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Loose Stool

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  1. Don't call me Shirley You can tell me, I'm a doctor Also, the calm down bit where the lady is getting hysterical and there is a line of people wanting to beat the shit out of her No parking in the red/white zone bit
  2. Would love to see this series continue. As I understand, there are a couple of spinoff shows with "The Ballerina" and "The Continental". I really like how Reeves does his own stunts and is quite good with the actual martial arts and 3-gun shooting (check him out on YouTube.) Wouldn't mind a crossover show with Atomic Blonde, but obviously the timelines wouldn't match up (with Atomic Blonde being set in the cold war 80's.)
  3. Loose Stool

    Facing Nolan

    Agreed. Great show about a great pitcher.
  4. Yeah, and he still is owed $40 million from his last contract. Dude is flush...
  5. Tech has a strong RB group but the O Line is hammered dog shit and their backs can't get any lanes to run through. Tech's QB1 (Shough) is out because he hurt the same shoulder in game 1 as he did against Texas last year. QB2 (Smith) started the last two games and thrown 5 INTs including two pic six. His decision making skills are still in development which is not helped by the shit OL not giving him any time. Both his arm and running abilities are above average but again, hampered by questionable decisions leading to missed opportunities This is not the same Tech defense everyone jokes about. They are a solid group that flies around to the ball. Front seven are pretty good (depending on the above mentioned injury report) but depth is a concern. Corners and safeties are average and probably the weak link on the defense. The group overall tackles better than previous iterations of the alleged 'defense' but still whiffs on open field tackles from time to time and still gets burned by the wide-receiver screens. Special teams is a joke constantly giving up good returns on kicks and fucking up on punt receiving which gives the offense poor starting field position, i.e. inside their own 10 which exasperates the issues on offense. Oh and when they do get a nice return, it is typically negated by some idiotic holding call. Field goal unit is questionable with two different kickers to have struggled. McGuire holding on to his time outs and not going for the win was a real head scratcher. Also, he put in QB3 (Morton) on the last couple of series. Of course, he was moving the ball then promptly threw an INT. This year Tech probably struggles to win five games. With some better OL help and a healthy, experienced QB, they will likely do much better next year. I would think Texas wins by double digits.
  6. Great show! Amazing to see how all this went down. Why isn't Paramount pimping this more? It's excellent.
  7. Anybody watching this? It's on Netflix. I'm a few episodes in and I'm liking it so far.
  8. ^^ this. Some of the funniest posts and photoshops I've ever seen. Lost hours of work and never laughed so hard.
  9. That's some serious bullshit right there! The radio crew works for the university/athletic department not the conference. Tech should tell Bowlsby to fuck off and that they decide who is calling their games.
  10. Agreed. Really liking the alternate history and the last few episodes have really turned it up. Every time Tracy (who's hot) goes into that airlock to smoke I just know someone is going to accidentally shot her out the airlock. Ed's wife Karen is pretty hot too. She looks a little like Meghan Markle.
  11. Yeah, this movie and the story were complete trash. Nothing good about it at all. First one was pretty good, this one a complete bomb.
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