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Loose Stool

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Posts posted by Loose Stool

  1. I just got back and thought it was serviceable.  It was a little slow at times but overall a good watch.  Alden did well, Glover was good, Chewie was great.  I liked the twist.

  2. 28 minutes ago, EZ$ said:

    I recently got my lake house set up on the app. Not a humble brag because the house is on the “poor side” of the lake, but apparently has some very concerned citizens.  

    I found one post with a bunch of replies about a suspicious guy driving slowly around the neighborhood around 5-6 am. They’ve seen him out a couple times around the same time and some have followed him taking pics of his vehicle and license plate....and posted them. After calling the cops several times and making them run the plates....yup, it’s the newspaper guy. 

    LOL, that was my first thought.  Idiots...


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