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Posts posted by Bookman

  1. 20 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    this is a very alarming aspect to trump's presidency, honestly. i think the reason he doesn't mind murderous autocrats is because he wants to be one himself. this is worse than all the graft crimes and russian collusion. he really wants to be able to murder people with impunity. i really think he wishes he could have jim acosta dragged screaming from the press pool to some dungeon somewhere for torture.

    he just is a terrible human being. you have to think: if you were in the presence of a known murderer, would you be cool with that? i know being president means you have to rub shoulders with some unsavory characters, but you do not have to heap lavish praise on the shoulders of known killers. but he does, with kim, with putin, with MBS. our president wants to be like those people. or maybe he is already like those people, he just cannot act as they do, and it infuriates him. 

    think about that for a second, because it really transcends politics.

    I posted this in 2016. He shows all the characteristics. And then 63,000,000 Americans voted for the piece of shit.

  2. 7 hours ago, elfenix said:

    so diamond and silk are two black women who say nice things about trump on the internet/tv?  is that it?  is there anything else to get?  did they do anything to garner themselves any sort of fame before that?

    By their names I've always assumed they were strippers.

  3. It's a beautiful Sunday morning here in San Antonio. And I'm still shocked that Republicans would vote for such a deeply-unpopular, corrupt, immoral, incompetent failed-businessman to be the face of their party.

    For people like me, who's voted Republican 80% of the time, this is a lesson that I'll never forget.

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  4. On 2/11/2019 at 12:38 AM, HOOK'EMHOOAH said:

    For those against asylum seekers coming here, let me ask you this: how bad does something have to be before you would relent and be open to the idea of granting asylum to those in need?

    Let's run through a very real scenario that happens today and compare the positions. North Korean asylum seekers flee North Korea into China because of the extremely oppressive nature they face at the hands of the government as well as the fact that there is little if any food and no possible way to grow economically as an individual within North Korea. If someone is captured by the Chinese then return to North Korea, they face among the hardest conditions of anyone on the planet just for trying to find a better life.

    So the question is this, do the people that are coming here in the caravans from Central and South America need to be facing the same kind of scrutiny and oppression as that of the North Koreans before you would change your position? Or are we actually going to be better than that and recognize that these are human beings and we are supposed to be the world leaders of acceptance and diversity?

    Well, you see, if only they looked like us.

  5. 8 hours ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    This type might be the worst of all.

    Lifelong Republicans who claim they knew how bad the President could be, but went along because of Team R and the prospect of what that would bring.


    People who simply were reckless with this country. I'll never understand it. Never.

  6. 12 hours ago, TexEx15 said:

    Can we just take a minute to soak up all the ridiculous dumb shit Trump has done, said, got caught saying,  implied, tweeted etc... since he announced he was running.  Now imagine had Obama, Hilary had she been elected, George W., any other POTUS acted this way.  I would hope there would have been outrage for either party.  Instead we have a neutered checks and balance system. 

    How in the fuck are so many people willing to accept this orange human dumpster fire as capable of holding the office of President and all the responsibility that comes with it?

    See, a substantial percentage of Americans think God wants Donald Trump to be President. Presumably because God's an asshole and He hates us.

  7. 11 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    You literally don’t know what your talking about.

    Tell me how I’m stupid. 

    Can you give me a situation where it would be appropriate, and somehow better for the mom, to abort a viable fetus in the third trimester rather than simply delivering it? Be as specific as possible. 

    Yes. Say it’s some Eurotrash whore carrying Donald Trump’s baby.

  8. 19 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Pocahantas is now the Trail of Tears ?  The use of the word Trail is racist ?   You have some huge leaps of comprehension issues.  You hear racism in everything.

    Give another reasonable interpretation of campaign TRAIL there.

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