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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. On 1/14/2024 at 5:51 AM, Fastbreak said:

    “Christian economy”

    Checks notes: Jesus has no possessions or money and was highly critical of those who made profit off others.

    But in the modern MAGAot world putting “Christian” in front of anything simply means “privileged white man”.

    but it's a cowboy church!

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. 2 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    If feeling superior is expecting people to act civilized and not like dipshit leeches to society, then yea, I'm feeling superior as fuck.


    5 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    Bruh, just put off retirement for another year or two. You need to grow a heart, and give up some more taxes.  You don’t need to leave anything to the kids anyway,  we’ve got junkies that need support.  

    what does all this contempt do for you? do you wrap yourself in it? does it help you face the real world, this idea that you are so much better than those who suffer? when you've reduced them to savages, what's next? shall we get rid of all of em?

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  3. Just now, TwiceHorn said:

    Pretty true. But as a recovering addict myself, there is a point at which you may have the opportunity(s) to accept offered help and then do the necessary and a responsibility to do so. 

    sometimes people have the capacity to ask for and/or accept help/opportunities. sometimes they don't. 

    but we (the responsible ones) shouldn't give up because someone isn't ready or whatever

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  4. 2 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    So it's our fault because they are homeless druggies? My sarcasm meter is broke.

    there's the main problem right there: we don't have to assign fault for addiction. it's not your fault, crash, but it's all of our responsibility to help where we can and sometimes even where we can't. you can't monetize grace. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    being contrarian would be a reason, but that's not why they're doing it. 

    they support the right.  the right's issues suck shit.  therefore, they support issues that suck shit.

    it's a high school popularity contest and they're stuck with the nerd.

    nah. they aren't stuck with the nerd. the nerd understands the role of student government. they are stuck with the gaslighting jock asshole who promises a coke machine in the cafeteria. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

    Hey, I don't have time to read this thread.  I just stopped by to say that Vince McMahon seems a bit creepy. 

    he shit on a girl's head during a threesome. it's beyond a bit creepy. it's a bit trafficky and a lot rapey....

    and bonus there's a pee tape allegation. who might want a pee tape? brock lesnar probably allegedly.

    it's fucking wild

  7. unemployment is at record lows. how many people are working 2+ jobs? how many side hustles are out there? 

    probably the wrong thread but the wealth is flowing upwards at an exponentially increasing rate. I'll expound more on the enshittening thread later. but all the value metrics are totally fucked. 

    it's right there for fox to point out but they cannot because they've trained their viewership over decades to look at meaningless economic metrics and salivate and many of the rest of us also fall for it. you can't unring pavlov's bell one you've imprinted that training. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. but the us economy isn't kicking ass. that's what's so funny. they painted themselves in a rhetorical corner. they can't do a deep analysis into our sham of an economy because to do so would unmask them far more more than usual. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Deej said:

    Eggroll stand on the Drag. Mmmmmm....


    1 hour ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Had some bad ass lemonade. I would kill the fried rice and the Turkey rolls. I would go more to the one by Littlefield and take lunch into Portuguese class.

    they had a lot more than eggrolls and lemonade

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  10. 6 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    My surmise is that Watson really just has one mission: keeping Austin out of the legislature's crosshairs.  He had decent success with that this past session.  But I fear that's really his only mission.

    watson has just one real mission: be Austin's old white father. i am serious. that's it. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Brian Fantana said:

    You're not only a hateful moron, you're a bitch ass pussy that went so insane over rep numbers on an internet message board, you had to create multiple accounts to cope with it. You're possibly the most easily triggered person on this entire board. It's absolutely hilarious watching you project constantly.

    no fucking shit. it's embarrassing as fuck

  12. 3 hours ago, SurlyGator said:


    Perhaps there is some correlation?



    1 hour ago, MrBig said:

    The brunette looks like a thick Kate Hudson. 

    And these assholes making this tweet are so quick to point the finger at obese & trans women to fill some narrative about “wokeness.” But if they added the 2021 covers with black women and blamed “diversity” they would find themselves in a world of shit. 

    the fact of the matter is that magazine formats are generally dead. si tried to stay relevant with plus size and teams during a me too and lgbtq revolution but the ship sailed when girls gone wild became a thing. then mobile phones have us access to all the media and who needs a fucking magazine? 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  13. what i mean by yall aren't moderated is that we barely fucking moderate anything aside from hate speech and blatant trolling/shit posting. yall know when you do it. we certainly do not moderate viewpoints or opinions and i'll have real words with anyone who thinks differently. i don't take much seriously, but i do believe in the ethos of this community. i can also believe that ethos might change over time, especially when we start talking in decades-long timeframes when major societal changes are also happening. that means, hey, yeah, we started off telling each other to die in a fire, but then someone real got hurt, and that stopped being funny. so we stopped doing that, pretty much largely as a community.

    most of the changes tried, failed, succeeded, abandoned, tried something else, etc, have all been with a fuckload of input from this community.

    so, think about this place as that, if you will. 

    i think that's what @immamac was getting at in the cloak room post. 

    now, it's my unvarnished opinion that he picked the absolute worst example of behavior to point out bad acting on the other side, but here we are. 

    the main problem is that we have a larger civility problem in this country. we talk past each other too much, without realizing that someone is on the other side of that equation. i do it all the time on here. i've been fucking terrible about it in the past, and i've done plenty of regretful things. my way of atoning is to walk forward and try to do better. 

    and that's all immamac wanted, i think. 

    but the real problem with cloak room is what goes unsaid as much as what goes said. what the poster in question did was pretty much the definition of trolling. add into that the obvious and not-so-obvious misinformation posters, and patience is low for bullshit.

    "oh hey guys, i'm new here, but i have strong opinions about this discussion, and i strongly disagree with your BROAD ASSERTION A. look at this dodgy as fuck ass source i'm presenting as truth! behold BROAD ASSERTION B"

    "uh, hey new guy, that site is some partisan bullshit looney tunes crap. got something legit to back that up?"

    "oh, man they told me about the cloak room and you guys and how disingenuous you are!"

    "no, really, new guy, please back up broad assertion b."

    <new guy disappears>

    "no, hey, new guy with strong opinions and shitty sources, can you back up that broad assertion b?"

    "oh, hey guys, i've been busy. let me type up five posts not backing up broad assertion b. hell, i might not even mention broad assertion a at all, because, i don't know"

    "no, new guy, all you have to do is answer the questions, you stupid fuck."

    "i think i'm being bullied."

    immamac enters room, sees guy bloody on the ground, "jesus, guys, he's already dead"


    "no, new guy, bullshit source aside, please back up broad assertion b, or we have to conclude you are a troll"

    "yep, i'm being bullied, and everyone warned me about the bully piles in here, so i'm not going to even bother re-asserting or acknowledge BROAD ASSERTION A and i'm the fuck out of here, deuces, libfucks!"


    i mean, what the actual fuck.

    yes, the thread was derailed, but it was not derailed by an honest attempt at a trade of opinions.

    it turned into a shitfest because new guy poster brought piss to a shit fight. you can't show up with flat out bullshit, present it as fact, then throw up your hands and blame everyone else for not understanding your intent.

    that's gaslighting yall.

    sorry, immamac, i'm with you on sentiment, you just picked a weird as fuck situation, imo. 



    • Hook 'Em 2
  14. 7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, how about we look at immigration and border issues from January 2021 to present, and compare the population-adjusted numbers and impacts to those of prior administrations/years/decades.  When you do, you see that we don't actually have much of an OBJECTIVE crisis.  Ignore the noise and shrieking from the nativist crowd who has revived the "great replacement theory" bullshit.

    Generally, our immigration issues are no worse -- but also no better -- than they have been for the past 30+ years.

    Yep.  Want to know the last one of those to even make a run at intelligent, effective immigration policy action?  Good old W.  But alas, he was a few years too later -- by his time, the nativist trend on the right had taken control, and the democratic opposition to everything W thought or did trumped any objective consideration of policy.

    We've always had cross-border immigration of brown people, generally to find work.

    We've always had a broad spectrum of asylum seekers or similar types fleeing persecution, failed states, desperate circumstances, etc.  We've had nativist stupidity reactions multiple times....


    ....and it's been utterly stupid each and every time.

    Fuck the Chinese.

    Irish need not apply.

    Those dirty jews bring their communism.

    Damned mexicans will bring us a taco truck on every corner.

    Every fucking time, we've been dead-wrong.  Yet, we keep playing the stupidity hits, because


    Simple measures to manage, control, and monitor immigration are there for the taking.  Again, we don't even need to reinvent the wheel -- we can just dust off various programs and mechanisms we've used in the past and update them (will be even easier now with technology and interconnectivity).  But as we all know, 0% of the current conversation is about the actual issue of immigration.  It is entirely about setting political fires and fanning the flames, using good old fashioned demonization as an (effective) political tool.  It's effective because it works.  As demonstrated by people on this very thread who THINK they're smart, but are just being sheep led down the same old nativist path like their idiotic forebearers were.  ANTI-CHINESE LEAGUE!


    i agree with you 100% but biden has fumbled this issue away because he thinks other issues of his have his priority.

    but letting Republican governors shape the narrative is weak af

  15. 2 hours ago, DaysOff said:

    Boeing departed from engineering leadership after the McDonnell Douglas merger. The company became Boeing in name only.

    pretty sure someone at some point got their shareholder value though

    long as that shareholder value is protected in the short term, fuck long term business success

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