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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. On 5/18/2019 at 8:21 PM, Sandman said:

    I need some help finding a tough dog toy. My Boston Terrier will instantly destroy anything that I give him, unless he doesn't like it. Then he just ignores it. I got him a classic Kong but unless it has peanut butter in it, he's not too keen about it. I got him a big donut (made of a tough-looking corduroy material), he tore it open. Got him a Kong ring, he tore off the covering (tennis ball kind of felt).  Tonight, I got him a Kong bone that has crackling plastic inside of it, like an empty plastic water bottle. He tore off the top of it. 

    I got him a water buffalo horn once and he likes it, but the smell is so horrible, my wife can't stand it. I'm at a loss.

    Where'd you get the water buffalo horn? My two are insanely heavy chewers and these are the only things that last, and I've never had one that smelled. We've also had luck with really thick rope toys.

  2. 44 minutes ago, slorch said:

    I don't believe in punishing the women who have had abortions.  I am sincerely sorry if I have conveyed that.  I do not hate them.  I do not think any of my posts say something like that, but I never have felt that way.


    I hate that they ever felt like it was a good( or best) option to have an abortion.   I wish abortion clinics would go out of business, not because of the law, but rather lack of business.


    1.  While what the doctors are performing is legal, I have the conviction that what they are doing is profoundly immoral.  Again, i don't blame the woman for choosing a legal option in dealing with their pregnancy.  I do believe there is plenty of burden on the doctors who perform the abortion.

    2. I do believe the man who pushes a woman to have an abortion is a coward.  Own your business.  If you didn't want a child, or acknowledge the possibility with the woman; don't have sex with her.  I have walked this walk, but on this board,  that means nothing compared to political playbooks and agendas.  If men would man the fuck up, our society would be way better off.  that isn't a very popular stance, but I absolutely feel that way.  If more men did what they were supposed to do, women wouldn't feel so isolated and scared as fuc( I don't say that as a shot at women.  i say it with the voice of experience.)

    "Oh slorch, that isn't how we live.  That's too much guilt and blame for us.   Bullshit.  It's accountability... for the men of the world.


    I have said repeatedly that i hate the notion that pregnancy just magically appears out of thin air...  Generally speaking, two people own it.  I believe it is a 50/50 endeavor.  that also drives why I get pissed off about people claiming it is a women's issue.  It is not... or at least it should not be.


    I know.  I am idealistic as fuck.  Part of it comes from my childhood background where my bio parents could have just as easily aborted me as what they did in real life, which was to neglect and abuse me during the 2 different chances they had before I was adopted before the age of 4.  Secondly, I have lived this whole freaking situation, where my now wife had to tell me she was pregnant, and i could see the outright fear in her face.  She had no idea what I was going to say.   When I say i get the fear women have, I think there is some substance there.  On the flip side, there was no way i was going to not own my actions.  26 years later, we are still married and have raised a family.  maybe that's immaterial.  maybe that's trivial...  i can understand that take.  I feel it matters to own what you do.  I was man enough to father a child, I at least needed to support the mom and raise the kid, even if we had not gotten married...   i'm rambling sorry.


    The world's bigger than lil ole slorch and we need practical solutions. I get that.  My suggestions are practical, but not always easy.


    The politics of this turn me way off.  I do believe if we focused on being responsible human beings, our society would be in a much better spot...  but where's the political capital to be gleaned in acting right?

    I appreciate this. Thank you. I'll have more to say in the morning but wanted to acknowledge this tonight.

  3. 4 minutes ago, slorch said:

    I do.

    Posted earlier in the thread about raising kids who won't get abortions.

    It's amazing how it's an "ole slorch disagrees with us on this particular point, so he opposes everything."


    Not even close, my friend.  But in today's society, disagreement equals "he hates me."


    Not true at all.  i just disagree on some of the proposed solutions.

    I'm genuinely curious as to your thoughts (and those of the other pro-lifers in this thread) on punishing men who fund/approve of/push women to have abortions, or if you think any punishment should rest solely on the woman. I haven't seen any of you address this topic although it's been brought up several times.

  4. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    what does being anti-abortion have to do with those other folks?


    ohhhh.  I forgot...abortion improves lives by preventing their plights.  


    Only it doesn't.

    It has to do with them because discussing them in the context of abortion showcases the rampant hypocrisy of many anti-abortion advocates. For example, many of the same people who wax poetic on their self-righteous soapboxes about saving babies' lives are the same ones who are ok with denying government assistance to families in poverty while yammering about how they should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. You (the general you) shouldn't get to go on about how we need to pass legislation to make abortion illegal while denying people services and assistance that would help prevent them from getting to that point.

    I don't think anyone here will disagree that having abortions to "prevent their plights" should be the absolute last resort for anyone in that situation, but we as a nation could do a much better job of helping people to not end up in that position in the first place.

  5. 53 minutes ago, TexasMan said:

    This thread is depressing:




    46 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    I really want this to be satire.  But it's not, is it?

    Matt Walsh is, unfortunately, very real. I'd tell you to go read more of the stuff he's written but your head would explode.

  6. Regardless of the story itself, the acting was phenomenal. We've never seen Cersei cry, or see Tyrion slack-jawed in shock. The Hound's whole demeanor as he fought his brother was fantastic. I'm at least grateful that the actors were able to get everything they could out of the script.

    • Like 2
  7. 10 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

    What I thought was unfolding was, Cersei would ring the bells as a trick, and unleashes a surprise attack once Dany's forces lower their guard.   It fails, but Dany is furious and goes justifiably apeshit because the surrender was fake.    But what happened is that she got nearly everything that motivated her for years, and her response was to destroy virtually all of it. 

    This is what I thought, too. They were Chekhov's gunning the bells like crazy but it didn't play out like I hoped.

    10 hours ago, Juicy said:

    would have made for a much better story if Jamie wouldnt have blown his whole redemption arc, making up with Cersei and would have killed her, rang the bells and then Dany went mad. 

    The jamie death was the worst of last nights mistakes. 

    When Jaime showed up with Cersei, I was expecting him to be Arya in No One mode. 

  8. Came across this after Patton Oswalt tweeted it with "how in the who in the why in the actual fuck". I've done some googling and am pretty sure, but not 100% sure, that it's real.


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