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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I'm not remotely kidding in typical Lobo style bullshit.  Right after I posted that, I clicked on some RSVP to some talk at our new right-wing UT think tank.  And the captcha/robot deal was clicking pics that have/do not have pics of busses in them.  I managed to pass the test but between an actual member of Congress screaming this was all a vast ghost bus conspiracy and this AI test bullshit, we are living in a simulation.  I don't know the fuck else to explain this shit.  
    Grift and media silos.
    ”A stock photo of some busses in a parking garage and  basing an entire conspiracy theory on it with which to explain away an attempted domestic insurrection/overthrow of the very Republic we were swore to protect”  
    That they bragged about doing on social media before during and after.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  3. A small minority of the Corps members are in ROTC. Not just Army, but Navy and Air Force as well.
    So they need "Old Navy" on puff painted overalls too? Maybe some cute hat for that milkman?*

    *No disrespect to all those that served; sincere thank you for your service.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. This basic but noble, essential decency is the matter and substance and prime directive of the “deep state”, for all of its bumbling. Decency is precisely the thing that Donald Trump and his partners in diminishment seek to eliminate from government and more broadly, from the culture, and every edgelord cynic like [mention=179]Anastasis[/mention] or dumbass conspiracy loon or deluded partisan is their witting or unwitting accomplice in that nasty and dehumanizing work, and it saddens and angers us. But as long as decency matters, the Deep State lives. 
    Great post. Sadly 40% of the country is brainwashed to fucking hate these kind folks regardless of the kind efforts they make. Angry asssholes are defied; the sweet hard working-class librarian is terrorized. I'm not sure how that is rewired.

    Also as an aside, the formally noble working class are all on Tik Tok like zombies getting a dopamine hit in exchange for lost competency and productivity. I see it every day, it sucks
    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. in civil matters you can always settle.  before suit, during suit, after being found liable, exhausted appeals, judgment full, final, and collectible, etc.  the question is what can you promise in settlement and what will the other side accept.  you may settle after judgment (as a judgment holder) because finding and collecting upon assets may be difficult or costly, for example.
    Your last sentence is really the rub, especially with fat boy, but really any wealthy honky, and it drives me fucking nuts. Commit crimes, maybe face justice in 10 years but you're dead so it slides.
  6. I smoke stuff, and this turkey tasted like ash. However I did make stock out of carcass yesterday. I am wondering if it was smoked for too long or somebody got some bad wood. 
    Coming out of the way back machine, but Mike Levy used to send us one every year and they were always perfect. They inspired me to start smoking turkeys again. *
    You must have been unlucky and got a dud.

    * I still prefer Thomas Keller's recipe for my birds
  7. My first thought was "why in the living fuck would any longhorn fan be in a lease with a bunch of aggy?". Then I noticed who posted that comment and it made complete sense.  
    That's fair, but I sadly also have to tolerate aggie to enjoy some hunting and fishing experiences. Occasionally.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I think he meant "cower," but ... I'm really not sure.
    Also, "Suck it DeLoss," as if DeLoss had been involved any time over the past 9 years.
    They still mad about the LHN that Deloss originally tried to include them in on.
    • Haha 1
  9. I'm starting to get disturbed by the annoying shitheads on the far left threatening to stay home next November because of what's going on in Gaza. Cool cool. Because this is a better alternative if you decide to not vote this time around. You'll really have someone to bitch about on social media.
    Are those camps for Brown people going to be concentrated in one area with rail service?
  10. Hey dudes, toss out all ad hominems you want about atheists, keep up with evasions and apologia. Seen it for decades, especially in the free speech area (next to the Union Bldg) at UT in the 1980s and 1990s. All across America, too.
    But, you have no idea about me, how I got my atheist beliefs, or how I talk in public to anyone, or anything else. 
    You see, I was lucky, just damn lucky. 
    Raised in a middle class secular household in Texas that placed a premium on education, honesty, and hard work to get ahead. And a trust in relying on evidence and logic to make a point or have position on something. And a trust in basic science, medical and otherwise. 
    Oh sure, my mom (grew up on a farm) believed in the Bible, but never went to church because she thought preachers were scammers and con men. My dad was an agnostic, served in the Navy in Korean War, saw the lunacy of war, went to UT on the GI Bill and never set foot in a church. So, I escaped all the religious brainwashing that happens to the youth of Texas and America and the world. Damn lucky, I was. Just pure luck.
    -- On the other hand, my cousins were brainwashed by my mom's highly religious brothers and sisters and those cousins are all MAGA-GQP, as far as I know. I avoid them. 
    I've been atheist for 40+ years, at least my first years of college. Since I started grasping all the BS hypocrisies in religion and in reading existentialist writings, especially Sartre. Plus, Carl Sagan and many other scientists and many philosophers. Took philosophy courses at UT while getting my PhD in something else. Not a TED Talk atheist. Authored numerous books and articles, so I don't feel the need to spout off about atheism at the cocktail parties. 
    Last time I looked, America was packed with churches -- tiny churches in strip malls to suburban megachurches to urban cathedrals. Looks more like the Sky Daddy fans can't stop talking about their beliefs ... and ramming them down everyone's throats and inside women's bodies. 
    As for posting about atheism in Surly, it's because America is descending into a violent fascist theocracy, led by Texas and Abbott, the most disgraceful UT alum I know of. A freaking fascist and theocrat making women with unwanted pregnancies fear for their lives. And for some deep-seated reason, I still care about UT and its alums. I guess because my did did, too. That's probably why i post here.
    Totally futile gestures, for sure. 
    I hope he has access to a gun or guns. I hope he keeps one loaded in his bedroom, office, everywhere.
    Makes it much easier for him to off himself.
    Ah, yes, the manly man from Manhattan packs his own heat, knows how to operate a gun, and has the courage to override his narcissistic lizard brain to off himself. He's more likely to get struck by a meteor.

  12. Shirt form: Christianity is a lot like communism: blissful on paper, brutal and bloody as actually practiced by humans.
    Yes because most Christians completely ignore the teachings of the religion. It's a profit deal With little to do with Faith. The religion itself is not to blame. Jesus didn't instruct us to be dicks, and would be disgusted with 90% of his followers. His gospel was pretty simple and very libtard.
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