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  1. I’m mostly pro life, wish we could require birth control in high school (if there was a male equivalent of the shot or pills), pro lgbtq, want to disarm cops, don’t want to take all guns from citizens but would be all for starting with banning anything that is semiautomatic and/or fits in a pocket, I want to clean things up but think global warming gets used to shuffle money to people claiming doom, i like smaller government but acknowledge they have to step in, and I wish we’d stop gaslighting people and trying to stir up hate and violence online Dems don’t check all the boxes for me, historically I’ve been conservative / republican, but not for the last 8 years. Too much violence and hate. I’m also excited about the a woman being president not just a mythical possibility. I want my young daughter to see that.
  2. @CooterBrown that was the best. So I clearly missed a Wolverine storyline since I didn’t recognize the one crucified on an X with all the skulls. I also wish the one handed wolverine had claws come out his stump.
  3. AM radio this morning called her a political and literal whore. JFC.
  4. We finally got to see it. Really good and very enjoyable. I’m assuming this is almost out of theaters, but the bit it was relatively full for a movie that’s been out 6-7 weeks. My daughter is 12. Lot of the snow hit close to home.
  5. What are your utilities like on a 400sf apt? Less than $100/month average?
  6. Personally, yes I think so. And that’s not a knock against Maul v Kenobi.
  7. I rewatched Obi Wan recently. Was a good series, and a while this had good fight scenes, I feel like it had the best saber scene. Ever.
  8. I’m not sure this thread is much different sometimes. When multiple posters post the same picture, or even the same poster posts the same picture, you know they’re not reading/interacting in the community and just looking for posrep. Might as well be a bot.
  9. We can watch it together since we are seemingly the only 2 that enjoyed it. I don’t disagree some things could have been better but overall I and my family liked it
  10. Maybe don’t post obvious bullshit that is politically slanted and try to pass it off as truth? Then come back with the “oh I didn’t know I didn’t even check just reposting”. Fuck off
  11. Are you posting this as snark or do you have some agenda that would be better served in CR? Most of the major damage and tree loss in our area was huge oaks being completely uprooted
  12. Finally couldn’t take it anymore in Brazoria. They do at least have a couple of crews working in our area now. Came to seabrook. Got my first hot shower and AC in a week. Then it started raining… and the power went out. I quit.
  13. Been binging this on my phone since the power is out. Most of the way through s2. Highy entertaining show.
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