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Scary Stranger

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Posts posted by Scary Stranger

  1. Nate opened the season as a totally different character- an overly co did et dickhead- and now he's suddenly reverted back to a sniveling, stuttering little man with less than zero confidence. i'm enjoying the show, but the whole Nate thing makes zero sense.
    and yeah, i'm praying that Ted and Rebecca don't get together.

    This was my only issue with this one as well. Nate was early season 1 Nate. Would have made more sense to have this story line in episode 1 and then his being an ass as a result of his new direct approach.
  2. The last season was a total mistake.

    Not sure what you’re talking about. Scrubs ended with the scene of him leaving the hospital walking through the corridor of patients that he’d lost through the series.
  3. 11 hours ago, Sam Lin said:

    Had similar in a United lounge a few years ago, quiet lounge, many businesspeople working on laptops, this family comes in and the 2 kids are screaming and running around, even running into other people's luggage and knocking it over a couple times. Parents did nothing. It took quite a bit of restraint for me to not trip the kids as they ran past me the 15th time.

    Yeah, I've been known, much to my wife's horror, to tell other people's kids to cut their shit.

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  4. Today’s game tells me that everyone’s greatest fear is gonna happen - Beerholder is going to waste this generation of players while he’s “coaching.”

    I said this almost word for word.
  5. 1 hour ago, Lhorn said:

    I wonder if people like this just snapped or if they are shitty, entitled people who have gotten away with being a jackass so many times that they feels it’s their right and eventually cross the line and get dragged off a plane. I’m thinking it’s the latter.

    Not to justify jackassedry but the past year and 1/2 have really, really fucked with a lot of people mentally.  I've been surprised by some people that I thought had their shit together losing it at the weirdest things.  But she could also just be a stupid, selfish bitch.

  6. 6 hours ago, UTexasFight said:

    I started to respond but then got distracted/couldn’t stop staring at your avatar



    edit: first 4 weeks in an Airbnb about 15 minutes from the west entrance (I wish I could tell you “at various backcountry campgrounds” but I’m still very much a greenhorn…and actually, no I don’t. This is not the summer to be spending a month in the backcountry. There have been, if any, days this month that Austin has been hotter than this part of Montana…and it’s going to continue that way for at least another week. Uppers 90s again here this weekend.

    the last week, doing a hiking program with the Glacier Institute and staying at their field camp just inside the park.

    Can you message me the link to the place?  Was thinking about doing exactly this next summer.

  7. 1 hour ago, midtown said:

    Sometimes luggage is a row behind.  If everyone is standing up it makes it harder for the people in that row to get their luggage and get off.  It adds up.  And not everyone is willing to hand someone's roller board to them.   

    And people stand up who are in the middle and window and crane their neck as to avoid hitting the bin.   Why stand like that for 10 mins when you are in row 20?

    I have a bad knee so I stand as early as is feasible (when in coach)  because my knee hurts like a sonofabitch after sitting for extended time. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  8. 12 hours ago, HornPhD said:

    Happened to me once on a redeye from SFO to NYC. Some dude removed my large backpack to make room for his. When it was clear both wouldn’t fit, FA was going to have mine checked until I explained what happened. 

    The correct phrase here is 'Get you hands off my fucking bag.'


    Apparently it is more effective if you say it twice.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 12 hours ago, HornPhD said:

    Happened to me once on a redeye from SFO to NYC. Some dude removed my large backpack to make room for his. When it was clear both wouldn’t fit, FA was going to have mine checked until I explained what happened. 

    The correct phrase here is 'Get you hands off my fucking bag.'

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