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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. On 3/6/2019 at 6:38 PM, hundredTT said:

    Watching this now. One of the best docs I have ever seen.  His GF is def accommodating, but  still annoying as fuck. But you know what, what woman isn't? No way it will last, Alex's fuck it attitude isn't going to change. They are in their "honeymoon" phase and she's already talking about needing words of affirmation and all the typical BS. he won't put up with the nagging and I'm sure the pussy is already getting old. 

    Yeah, it's super unreasonable to want your boyfriend to say nice things to and about you.

    • Like 5
  2. On 3/5/2019 at 10:11 PM, Anton Chigurh said:




    Something else I forgot is that they sell refurbished ones on their eBay store (likely have a small repair or rewelded plastic seam).


    I have heard as long as it’s not ridiculous they will accept a lower offer too.




    I bet you could offer $40 on this and get it. Hell, get two of them and you’re set.

    Thank you! I ended up getting the Klymit for me and the Freelands for the kids. Inflated both for a test run before we leave this weekend, and wow, the difference in comfort is substantial. Can't wait to use it for real. Thanks again for the rec.

  3. On 4/7/2018 at 5:11 PM, dcbc said:

    I'm working my way through the catalogue.  Over the last couple of years, I've read the Shining, 11/22/63, IT, and Different Seasons.  I'm currently about a third of the way through 'Salem's Lot.  I am loving it, but have stalled out on reading for about a month.  Need to get back into it.  Only made it about 400 pages through The Stand, but was bored.

    Let's get this topic going again.

    I don't think we can be friends.

  4. I'm taking my two kids (7- and 10-yo boys) camping with the Cub Scouts next weekend. I want to get a self-inflating sleeping pad - has anyone used this one? Or have any others to recommend? We'll be car camping at Lake Georgetown and the weather shouldn't be crazy cold or hot, but I do want to get into backpacking soon so it would be nice if the pad I got would work for backpacking.

  5. Mystery surrounds humpback whale found dead in depths of Brazil’s Amazon jungle


    Brazilian wildlife experts have been left baffled after discovering a dead humpback whale in the Amazon rainforest.

    The 10-ton mammal was found in the jungle undergrowth on the island of Marajo, which sits at the mouth of the Amazon River.

    Although scientists presume the enormous creature was hurled onshore during a storm, they do not understand how it came so far inland or why it was swimming off the coast in the first place.

    Officials from Para state’s health, sanitation and environment department said they only found the 11m-long whale after following the birds of prey which were scavenging on its huge carcass.

    The remains were deposited in such a remote part of the mangrove swamp in the Amazonian delta that it took two trips for the wildlife experts to reach the site.


  6. 22 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    I bought these as a backup and tested one out today. They are solid squeaker around the donut, and Walter won’t even look at the one stuffed with cotton.


    Holy shit, $23 for 3 of them? I get mine at the TJ Maxx on Great Hills for $3-4 each, depending on the size. The exact same ones at your link.

  7. On 1/23/2019 at 6:37 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Flipped on the TV just now, and this is coming on one of our PBS stations (Q station)


    an episode of Central Texas Gardner with the description of: Discover why Ashe Junipers don’t deserve the bad rap 



    Elizabeth McGreevy probably laughs when puppies die.

  8. 1 hour ago, Nivek said:

    Mikey was a kid who wasn’t afraid to try anything. His gay rabbit is tougher than he is.

    I will give Mikey that Marlon Bundo is, as John Oliver put it, an objectively good name for a rabbit.

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    lol You fellas have no idea about all the sizing shenanigans that have been going on for decades with women’s clothing.

    And don’t get me started on the inconsistency, even within the same brand.

    I bought some jeans at Old Navy recently and depending on the cut of the leg (boot, straight, ankle) I wore anywhere from a size 4 to a size 8.

    There is no reason one body should have a three size variance in the same fucking brand.

    And then there’s the whole boyfriend cut and rockstar cut and curvy cut and flare cut and power cut.

    And then there’s skinny jeans, which are a whole other circle of hell.

    And fuck you if you’re short like me. At 5’3”, I don’t think I’ve ever bought a pair of jeans that didn’t have to be hemmed. Because the short length or petite cut don’t fall right and make me look stumpy and ankle length cuts hit the top of my shoes and look stupid.

    Seriously, buying women’s clothing is actual hell. So when your ladies buy the same thing in 7 different colors, there’s a real reason besides being a spendy bitch.

    It’s because if we find something that looks good and fits right, by god give us one in every color made because we may never find a pair of cute work pants that look good again.

    And there’s your totally unwanted insight into the insanity that is womenswear.

    And PS - the more expensive the brand is, the more bullshittery there is with the sizing.

    I've had different sizes in different COLORS of the same exact item. Old Navy is the worst about that, although I do like their clothes in general. 

  10. On 2/7/2019 at 12:04 AM, blacklab said:

    squeaky donut for the win.

    we've gone through about 5 in the last year. They are by far the favorite toy ever. They last about a month and then get completely destroyed.

    I got those at TJ Maxx, of all places, as Christmas gifts for the other dogs in the family. Was never planning to give them to Edgar because he can destroy things of that caliber in less than 10 minutes. We forgot to bring them when we visited family and I came across them in after we got Rocket. 

    On 2/3/2019 at 1:27 AM, C-Man said:

    Here’s the white lab I gave to Mrs. C-Man for Xmas. Picked her up on 1/11. Pearl was born 11/13.


    How old was she when you took these? We're not sure when Rocket was born - there's a 4 week discrepancy between when the first shelter said he was born to when AHS said he was born and I"m trying to get a better idea of his age to gauge training expectations and whatnot.

  11. On 2/5/2019 at 10:43 PM, hayden_horn said:

    here is the thing.many of that engineer grunt work is getting outsourced, but the creative innovation is staying in-house. i deal with companies all the time in my line of work that have factories in china, taiwan, india, etc. they will have creative engineer types that are ethnic, but they make sure those folks are living in the states and well-paid.

    i saw the same thing in japan. brilliant folks raised by rote memorization afraid AF to think outside the box.

    full disclosure, i'm not an engineer who got lost in math circa middle school to high school, and finally dropped out of AP calculus because i just could not catch up. my ability to bullshit was eclipsed by the material. i got by thinking outside the box, but that doesn't work in classes like geometry (fuck proofs) and pre-calc and calc. 

    i'm now a liberal arts english/history major with a classical civ minor who does math for a living. 

    the funny thing: higher level math escaped me. chemistry balancing? fuck moles, whatever those are. but when i got into college physics, it was an a class for me. i excelled in astronomy, and outlining the math of how a star fails or how gravity actually works. who knows how things attach to the brain?

    that's why i'm generally in support of common core. it's just a way to find the key to the brain, instead of just letting those apt students succeed and everyone else wash out.

    Haven't read all the responses but this was me. High school physics was the first time complex math made sense to me. It was because I wasn't doing math just to do it - it was math with a purpose. I always want to know the "why" behind what I'm doing, and my math teachers were of the "just because you have to learn it" mentality. Math made sense when it was part of a bigger picture, not the picture itself.

    I admit that I don't always understand how my 5th grader has been taught to do something, and I find it frustrating, but when we figure it out I usually find that he's learning the number sense approach, which I never learned in school. My husband gets it right off the bat, though, and I suspect it's because he was like a lot of you and figured out the number sense part on his own. Whatever we call it, I'm happy with any method that helps my kids internalize and understand the work.

    • Like 1

    4 hours ago, Samson's Wig said:

    Word is his resignation had nothing to do with the recent murder.  Those of you with kids at Murchison will undoubtedly hear about soon if you haven't already.  Bit of a scene at school the day before he resigned.

    We've got kids at Hill, and I'm sad to see the principal there go mid-year, as she runs that school well.  It's going to be a step up for the middle school, however, so ultimately a good thing I hope.

    There was a Q&A this morning and my friend told me it "got heated." Lots of parents angry about him leaving. But the general impression of the new principal is good so far.

  13. 1 minute ago, Bama Chick said:

    OMG Rocket (that’s the baby, right?) is so adorable I want to put him in my pocket!!!

    And please tell me you laid down on the couch with him and shared his little toy pillow. I wouldn’t have been able to resist snuggling up and napping with him looking all cute like that.

    I want another dog so bad but my husband is such a curmudgeon.

    “One is plenty” he says. Bah.

    Yes, Rocket is the baby and every. single. thing. he. does. is cute. Tries to lick his balls? Gets unbalanced and falls over. Tries to walk in a straight line? No go - puppy uncoordination FTW. Naps on Edgar's dog bed? Last time he did it he rolled over in his sleep and fell off the bed. I mean come on. 

    Drag your husband to the AHS Puppy Bowl next year. I was much less worried about a puppy after we trained Edgar from the ground up. Since we have small kids I prefer getting the younger rescue dogs that don't already have ingrained bad habits, and there are so many great opportunities in Austin for puppy socialization and training and whatnot.

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