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Posts posted by Gourmand

  1. 8 minutes ago, IDIOTsavant said:

    You literally answered your own question.

    I don't think the degree of concern is enough reason to make a trade since Coutee is actually less of an injury risk than Fuller.  Trading to improve depth at the position, sure. 

  2. I don't understand why y'all think they have to go get someone else and trade away picks when they have a guy on the roster who was drafted to help take the top off the defense from the slot position. Coutee doesn't have the same elite speed as Fuller but he's pretty damn fast (4.43 40) and he has a quick first step. He hasn't had a ton of opportunities to showcase what he can do but when Fuller exited week 4 vs Indy due to injury,  Coutee stepped up and played very well. 11 rec 110 yds or so.  The main concern with him is durability. 

    • Like 1
  3. Am I the only one who thought Verlander was actually a lot more dominant and in control of the outcome of that game than he's been given credit for? Yeah, he was missing and nibbling in the 5th but they weren't hitting him and they looked afraid to swing the bats. 

    I was actually questioning Hinch yanking him when he did because I knew there was no way they were gonna score again off him, but I get it. AJ was playing the long game and saving JV's pitches for later in the postseason.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Not sure how many of y'all work for a living, but just like any other job interview, unless they can prove something against you beyond a reasonable doubt, they can't use it against you during the hiring process.

    I've never had a job interview that I failed as badly as this guy failed yesterday. His ranting, unhinged temperament and screaming at his job interviewers shows the type of character he is. He's not fit for the Supreme Court. He should be embarrassed by his actions yesterday. Or was he drunk?

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  5. 1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:
    My mom surprised me by leaving work early and bringing home tickets to that game that some exec in her sales dept gave her. Everyone at her company knew her son was a big Astros fan so she got freebies to a lot of Astros games during those years.  School let out around the same time the game started so we didn't get there until the third inning. First thing on the scoreboard that I looked at was the visitor's goose egg under the hit line. That was a very unforgettable sports day.


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