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Scary Stranger

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Posts posted by Scary Stranger

  1. And here you are fucking talking about him and his thread…. Which is going to cause him to come in here and defend himself. If you Derka haters would just shut the fuck up about him and ignore him, then he’d probably do a lot less shitting on these threads. It’s a vicious, stupid circle.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  2. It really is a good blend of drama and comedy. There was a line from the previous ep that got me to reflect a bit. And I’m not saying that’s what the writer’s intent was… but when Big was trying to describe Red Bone to Cheese and talking about the song and how they were an all Indian Band/part of their culture… I don’t know why, but it triggered a feeling and memories of me while growing up looking for any celebrities, athletes,  etc that had any sliver of Chinese or Asian heritage. Someone for the community to be proud of.  And it made me think… for Big, Red bone was that. 
    Can’t wait till season 2 comes out for people to start shitting on it and how it’s different from season 1. 

    Wait. You’re Asian?
    • Haha 1
  3. 38 minutes ago, Brew said:

    Holy hell, some of you are just a bunch of shit asses. No one cares whether you think it’s great, not great, was great, never was great, etc. and you sure don’t need to type the same exact thing after each and every episode. Quit evaluating S1 versus S2 week after week. If it’s not a good show, stop watching. If you’re still intrigued, talk about what’s going on and where it’s going.

    This thread just needs Roy GIF’s with his elongated “fucks” at this point as that is basically the only response to these constant season versus season debates. This was NEVER going to live up to S1, it was the right show at the right time with the right characters.

    Nate - this turn was easily seen, he got beat up by the players, his dad doesn’t respect him, so once he gets a little notoriety/power it goes to his head. It was cringeworthy this week though as it crossed the line and just wasn’t funny.

    Ted - hits bottom last week, psych is going to help him resolve his issues, team wins, he goes back home at some point.

    Rebecca - they have made her too cheery, the brooding version was entertaining. Not sure where they are going with her, what really happens when she figures out it is Sam she is texting? Ted made more sense.


    Excellent use of shit asses.

  4. wait- are they saying that we're only a few months ahead of where the show first started?

    Well, it can’t really be more than that since at most the class would be a year long, right?
  5. On 8/21/2021 at 2:58 PM, Hawndoh said:

    You mean season 8...

    Only the first episode had that much social commentary. I don't think the cast was going to return to the show if they weren't going to address that stuff.

    We are still watching but it has certainly lost a spark. Not because of the social stuff, but not having Hitchcock around with Scully is weird. Boyle's hair is weird. Holt and Kevin having problems doesn't fit at all with their prior 7 seasons of backstory. And sitcoms have been doing the "new parents struggling with the baby" story line forever.

    Even the cold opens have been pretty weak.

    Yep.  This has got last season of Scrubs level suckage.

  6. 59 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

    Who is the dad of the year?  This guy!..just watched with the 6 and 9 year old, as we have with the other 3 that they have enjoyed. They sat in shear fucking silence for about a minute as the credits rolled. Fml. I wonder if I should screen these first. 

    yeah, there may be some nightmare fuel in that one.

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