He’s being crushed by the left for not eliminating student debt, and the majority of the party doesn’t want him to run again. It’s largely impossible to be a moderate in any party leadership position, and absolutely impossible on the right.
  11. The 2 party system drives everyone to passing purity tests. You can’t be moderate on a party pillar and expect to have any serious influence on that party. It also discourages minority party engagement in red or blue states because it’s becoming an all or nothing game. At least in a parliamentary system there is some level of compromise. Our shit is broken and only getting worse, the SC is going to ensure that.
  12. Lesser evil is still evil. Both parties gerrymander, both have people that go straight party ticket. I agree that the issue is worse on one side of the aisle, but the two party system is the biggest problem. It makes issues binary, zero room for compromise. Congress no longer functions as a body, and now the judiciary has been fully compromised.
  13. Political parties are the problem. They are driving the gerrymandering that leads to MTG, Bobert, etc. They nullify impeachment, inability to pass bipartisan legislation, etc.
  14. For the law dogs: do criminal statues like witness tampering apply to congressional hearing? I know Cheney said they referred it to the DoJ, but I thought these hearings had different (non criminal) rules? Is there a tampering with a congressional witness statue or rule as well?
  15. The president of the United States is the top classification authority. They can classify/declassify anything they want, and approve clearance for any person they choose.
  16. Because again, her going on and on wasn’t putting her in any danger. She wasn’t incriminating herself. She was being responsive to their question about someone else. If she started to stray into territory dangerous to herself or was asked a question that put her in potential peril, her counsel would have stepped in.
  17. She had switched to a non-Trump provided attorney during her second depo. The lawyer is there to protect her, not Trump.
  18. Tell me trump kicked you out of the meeting without telling me trump kicked you out of the meeting.
  19. Yup, the hearings are sowing too much down there. They need some alternative facts put on camera.
  20. Nothing will change until people start shooting up legislators and/or their families on the reg. None of the fucks on the right care until they are directly affected.
  21. Negged for ignoring the entire body of the post. It’s not about the fucking bullet, no matter how much you try to deflect.
  22. Stop being pedantic. His larger point is ARs are dangerous, regardless of caliber or ammo. An 18 YO can walk into a store and buy an AR off the shelf and a few boxes of white box and shoot up a school or parade. That white box ammo will fucking wreck human bodies just fine without him having a clue about grain, muzzle velo, etc. Mass shooters have a pretty simple formula to follow; semi-auto so they can sling ammo down range quickly, HC magazine so they can shoot more with less downtime while reloading. The driver between AR and pistol really boils down to the need to conceal the weapon before starting. I’m sure if you polled these shooters the bullet type probably wasn’t even considered beyond matching it to whatever they purchased. Why? Because they aren’t shooting up people wearing body armor, or expecting to have to overpenetrate barriers, or wanting to reduce the report of the weapon to conceal their actions. The bullet has fuck all to do with the mass shooter issue.
  23. No, there’s plenty if people that buy an AR the same reason they live in the burbs and buy an HD pickup, bro culture is serious bidness. The vast majority of gun owners don’t remotely understand what their weapons actually do to human tissue, which is part of the problem. Anyone that buys an AR15 for home defense isn’t a serious person.
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