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Posts posted by Gourmand

  1. That Goldy homer should be Verlander’s thesis statement in his juiced ball manifesto.  Did not look close to an HR off the bat.  
    I thought likewise when I saw the replay. He didn't get all of it but that ball carried like MJ.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  2. 58 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:

    Yeah that’s much hunch as well.
    There is a longer game to this that Luhnow already has in play
    No way Luhnow is running the risk of giving away Kemp for nothing over ~30 days


    Astros fans on Twitter seem unified about Kemp, he's incredibly popular and everyone is upset about him getting DFA'd. But few of them are thinking clearly right now and seeing what is likely to happen and you guys nailed it. 

    There's a snowball's chance in hell Luhnow lets him go to another team without anything in return. Kemp is getting traded, probably along with some minor league prospects, and we're getting pitching help in return. Book it. 

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  3. 86 Turntable Pizzeria on Airport/51st. Last day is July 31st.

    They opened at the wrong time and weren't positioned to compete with Homeslice for dine-in or Eastside Pies for delivery/takeout. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Jacob McCandles said:

    What's the roster move with Carlos coming back?

    DFA Kemp?

    Send Straw down?

    Send Straw down until trade deadline, in order to keep as much flexibility with regard to trading Kemp (if Kemp is not traded by then, DFA him then)? 

    gotta be Straw down or a trade

  5. What's the temperature here for a hypothetical Rangers trade involving Mike Minor? He's under control for the next year at least at a favorable amount and his fastball spin rate is elite, near the top of all pitchers. Would you risk sending top prospects to the Rangers for Minor at SP4?

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  6. I was sitting 5 feet from the visitor on deck circle when Sammy Sosa fucking launched one into the lights off Scott Elarton in 2000 or 2001.  That shot by Alvarez was the only thing I have seen close to that at MMP.
    I caught a Mitch Meluskey homer that same season when Elarton was on the mound for the good guys, so this hits close to home.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  7. 2 hours ago, Scraps said:

    From facebook:

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, Jenn, it made our day! Just one of the MANY reasons we love working with the amazing George Springer! 

    We live in Southern California, and wanted to share a story about George Springer. My son just turned 6, and he has been managing a stutter for a few years now. He never lets it get him down, but nonetheless, doesn’t know anyone else who has one. He is a big Houston Astros fan, (even though we are in Angels territory!), and he recently learned that George Springer stutters and does work with your organization. He has been genuinely excited to learn someone like that stutters, too. So off we went, two nights in a row to the Angels vs Astros game in Anaheim to try to meet Springer. Tonight he saw my son with his poster, came over and talked to him for several minutes and told him it is okay to stutter, autographed a baseball card and took photos, then went back into the dugout and came back to give my son a pair of his batting gloves. Others were commenting it was the nicest signing they’d ever seen a player do, and I agree. Springer gained some new fans tonight for sure, and definitely made a little boy’s night! Thank you, George Springer and SAY for all you do!
    Jenn Harris Kelly

    P.S. He slept in Springer’s batting gloves all night 😍







    gettin dusty in this office 

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