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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Chapo

  1. I want to buy a group of O&G companies that would be in best shape to surive this downturn. I can just buy CVX and XOM but I would feel more comfortable spreading the risks over 5-10 companies.

    Best in class: XOM, CVX

    Best shale specific: EOG?

    International: ENI and Total (will continue pillaging Africa), Shell?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:


    Billy (Warren Buffet) really likes this super hot girl Mary (Oxy). Mary got in trouble and needed money for an abortion. Billy gave Mary the money for the abortion. In exchange, and to make Billy feel cool, She totally said she would go to every spring, summer, fall, winter dance with him because of it. But when the spring dance came closer, she couldn't afford to buy a dress for the dance because her mom is having a hard time selling her new jewelry line. So Billy was like, it's cool, don't waste your money on a new dress for the dance. Just give me your autographed panties and I will show it to my friends who will think I'm totally badass. Billy doesn't want to give up on going to the dance with Mary, but still wants to look cool. I mean he did loan her that money for the abortion. If she bails on the dance a couple more times or doesn't put out for Billy, then Billy might have to ask for the abortion money back. 

    OK great, now incorporate Putin and MBS in this analogy

  3. 3 minutes ago, Llano Estacado said:


    Yes. Part of the original deal with Buffett. His Div is $200MM/qtr cash or common stock @10% discount.

    If he wants his dividends to keep coming and Oxy to keep the lights on it’s better for him to accept stock and allow Oxy to maintain the cash for whatever purposes. If/when he only excepts cash payment of dividend that’s basically Oracle saying he has lost all confidence in their ability to stay out of bankruptcy.


    Thanks, OXY 2021 $5 put it is then

    • Like 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, LABEVO said:


    Can somebody explain to me like I'm a 6th grader on what this imply?  Did Warren just say, just give me whatever you can bc I made a big mistake investing in shale and Im going to just gonna sell this off?    

  5. 35 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    You're right, but the hospitalization level, even for those folks that are younger than 60, is still high. SiP for 60+ combined with everyone else adhering to social distancing  and things like masks (probably also keeping large gatherings to a minimum) may be a good enough combination in lieu of an efficient testing and isolation system.

    Isn't this what Sweden is/was doing? 

  6. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:


    Think might b a little too much optimism and FOMO today...

    Really interested in tomorrow's trading action leading into a 3-day weekend for "The Market"...

    Yep this is ridiculous. I have never seen this much sunshine pumping outside of an Aggy tailgate and how we all know how those usually turn out for them.....

    • Like 1
  7. Just moved into a new construction house, no sprinklers yet and wanting to reduce lawn mowing yardage.  On each side of the house, there is a narrow strip of st augustine  (8' x 60') that just started to grow. I want to just cover the area cheaply so I don't have to mow it.  Maybe just plop some stepping stones in the more trafficked area. Whats an easy and cheap way to do this?  I know nothing about landscaping.  Do I kill the grass first or just pour sand and rocks right away?

  8. Just now, Biff Tannen said:

    You aren't supposed to fully charge unless you need the range for a road trip.  80% is the standard.  The data so far (which granted is only a few year's worth) shows the batteries don't start to degrade in terms of charge capacity until at least 500k miles, and even then it's not less than 80% of the original state.

    Does the car allow you to cap the charge at 80% when you plug it in overnight ? 

  9. 23 hours ago, HRSchenker said:

    You don't have to worry about the battery degrading the way it does in a cell phone though. The car wants to be plugged in.

    I've read many different statements on this, not sure what is true. Some say other car companies are developing batteries with less capacity but longer life.  Whereas Tesla's battery is developed for higher capacity but has shorter lifespan.  I have always thought that batteries life last longer  if you keep it charged between 20-80%. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    I'm not a Elon hater, or fanboy.

    I am pretty suspicious of Tesla's ability to maintain a competitive advantage against Ford, Toyota or any of the Germans when battery and solar technology gets to a point where its essentially a commodity.

    Elon is the greatest car salesman alive and that's their biggest edge. I haven't seen any survey about dream cars that teenagers would want but I wouldn't be a surprise if Tesla Cybertruck is one of the top choices. And that car is not even available yet. 

  11. 9 hours ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Maybe Rondo.  They'll want to pick up a minimum ring chaser who gets bought out too.  That's at least 6 there.  McGee can give you a few minutes.  Bradley?  Or Daniels for shooting.  But bench is a big problem for the Lakers as currently constructed.

    Lakers better pray for an Iggy buyout, right now their ceiling is 2nd round (that is if they get a favorable 1st rd matchup)

  12. New rule guys, only citizen of a nation can critize that particular country. No more bad mouthing NK and Iran. And oh, since you didnt live in the 3rd Reich? Hitler is off the table too. By the way, this is about LBJ getting pissed off that his wallet get hit, social changes be damned.

    4 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    I don't agree with the NBA's stance but do you not see the difference between calling for social change at home vs a country you're not a citizen of?


  13. On 7/12/2019 at 7:19 PM, troph said:

    But I’m also uninterested in the classic retirement. I’m 43 and working toward a part time schedule by the time I’m 55 without geographic constraints and possibly even outside client related work.

    I'm with the same mindset but I dont want to be doing what I'm doing now (O&G sales). I want to do something completely different but havent found out what that is yet.

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