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Scary Stranger

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Posts posted by Scary Stranger

  1. 1 hour ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    Gaetano is the most annoying character in a mob film/TV show since... Eric Roberts in The Pope of Greenwich Village. No idea what the actor is trying to do or what direction Hawley is giving him. 

    Best Chris Rock scenes yet.The kitchen table scene was excellent.  

    I told my wife that he reminds me of an Italian Nacho Libre.

  2. 14 hours ago, TommyGufano said:

    🤷‍♂️... google "fargo season 4 bb gun" or "fargo season 4 pellet gun" -- seems like it's pretty widely accepted

    They actually say pellet in the episode.

  3. 50 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Thanks.  I realized there was no steep correlation between blood type and death, but thought enough solid evidence was out there that indicated a connection between just getting the virus and blood type.  I'll hunt around for some October updates.  Maybe we type-B folks get Covid-19 more because we have more blood!  Bwahahahaha.  I dunno.  Damn Sephardic Jew blood.  



  4. 9 minutes ago, BrazilHorn said:

    Here are some obesity rates: (BMI >30). (From WHO's web site)

    USA: 37.3%

    China: 6.6%

    Japan: 4.4%

    We are a nation of fat people. I could easily find a ton of links from pre-Covid time that were around how being fat was ok and fat shaming evil, and how you could be fat and still be healthy etc etc etc

    The thing is if you are fat and catch CV19 you have a MUCH higher chance of dying than if you are not fat and catch it. As the US is just full of people stuffing their faces with fast food and using scooters and extendable ass wipers it should be no shock that more people in the US are dying from CV19 than in places where everything isn't "supersized" and people actually eat vegetables every now and then.

    By no means am I saying the US didn't fuck this up. Not fully protecting nursing homes is one key mistake (NY State sent 6,300 recovering CV19 patients into nursing homes for fuck's sake), not stopping air travel MUCH sooner, not having a national mask rule, not being clearer, faster on just who tends to die from this (82% >60 years old eg, impacts of obesity). etc etc

    A new study was just released that aggregated multiple other studies as shows across these multiple studies (totaling 399,000 patients) that obese people are 113% more likely to land in a hospital with CV19, 74% more likely to land in ICU & 48% more likely to die (even if younger).

    Maybe this will be wakeup call the USA needs to get healthy again. 

    Yeah, good luck with that.  That will hurt the fatties feelings and we can't have that.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, smoky said:

    Have we figured out what counts as a covid hospitalization?

    Meaning if an asymptomatic, expecting mom comes in to deliver a baby and tests positive, is that a covid hospitalization? Or just a mom and her newborn?

    That situation is going to be a fraction, but I don't see those situations going away.

    To my understanding from a Dr and also a murse who both work in DFW hospitals, is that they do count as covid.  Once they test positive, even if asymptomatic, they have to be treated like the other covid patients in case they are contagious (since the science on that isn't settled).  Who knows if that's true all over TX or in other states. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, B00M said:


    I thought you posted that for lulz..? So you were citing a Tweet that cited a Facebook post? 

    The link to the CDC data immediately disproves this bogus claim so I will choose to believe you're joking.

    " For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death." 

    Isn't that what the tweet was saying?

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