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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. Hey, leave my dick out of this.  And you guys are out of your fucking minds with this, "I wouldn't fuck Ivanka...I have my pride."  Bullshit.  We'd all fuck her, pre or post surgery for the thrill of it.  And you fucking know it.  I honestly don't know what wanna-be Fairfield-Greenwich vocal fry sounds like with a mouthful of cum, but I am willing to learn on her time.  Only downside, assuming my wife doesn't find out, is I'd be Eskimo Brothers with Donald Trump.  
    Whilst single I'd fuck most anything. Not her tho, she fucking sucks. Give me a chubby chick with a pretty face and fun attitude over this emotionally damage ditch pig, to you use the parlance of our time.
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  2. Nah, nah.  You're thinking of the Nissan Airmada made by their Emperor, Hero-Cheeto.  
    I really don't know anymore...we could sit here all night just drinking and smoking and come up with one goofy ass stream of consciousness based on one of his sentences after another.  And none of it would be insane as what he actually says in real life.  And none of any of that would be compared to how his worshippers would just repeat it as fact the next morning as gospel.  
    North Korea has 1.4b people and is lead by a genius, powerful leader.  That's going to be in Texas social studies books in probably less than two years.  You and I will be ordered to undergo court-supervised psychiatric evaluations for having dangerous ideas, while shit that comes out of his mouth will be engraved by Dan Patrick onto our state buildings.  He claims Jeb Bush invaded Iraq and stares at solar eclipses.  I mean, almost everyone is either an asshole or an idiot.  But there was a time, if you were both, we'd beat you with a rubber hose out back.
    The Nissan Armada died a slow death on the Tundra. Tragic really. They couldn't handle the Frontier. Yet Tacoma WA celebrated verily.
    • Haha 2
  3. Imagine how bad you get handicapped when your administration green lights some of the most important vaccines of the last century, and it’s a negative with your core constituency.
    Well, the administration was hijacked by fringe morons. They kind of brought it on themselves. A somewhat reasonable R would have easily gotten reelected.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Then the AI software is running that same program from "Weird Science" where they make Kelly Lebrock's tits huge but then they toned it down to a tasteful and firm C-cup.  But in this one, they kept going and going with Charlie Kirk's head and just left it on the max setting, but kept his face the regular size for no reason.
    Exactly. So Alpha looking. Totally someone I'd turn to for advice on being a man or voting.

    Like Revenge of the Nerds, That movie did not hold up upon viewing as an adult. Yikes.
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  5. This is not at all surprising to me.  Education, especially higher education, in my opinion, is in large part about learning how to interact and empathize with other human beings.  Understand how they experience the world and broaden your mind and ultimately make yourself a better human.  When money is your only driving goal, you can easily turn into a piece of shit that harms others.
    Texas History is full of misfit white guys doing whatever the fuck they want, other people or the environment be damned.
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  6. I watched a brief recap of this on the national news tonight (Lester Holt). No fucking wonder Dotard is leading in the polls. They treated this like "ho hum, just every day politics. Trump has his side and the AG has a different side. We'll see what happens. Btw, Trump is leading that old guy Biden in the polls. Anyway...."
    That is a small exaggeration but not much.
    Legit media is just as culpable as Fox etc. NPR for 7 years: "What do you think president Trump meant when he shit himself and struck a female aid with a ketchup bottle?"
    • Hook 'Em 7
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  7. Nothing like the feeling of when you feel secure enough as a lawyer to fire a client.  That discovery allowed me to practice law for @ 10 more years than I really wanted to. 
    Same, except I'm a Builder. Liberating indeed.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. I did fish Lake Austin right after the game at dusk on Sat. . I figured one last trip before it's cold. Glassy and quiet.

    Last week I SUPed a recon pattern around my neighborhood and found where fish were more likely. Went back last night with a 5 wt for blind casting into those spots with a fat grasshopper fly. Only had maybe an hour.
    Had a nice time and caught a lot of Very small bass and perch. Amazing sunset. Just dicking around.

    Hooked probably my biggest perch at dark 30, a nice slab blue gill, got him nearly to hand and a massive bass hammered him and then took me for a ride. Pulled my Sup probably 1/4 mile before she decided to spit the bait.

    Was really fun on the 5wt. I knew she would open her mouth and swim free, but getting towed around on a 5 wt by a bass that would make a tourney guy nut his shorts was fun. Realesed the blue gill after the fight, but he was pretty stressed out what with the ride in a bass's mouth/ stomach.

    Validation for going out dicking around. You never know what crazy shit will happen.
    Also one Osprey scored a catch right by me and a had flock of Blue Wing Teal moving through. Gorgeous night.

    I do recommend that technique for lakes. Paddle shorelines and find where fish hang out then revist and concentrate on high % spots and areas.

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