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Posts posted by austingirl

  1. Older son had a soccer game at 8 am at Town and Country. If you've ever played there, it was on the field that is the farthest away from any parking lot - maybe a 7-10 minute walk. I thought the fields would close before the game, but no such luck, so the kids and I went over and got there around 7:45. We haul all our shit out there, get set up in the drizzle, play 7 minutes, then it thundered. That means a 30-minute delay and we have to go wait in our cars. We go back to the cars, thinking they were going to call it the next time it thundered. Alas, they apparently did not hear the next boom because we were sent back out after the 30 minutes was up.

    So we schlepped everything back again, they blow the whistle, and that's when it really started raining. No thunder though, so the kids played the entire thing in steady, mostly hard rain. By the time it ended even us spectators were soaked. On the way home, we grabbed some kolaches to go (because everyone deserved a treat), came home, dried off, and are now watching a movie and I'm not stepping a foot outside for a long time.

    Tldr: It was a shitty morning for a soccer game.

  2. Cold and 25-30mph gusts turned a Cub Scout campout this weekend into a “let’s see if our tens really hold up to their wind-ratings!”

    I was supposed to take the kids on a Cub Scout trip this weekend but backed out bc of the weather. I have no interest in finding out how the tent holds up to its wind rating when it's just me, a 7-yo and a 10-yo.

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  3. On 3/19/2019 at 8:13 PM, miguelito said:

    Alex breaks down movie scenes, pretty funny:


    And when he waves his big hands around, I keep thinking of this:


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    He really has giant hands compared to the rest of his body. I wonder how much is muscle and how much is just hand size.

    I was cracking up at his face after they show the lizard in that one clip - it was the first time I'd noticed how his hair was sticking out everywhere and he looked kind of crazy. Then it's followed by his nonchalant description of what it feels like to have a bat hit your hand while climbing. And then "I had a friend get bitten by a rattlesnake on a boulder in Yellowstone. But that's just bad luck." LOL.

  4. On 3/22/2019 at 11:54 PM, ztejas said:

    Less my type. 

    While we're on the subject - do you resemble Tina Fey or do you just appreciate her comedic talent?

    Mainly I am a fan of her comedic talent, and of Liz Lemon, but we do have a few shared superficial qualities. Both dark-haired, dark-eyed, and glasses-wearing, and we both enjoy some good night cheese. Well, I guess it's technically Liz Lemon with the night cheese, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that character was based on reality.

  5. I remember waking up and hearing about this the day after it happened. Most of us figured if something like that was going to happen this day and age, it would happen in Vidor, not Jasper. I had bad dreams about it for a while. And it's not like I wasn't aware that we lived where there was an obvious undercurrent of violent racism, but it was much easier to ignore before this happened. I moved to Austin the next year to go to school and have been here ever since.


    5 minutes ago, hundredTT said:

    For normal people of course. Do you not realize Alex isn't normal? She is a suburban bimbo who lives by norms...Alex lived in a van for 8 years, eating random slosh with a spatula and peeing in bottles bedside. As I said, he needs someone extreme, not a dumb bitch wanting to measure for a sectional when he was like "I'd sleep on the carpet". Her shit will get tiring and pussy will get old especially with him being a celebrity now, he will get all sorts of strange groupies who are better looking. 


    On 3/6/2019 at 6:38 PM, hundredTT said:

    Watching this now. One of the best docs I have ever seen.  His GF is def accommodating, but  still annoying as fuck. But you know what, what woman isn't? No way it will last, Alex's fuck it attitude isn't going to change. They are in their "honeymoon" phase and she's already talking about needing words of affirmation and all the typical BS. he won't put up with the nagging and I'm sure the pussy is already getting old. 

    Ok but you've already referred to her as:

    - A suburban bimbo

    - A dumb bitch

    - Annoying as fuck

    - Pussy

    Which reads like your personal opinion, not just as your interpretation of what Alex sees in her. 

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