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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by noharleyyet

  1. Almost touches the ground....needs longer legs
  2. Recently picked up another 700 .257 Wby Mag (on the right). These will go to my son and son in law eventually. Identical except for the McMillan stock on the left. Same scopes & rings.
  3. In a personal sense this one hit me in the feels...
  4. Well, he is worth 100mill....that's a modicum of appreciation.
  5. New songs are being written...
  6. noharleyyet

    Led Zeppelin

    Page's cascading Stairway interlude had me much the same as SRV did with TX Flood's intro. Was a WTF just happened moment from the gitgo..
  7. I've a friend who married more disposable cash than he can spend that collects things like guitars, guns, sports memorabilia, Pappy Van Winkle,,,,etc. He doesn't play a lick & won't let anyone touch the guitars. Expensive guitars, new and vintage...won't sell anything. I used to go to GC with him & marvel at the managers fawning over their prized whale. Won't drink the PVW either... csb
  8. Bust it and superglue the flap. -SRV
  9. ...the only time you'll see a guitarist lugging the drummer's kit
  10. I try to keep the Venta powered up and play em 3-4 times a week in rotation. Seems to help, they don't wander from tune very much at all. I do not change the strings often enough probably.
  11. A Marshall stack @ GC's Platinum room has sold a ton of expensive guitars...some to moi
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