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Doyle Hargreaves

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Everything posted by Doyle Hargreaves

  1. Never ends, but I like this part of the game the best. The run up is just in the 2nd inning.
  2. Just spitballing. Saudis earliest impact on price at current production is August. New domestic production is a year. ANWR and other fields have been cut by Administration. Then we got the economy is full blast. Right Now! And will only ramp up. bottom line is a shitload of domestic fossil fuel companies are about to make ALL the money. Ive almost decided to double down. If I do it will be in a sector etf.
  3. Im heavily invested in Patterson UTI on the drill side. Plus a basket of stocks. Hal, oxy, fang, xon, phillip66, enb Enb is the only never sell in my portfolio. Fucking rock solid business and not dependent on WTI. The rest are a roller coaster. You wont be first on but you definitely are still front running a wall of money about to invade the space for one last boom. The dipshits will tell you Pioneer. Dont be a pussy:)
  4. Last week I was checking my portfolio on Fidelity. I hit the daily percentage tab. Unexpectedly the ticker PETS is number 1 at plus 44%. WTF?!? Awesome. I just started a position in it two months ago. Im a dividend guy. Hardly ever sell a share of anything, EVER! But 44% days never ever ever happen in my portfolio. Do a quick search and find out the redditors took an interest in it. Aint no damn way PETS is valuation is justifiable at that price. Well, I sold it all right then. What the fuck else can you do? Hold it? Pfffft. I guarantee longer term holders and institutions sold too. You have to take the money. I admire their enthusiasm. Their moxie. Overall, I think its fantastic that young people are in the game and making moves. They will learn. Get wiser. Get less emotional as they play the game. As long as they play, its good for all. Just my 2 cents.
  5. I say less than 25 trading days until $80.
  6. 18 to 34 months. I bet big on 6 individual stocks over a year ago. Had a couple of false starts but held on. Then started adding this spring. Anything Over 4X is gravy. PTEN beat everyone to hire up and already had the equipment. 73 rigs in production 15 days ago. 5x with 5x to go.
  7. Weve been back for 3.5 months. Only 13 years, but pfft. Fuck it, I will take a boom. This one goes 36 months. 32 to go. Alpha has been made, but you phucks can have some beta. Enjoy the ride to 80;)
  8. Head to head. On the field. Thats what I love about College Baseball. Hate the irrelevant tournament this week, but whatever. RPI and this and that bullshit. Fuck all that. Just fucking win season cant get here fast enough.
  9. Question. Is it possible this year that a school hosts a super not on their campus? Did I dream this or is that real?
  10. Sold btc 2 months ago at 58k. Rolled the entirety of the profit (16k avg) spread amongst 75 dividend income positions. I dgaf about if btc is legit or simply GFT. I just got tired of fucking with it. At the time I knew Id regret taking profits somewhere in the future. It is what it is. But I got a couple of new plays that are speculative but long. Cardano and NNDM.
  11. Getting pushed around, making mistakes, not what Texas has played lime this year.
  12. I dont even have to read it. They won because they finally played defense and offensive efficiency was superb.
  13. There is that moment in that video. When he has this instant tick, non verbal communication. Reveals his character more than his words.
  14. Weird get for the Frogs. Guessing he wanted to play closer to home, dad, etc. Excited about our new assistant coaches. 9.95 boys on the Tech board are bullish on the roster. My expectations are at .500 ball.
  15. this is me. Really. Im that guy. Fuck OU, and fuck Texas too! Come kiss my ass on the courthouse steps if you dont like it:)
  16. And one more thing. We ran 14 plays inside yalls 10 in Austin. Then missed a fg after 2 td’s were called back. I proceeded to exit the west side of DKR. Recruit every Red Raider I could find along the way, and we drank all your fucking booze. When you fucks were coming back to the tailgate, the looks on your wives faces, all that was left was about 4 Chelada’s (whatever the fuck that shit is)...was worth it. Pain:) “Doyle? What happened to all the alcohol?” You said is your shmarmy cubicle fuckstick suburban voice. ”We drank it all. How was the game?” Yeah. Nada. Nothing. No gotdamn backbone.
  17. Sizzle tits, Im the only registered Democrat in Dickens County. You can call me anything you like, dont make a fuck to me. Beard broke my sports heart. But, Im a truth teller too. The truth is, Ive enjoyed watching you pious fucks whine on this board and the Shag for years about your futility. It must be hell being a Texas fan. You’re doing it again, and the statistics bear this out. That fucking Judas will fail. Then yall will chew him up. He aint the same Coach he was. He has sold his soul. I predict abject scandal and failure. and I also know what happens next. Fatwa away:)
  18. Baylor has Jesus. He lives in Waco.
  19. Oh please. Just a few bumps and bruises. Maybe. On the court. Normal Big 12 game.
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