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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Cool fantasy.
    When you realize that the current "immigration debate/fervor" has NOTHING to do with legal status, labor markets, costs, benefits, etc., and is ENTIRELY about nativist xenophobic demonization of all immigrants (remember, they want to end birthright citizenship, and flat-out close the borders to all immigration), then you realize that your entirely rational proposal is DOA.
    It's not any more complicated than that.  The reason that there have been no recent actual policy discussions or proposals about immigration is because the "anti-immigration" crowd has zero interest in immigration policy.  "Immigrants" are simply the demon/other they have chosen to villify, and that hatred is their entire reason for being.  "Solving the problem" would take the thing they hate away, and they can't have that.
    TLDR; we can't fix immigration because it's not about immigration at all.  It's about old fashioned hatred, full stop.
    I've been thinking a lot about how corrupted our historical biases pollute our current thinking. It's completely pervasive.

    Basic world history is taught from a Euro centered world view. Greece and Rome good, Moors bad. Never mind all the advanced civilizations that thrived during Europe's Dark Ages. It's ignored. Which makes xenophobia and racism an easy step. Bomb those savages back to the stone age. Without slavery the world would still be living in huts. White men made all the innovation and discovery.

    It's a problem. And we cant even talk about the impacts of slavery on subsequent generations.

    And our media silos mean it will never go away.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Rage+1 1
  2. Well, it's been a hard journey, but I believe I've finally found the perfect quote. Enjoy it now, my friends, because we may never see the likes of it again. 
    Like J Witt of Cuero etc? I'd think those fellas are ready to GTFO our racist back waters.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Wolf Creek Dec 25-30. Doesn't look like we are getting shit after I missed all of last season's epic snow (ACL injury).

    We were going to do Italy, but we are fostering a stray and he needs to travel with.

  4. Dealing with so many of those gomers on a daily basis is too high a price to pay.
    Amen, I grew up in the Cypress area. Lousy with aggy. Left for Austin when I was 18, never to move back. Dallas folks don't live amongst a bunch of aggy and don't get the hate.
  5. If your son didn't want to be sexually assaulted by other guys, you shouldn't have let him go to A&M.
    Some of the frat boys from the early 90s shouldn't be throwing any stones or claw hammers here, to be honest.
    • Haha 1
  6. Did you know that hippos CAN'T swim? They just run and jump along the bottom when they're in water.
    (Damn - someone beat me to it)
    So if make it to deep water without getting eaten, I can float on my back and taunt them?

    Yeah you first, buddy.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Half of Americans age 16-74 read at a 6th grade level or below.   Which means a shit ton of them can't think critically.
    https://map.barbarabush.org/#:~:text=What does adult literacy look like in your state%3F,of a sixth-grade level.
    130 million Americans—54% of adults between the ages of 16 and 74 years old—lack proficiency in literacy, essentially reading below the equivalent of a sixth-grade level.
    Meaning:  We're fucked.
    My brother has a Masters from Aggy and a great job; he should retire by 55 with plenty of money.

    He sent me a highlighted copy of Art of the Deal. Had a Maga hat in 2016. He's " not into politics now". Still, It Bottles the mind.
  8. except for the attempted thanksgiving or christmas trip there, we generally wait until jan and feb. seems like most get their game on around the stocking times but the fishing gets a lot better imo 4-8 weeks after. it also slows down, not a ton but enough. this year I'm taking my boys twice (I'll kayak maybe). then taking colleagues who I'm trying to hook into the hobby. doubt it will be successful but they enjoy it when they are out there.
    That's what I understand as well. I may go again before Jan and throw streamers only, there are always bass to be had anyway.
    It's a fun puzzle to try and cipher and you can't really lose...
  9. except for the attempted thanksgiving or christmas trip there, we generally wait until jan and feb. seems like most get their game on around the stocking times but the fishing gets a lot better imo 4-8 weeks after. it also slows down, not a ton but enough. this year I'm taking my boys twice (I'll kayak maybe). then taking colleagues who I'm trying to hook into the hobby. doubt it will be successful but they enjoy it when they are out there.
    That's what I understand as well. I may go again before Jan and throw streamers only, there are always bass to be had anyway.
    It's a fun puzzle to try and cipher and you can't really lose...

  10. 1930s Germany had no real economic power and actually very little military power. Our version of nazism is going to be wild.
    Yeah it's going to turn out that us having more military spending than the next 5 countries was a bad idea when we are a country of idiots electing fascist. Shits going to get real when we go full retard in the parlance of a not so distant time. Its a frightening thought. But my Turkey prices!
  11. I've been listening to bits and pieces of Jeff Ward's show (and the Jeff & Ed show) over the last month.
    Jeff has gotten stupid.  His views on the college football playoff at this point are remarkably ignorant.  Maybe the last divorce scrambled his brain, but he is as obnoxious as ever yet almost never makes a salient point.
    Agreed, he comes across as a bitter, hyperbolic old man.

    And they can't help but meander into politics and really show how dumb they are. Cringy.
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