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Posts posted by hayden_horn

  1. 1 minute ago, Captainant said:

    Fascoanarchist is an oxymoron lol. Fascists want there to be a hierarchy and systems in place, just not ones based on laws or good jurisprudence. Anarchists want no system or hierarchy whatsoever 

    modern republicans are oxymorons. it fits. 

  2. 5 hours ago, safe sex said:

    The same reason poor Republicans vote against their own interests. They think they're sticking it to the "bad ones" and that nothing unfortunate will happen to them, so they need to go along to keep their place in their social structure.

    it's actually a later step in the autocratic process: establish the other. castigate and oppress the other. appeal to a moral authority by finding "good ones" of the other and give them soap and eggs and other items through a forced scarcity. then use the "good ones" to do the really bad shit to the others so you don't have to get your hands dirty. has the side benefit of making the good others kill the bad others and clean up the mess, thus establishing to the good others that they are still an other underclass subject to such treatment themselves if they aren't good little snitches and bullies of others in their condition. 

    • Rage+1 1
  3. 5 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    It’s more diabolical than buying tickets for the whole family or employees.  They ask you to buy tickets to this “pay it forward” campaign where other anonymous people with accounts can then use the tickets.  And if the tickets remain unused by anyone?  Haha sucker, you don’t get your money back.

    pretty much every political book written by someone running for office. straight up grift

  4. 12 minutes ago, Pods said:


    That was the best part. He looked like he was in shock and completely lost all composure.

    WTF was he expecting?

    Just hand off the trophy, get the fuck off the stage and get the fuck out of our lives. 

    that was so satisfying. you could write that shit up and no one would believe it happened like that. so funny that it happened with wwe promininently figured in the whole thing.  it was exactly like a big wrestling promo payoff. so great.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  5. 3 minutes ago, sith_horn said:

    Boneheaded play by D Williams. Oh well, young players gotta learn some hard lessons.

    nonsense. they ended his season over that ticky tack bullshit and they knew esactly what and why they were doing it.

    fuck this conference. score 100 if we can. eat shit.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    Gundy won that substitution chess match.

    that's not a chess match. that is stupid discretionary bullshit that should be illegal. 

    for some reason gundy pulling that shit has me angry up 35 - 14 at half in the big xii championship. I want to win by 100 if possible now. fuck gundy and the big xii all gas no brakes fuck your mother gundy

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  7. 3 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    You knew that PI was coming. This will be OSU's plan all game.

    that's gundy's entire gameplan. everyone knows the red are ready to job us. gave us a few early plausible deniability penalty gifts. now the screwjob will begin. glad we got this early lead

  8. 1 hour ago, statsman said:

    I may be going out on a limb, but I think the guys who grab a 14 year old girl, rape her by forcing her ankles up by her ears, and break her legs and pelvis by dropping all their weight on her in that position, and then put a bullet in her head after finishing,…those guys are terrorists. 
    The guys that take an infant and put it, living, into an oven, turn on the heat and walk away? Those guys are terrorists. 

    I would say be careful with this logic. the idf and israel have done some rank shit. 

    we all need a little lester freeman in our lives.

    follow the arms and the terrorist acts and you will find terrorists and the terrorist leaders. follow the money, who knows where the fuck is going to take you. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, Tex Pete said:

    Except we’ve shown the math on calls against us and against our opponents when playing us. We get the most penalties and our opponents get called the least when playing us. 

    don't underestimate penalties like hands to the face in the endzone instead of a hold and safety.

    i still cannot believe that was a thing that happened. 

    the thing is, the big xii has been fixing games for years and years and years. they've gotten pretty good at it, even calling garbage time holding against outmatched opponents so there isn't a big 0 next to holding penalties

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  10. 11 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well, two eps down.  It's ok, watchable.  There is something hallmark-y or lifetime-y about it, but it's got more violence and implied violence than any of those I've ever seen (which aint many).

    it's the fact that every character is a stale, comforting archetype

  11. On 11/11/2023 at 9:34 AM, Neonmoon said:

    We stopped watching after 1 episode. It was like a hallmark movie. I'm sure that's because we both read the book, but damn. 


    it is exactly like a fucking hallmark movie. i was trying to figure out how to describe it. 

  12. 32 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    I'm fine, I freaked out a bit last night, but loaded my dogs up and took something of an impromptu road trip to clear my head. I haven't had an episode like that in years, I sincerely apologize guys.

    nothing to apologize about. it's all good. 

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