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Everything posted by utxmike05

  1. It was solid acting all around. Preacher killed it, but kept remembering the actor as goofy brother of Julia louis-dreyfus in that sitcom she had for awhile back “Old Christine” Just creepy that shit like this can happen as far as the “majority of small town people believing anything they hear from people they trust/know” no matter how batshit crazy it can be. Episode 6 was so well done. Agreed on Bev’s acting. My wife still quotes her in that creepy accent “But Monsignor…” lol
  2. We finished it last night. Not going to church anytime soon (not that we did much anyway). It had slow parts, especially between Riley and Erin...holy shit they communicated with long, random dialogue. Good watch though and well filmed. Ep 6 was creepy as hell.
  3. Jeezus some of yall gotta get off Kent's nuts. Shitty actor.
  4. Cousin told me about it over the weekend....I watched ep 1 Sunday and will continue to give it a chance. I had to do a netflix search for it...wasn't on all the stupid suggested sections of the home page.
  5. Weird I kinda felt bad for him? Glad TJ called out Josh...dude is out of control with his emotions (drunk or not) and goes to a whole new Camila type level when arguing. My wife doesn't watch the show but sees parts when it's on...and she walked by saying "who is crying? is that Justin again from last season?" lol. Yea babe, it's Josh.
  6. Esther is annoying...nothing like a rookie who "wants to win it all for _____" but is afraid of eliminations and thinks they shouldn't have to go in. You helped bring this spotlight on you. Amber would probably whoop you in any event. See ya. Berna is wack. I figured something was wrong w her if CT was trying to get out. Not a fan of new rage cage...having a chain linked fence can allow you to grip and hold on, and probably someone getting a limb or fingers hung up. I prefer the plexiglass walls. Climbing to get a bell is interesting though...but be cooler if it was outside the hall.
  7. True, I still like Amber. Usually the dirty players don't like the good/clean players. She may whine, but who doesn't on that show. MTV usually edits and spins shit to create something that isn't always there. As all of us here know...100% of the players are hypocrites at some point.
  8. Their MTV podcast had Emy on. She is so weird yet funny. Tori admitted to lighting that (pizza) fire that led to Fessy being at center of Amber whining....but she blames Cory for helping her push Josh into the situation. I was laughing my ass off, gimme da goof! is coming in hot. And she says when she was asking Fessy "wouldn't it be funny if I tell Amber you ate her pizza?" .... that the camera guy nodded his head agreeing lol. Esther annoys me, even before the drink toss on Amber. Think someone gets kicked off? Suspended?
  9. Yea I was a fan of her last season...and I want to defend her as a good guy, but there is so much hate from other players. I mean something has to be wrong if so many talk trash about her, I'm guessing we don't see all of it that drives the others crazy.
  10. Lawry's seasoned salt? Think I have seen that goof ball's videos.
  11. Season 1 was slow and lot of setting up the political landscape drama. When I rewatched with my parents it reminded me but I promised them season 2 would turn it up a lot. And it delivers.
  12. Sheridan also bought the 6666 ranches in TX this year...or is at least part of the group that did. Some Season 4 scenes have been filmed there before he bought it. https://www.texasmonthly.com/arts-entertainment/imagine-all-the-westerns-taylor-sheridan-could-shoot-at-6666-ranch/
  13. Told you to quit being trigger shy....you just need more Millers to get that confidence up.
  14. Big fan since season 1 but season 2 is weak. Lasso dad joke style is coming off cringy for some reason, super weird timing and trying too hard. Like when he was in hospital with the therapist to pick her up he said some lame shit lol. Some references I chuckle at but rest is meh. Love the most of the cast. Beard needs more focus and side stories. Sucks it’s almost over, there’s so many random stories. And somehow Ted still doesn’t know the soccer rules lol. A dating site with no photos? Yea ok. But hope he bangs the boss and sends nudes.
  15. Got my mom hooked on it, she binged the 3 seasons over labor day weekend when the marathon was on Paramount channel. Fun fact, old seasons aren't even available on Paramount+ (which I pay for). bull shit. Instead it is on Peacock app, but you have to pay for the series - only episode 1 of season 1 was free, lol. Hate all these damn streaming apps. Also there will be another spin-off by Sheridan called 6666 https://parade.com/1212453/klconniewang/6666-yellowstone-spinoff/
  16. Would be better if Jason Bourne was with him. Villain will be shorty sister of Black Widow?
  17. 1883 Tim McGraw and Faith Hill Sam Elliott Billy bob Thornton https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a35447964/yellowstone-tv-prequel-y-1883/
  18. New tool for slicing meats. Highly recommend.
  19. Don't be scared of more meat! And I have been finishing mine wrapped in the oven lately. Works great. Several discussion have been had in here about it.
  20. Kinda in the same boat as yall that hate the format. Did they really get feedback last season that the whole "spy" theme is super cool or what? Who cares. Just go in there and challenge each other more head to head. Still weird they leave the rules hidden from us, and most of cast it seems. TJ hasn't even mentioned "you gotta run my final" spill yet. Like maybe tell us how many will make the final etc. No skulls so now back to everyone hiding from elimination. Only good format is that the teams change often. Gabo is weird as hell, what an idiot. I LOL'd when Devin said Gabo+Emy looked like they've killed a lot of people.
  21. Dude...I was thinking the same. Kaycee never really stirs anything up so I like her, but why is she such a hater of Amber B and still so loyal to Messy? He was a shit partner when you busted your knee in finals last season. I hated Josh (and still hate his whiny emotions), but glad he is anti-Messy now. Messy got leaner and dumber. Hope CT gets a chance to whoop that ass.
  22. So fuking in. Movie posters n shit everywhere when I was in college. The Matrix gets me. Hope that isn't a BTS member as blue haired character. Seen 1 a thousand times. Enjoy watching part 2 when I see it on tv. But have only seen part 3 like once lol. Didn't 2 and 3 release in theaters like a month apart?
  23. Clickbait series was pretty entertaining
  24. Enjoying a lot of the new rookies (although some are waist of space) and the vets having to ban together (although some will be snakes to each other eventually). I feel like the format is all over the place. -Wasn't a team eliminated on ep 1....and now it has gone to only single eliminations? And also it will now rotate male/female weeks? Seems they don't even announce the format to us until it has happening. -Also a team gets voted in by the house, but the "agency" can throw in any male & female player. I like it, but can't recall if ep 1 was like that. Teams are gona change so much...at least you won't be weighed down by a shitty/un-liked partner, you just gotta be on good terms with the agency to stay safe. Ed is awesome. He was goofy as hell on the podcast. I was kinda curious to see Kelz compete against CT or Cory or Fessy. But kinda glad he can't stick around to plow Tori. Apparently that elimination with the poles/ladder was over an hour long...brutal. No wonder they looked whopped. Podcast said they paused it to remove the go pro cameras from their chest which was interfering with the poles.
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