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Gourmand last won the day on September 6 2023

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  1. In which case, your generation's Dark Side of the Moon is OK Computer
  2. Well he said we had two options: either opt for the biopsy in which case he'd be blinding sticking that needle up my ass or I could do the MRI first so he would have a better idea of what my prostate situation is and where to aim the needle in the event the biopsy is needed. That biopsy scares the bejeezus out of me.
  3. yeah that's true and my wife has been telling me to stop worrying about it as well until I know for sure. urologist said it could just be an enlarged prostate causing that elevated number. it's just a gut instinct I have that I can't really shake. My 82 yo mother has been fighting lung cancer (went to her brain as well) for a few years now so I'm sure that's feeding into my mental state. She's been through much of what RDCaneCutter has been through wrt treatment regimen, couple of brain surgeries along the way. Unfortunately we haven't been on great terms, on-again/off-again relationship through all of it, so there's a fucked up part of me that is convinced I'm gonna get it to walk a similar road as mom. Reading this thread is a real perspective punch in the face and y'all fighting it and talking about it are heroes.
  4. she surprised me with a beej and said FUMA last night after I fell asleep. i think my enema talk (prep for the MRI) got her going.
  5. Shit, this is me (54) rn. I'm lowkey petrified I have it and can't shake this foreboding sense of doom that's been looming over me since my routine physical last month where my blood tests came back less than great (pre-diabetic, high blood pressure, elevated PSA of 4.8). My pcp referred me to a urologist and rather than sticking his finger up my ass he ordered an MRI to get a better picture of exactly what's going on. I had the MRI last night and now I'm waiting for a follow up in a couple of weeks from my urologist to go over the results.
  6. One of the biggest surprises of 2024 for me is learning that Colin Cowherd is way more Lebron James/Dan LeBatard than he is Aaron Rodgers/Clay Travis. I never would've guessed that.
  7. Does Mike Lindell live in Georgetown? He was seated at a table near us in a restaurant with his hickoid family last week and I could hear him blathering on and on about mail in ballots...
  8. maybe? Suburban Round Rock. Harris sucks balls. She had an abortion and is a pro-life hypocrite.
  9. He is really great. Kinda OT but my former state rep James Talarico (redistricted out of my burb by the fascist Texas GOP) has a lot of the same qualities as a politician as Mayor Pete. I'd really like to see him have a higher profile in national politics because he's that good.
  10. Allred is lame, Gutierrez would have been a far better nominee imo
  11. I'm quite concerned that his bullshit lie about not taxing tipped income will gain traction with hospitality workers. I've seen sooo many Trumpaloos trying to peddle that shit to our employees on their signed credit card receipts. It's disgusting.
  12. remind me again who owns Twitter and Facebook and how those companies operate wrt political misinformation
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