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Born to Run

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Posts posted by Born to Run

  1. I'm pretty sure you know that's not true.
    when it comes to my view of wildlife, fly fishing has changed me more than almost anything. I think the most avid sportsmen have a reverence for nature, but we have to realize the destruction we are causing. I believe we mistake our intelligence and position at the apex of the planet as being the only sentient and conscious species. Science has proved us to be radically arrogant, ignorant and wrong about that. I believe just because we have the power does not mean we have the right to destroy the planet. I believe all species should have an equal right to inhabit the Earth peacefully.  It's pretty radical but I'm not alone in this view and there are some who think empowering the animals inhabiting the planet with legal rights of their own (with humans allowed to bring claims) is how we fix the mess we've created.
    My quote was a Nirvana Lyric. I thought it obvious enough given our high Gen X pop here.

    I harvest fish, but very carefully. And I'm all for more restrictive limits on the coast. I keep a few reds for dinner and have been releasing trout since the freeze unless they die before release. We flounder once a year with kids doing all the gigging. Other than that release.
    The coastal limits need to be more restrictive. Too much tech and guides fishing daily. There are less fish around and guides will admit that. Guys like Jay Watkin etc that study the fishery will tell you it's different. It's is . Less fish.
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. I’m a lawyer….and I’ve literally been repeating your final point on here for years. The law is just a set of agreements about behavior. When one side opts out of it, it’s all over. It’s that fragile. We can go from the rule of law to rule of the gun in an instant. That’s the whole fucking problem. Which I can see clearly from the fact that I operate inside that world, and have my whole professional life. It’s also why I have nothing but hatred for any lawyer who would undermine it.
    Well that and the glacial speed that law proceedings move at is a wee bit frustrating. 4-8 years to get something through trial. Then another decade for appeals. Then actually enforcing civil penalties. Yall act like you are still using quills to communicate and having to traverse the many miles to ye old court house via horse and buggy.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. It helped that Limbaugh mastered AM radio.  Later, O'Reilly and then Tucker mastered evening TV shows, Trump mastered twitter.  You have to have people who know their mediums and their audiences, who somehow convince their audiences that they are "one of them", and who are more than happy to spew falsehoods because they get a big paycheck out of it.
    Tucker fucked up though with the Dominion stuff - the others knew the lines not to cross.
    Hell, throw Alex Jones in that mix - he knew his mediums (Austin Public Access TV and then YouTube) and his audience, and made 10s of millions of dollars feeding them bullshit.  But he didn't know the lines not to cross, and is paying for it.
    I saw an Alex Jones for president 2024 shirt at the gym tonight. Fat old white guy. Did not engage and could not even cropdust him sadly. Just stay away fat boy human personification of hot dog water
    Those alpha supplements or whatever, Do not counteract gravy apparently.

    If shit goes down I like my chances.
    • Hook 'Em 1
    Sorry, I don't buy this bullshit from Golden. 
    Oh, now that YOUR family and constituents are in possible danger, you've changed your mind about assault weapons? Fuck you. Too many people in the country are unable to empathize unless they are directly affected. Again, fuck you. This is just political survival and an act of selfishness disguised as something noble. And mostly everyone falls for it. 
    I don't know about that. Distrusting science, statistics or reputable news in favor of feelings and ancendotal evidence is a core principle of the GOP.

    Don't believe me, just ask them.
  5. You mean like suicide-suicide?  Or Epstein-suicide?  Because there's about 70 million people who are going to believe it is Epstein-suicide no matter what.
    No way this coward narcissist kills himself. None. Indirectly via pills and a rage induced heart attack sure. But he lacks courage to step in front of a bus
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  6. I agree with this. I don’t recall people being mad and hateful about politics as a hobby until that fat bastard came along.
    Then you weren't paying attention.

    Trump just stumbled into that leadership role completely blindly. He's no Architect, or creator or thinker on Any level. He says shit and when people cheer he starts repeating it. That's it.

    This movement goes back decades. All the Robert Bork and Rush Limbaugh books that I threw out when my dad died say hi.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. Popeye's is shitty.  
    They all vary wildly. Some Churches are pretty legit. The one in Edna had a 10 year run of legitamacy. A gang of spicy chicken was always a hit for fishing trips. And all the Popeyes on the way down were terrible. Most of the other Churches I've had sucked too. Greasy, bad oil no flavor.

    When you can find a good Popeyes, they slam and go hard, but most are hard and slam your gut instead. Dem beans and rice tho. Cest si bon coullions.
    • Like 1
  8. I would like to ask this dude, "so, what do you want to do when you're president again?" 
    I mean, I know he just wants to get paid. 
    Or you can pay attention to all the horrible stuff he Says he plans to do.

    Like in 2016 it's all out in the open if you just listen to that asshole.
    • Hook 'Em 4
  9. What I like about Cohen, and why I 100% believe everything he says, is he lays it out so simply.  It is all as dumb as we thought.  He doesn't try to obfuscate or complicate or hem and haw.  He's just like, yep, this is what we did and that tub of shit was at the helm.  
    I'm a bit surprised no one has tried to get rid of him yet.
    Well half the country didn't get duped by a cunning criminal mastermind mob boss. They got duped by a gameshow host clown. It was a pretty simple grift.
  10. I guess I still have PTSD from the trump era, but I just cannot help but feel like Charlie Brown running up to a football held by Lucy.
    I'll fucking believe that trump will face consequences when it happens.
    So you are utterly naive to the fact that the football is going to get yanked? Chuck was blissfully trusting.
  11. Bama win was solid, but they’re not the same Bama team from the 2010s. Wyoming, Baylor, and Kansas win came agains backup QBs. Like I said, we’ll see. But Sark hasn’t separated himself from TH in play calling and game management at all. I can’t complain about the recruiting though.
    Sark has yet to go Bob the Builder on some lockers and lose that battle.
    • Haha 4

  12. That’s 11 years of Alex suffering. I’m cool with that.
    Not suffering enough. Without his wealth he would be turbofucked.

    Instead he's still spewing his bullshit and living large.

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