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Wally Pryor

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Posts posted by Wally Pryor

  1. 15 minutes ago, ClubWhatever said:

    So what's the preferred charity?

    Anyone but the Red Cross.

    We know a lady / artist that sells shirts outside our timeshare so at least we know directly where the money is going. Like so many others, she lost it all.


  2. 8 hours ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Every first responder I’ve talked to at the hospital and shelter basically says quadruple that.

    The Maui police chief was quoted late yesterday that only a tiny piece (3%) of the search area had been covered by cadaver dogs.

    So yeah, unfortunately, that could be the case. 


  3. One upside to carting around kids on a Friday night is getting re-acquainted with Nadel (despite the Horn's weak signal). He missed 100-plus games this season but doesn't seem to have skipped a beat after his illness. Still polished with that perfect, relaxed delivery. Framing and describing a game like few other pxp guys do. Good for him to be behind the mic again calling  games, especially ones that matter.  



    • Like 3
  4. McElroy is solid on color and joining McDonough in the booth (replacing Blackledge who's now with the B10). Jesse Palmer takes over McElroy's old slot with Tessitore. 

    Beth lives on. No one should have expected otherwise. 



  5. 49 minutes ago, Longhornstampede said:

    Holy shit. That's awful!! 

    The guy chose to be out hunting feral pigs at 1AM in the middle of a corn field in Bastrop County. When he clearly had other / better options.

    That's another level of awful.



  6. 3 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

    Yep.   Used to stay at Bellagio or Venetian and gamble at CR.   Long live the days of playing 100x odds craps and $.25 roulette while never running dry on a cocktail...and then be able to buy $1 Michelob longnecks while you walk past.  

    No kidding.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    can't vouch for 100% accuracy, but this looks close to what I have seen based on a quick look



    On this note we're looking for local(s) places near downtown. Something else to do beside the standard casinos on / adjacent to Fremont. We did Jerry's Little Nugget last year and it was, well, entertaining - low craps mins and some interesting locals. Along these lines. 

    Thanks in advance. 

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