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Loose Stool

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Posts posted by Loose Stool

  1. Some fit women really like hanging out/having sex with fatter guys on the DL but don't want to go out with them in public.  The door swings both ways.  Why is this chick bringing this shit up years later if she is so happy now with her current boyfriend?  Stop your bitching and be happy you have a current boyfriend. 

  2. I used to go to E3 years ago.  It was fun back in the day (late 90's, early 2000's).  You could walk up to the developers and talk to them about the latest expansion/game, etc. and they loved the interaction.  Now, it's all money driven and there is a line for everything.  Ruined a good thing...

  3. 5 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Actually some fucktard did the exact same thing to me this morning.  However I knew that 1) he was a contractor type guy driving a little Ford Ranger type of mini-pickup, and 2) correctly assumed he was dumb as dick dirt, so I braked well ahead of time although I had to pull pretty good to avoid the dumbshit. 

    Thus, most of the time if you go around assuming that, although no one would mistake you for Einstein, you're way, way, way smarter than 97% of the population you come in contact with, and always assume that the other guy is going to do something absolutely fucking shitbrained, you expect it and once again save some shitbag from extinction, because you're smart enough to control his existence, never mind yours.

    It's a simple rule, really.

    Pretty much this.

  4. On 4/7/2018 at 10:52 AM, Buzzrock said:

    The bombs were magnetic. And there were zero G bombs in two other SW movies.

    This makes no sense.  If they bombs were magnetic wouldn't they be attracted to the metal ship they were allegedly falling (in a vacuum) out of?

    Plus, these 'advanced' bombers that travel slowly in space while getting picked apart by tie fighters?  Lame.  And who is the genius who made the remote control 'drop the bombs' button?  You know, the box thingy with the big red button that fell all over the ship.  Why not mount that fucking thing to a console?  Better yet, have about ten of those buttons all over the ship so more than one person could drop the bombs.  Even better, how about make it voice activated?  Have a droid do it, etc.  Clearly, it was just a plot mechanism designed to create tension and suspense in the movie.  I get that is necessary in movies but at least make it logical!

    The way Snoke died - so stupid.  This powerful force user can connect Rey and Kylo together via a video call with the force while they are light years apart and the dude can't sense the light saber two feet away that will cut him in half?  WTF???!

    So many problems with this movie.  Marvel has made 20+ movies and every one of them has been 'good' to 'great'.  The prequels and VII and VIII have been complete shit shows.  It's like Marvel gets the A team and Star Wars gets the C+ team.  Fuck!

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