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Everything posted by utxmike05

  1. HUUUGE fan. Enjoyed it. Monica really messed up her face, I don't get the old lady obsession with making lips and mouth like a catfish. She was smoke in her small part in The Longest yard remake. Feel bad for Chandler, by far my fave character of the group. Really sucked when they showed clips of young Chandler and then they cut back over to him on the reunion stage...
  2. Yea wtf is up w HBO app. Sometimes it gets hung up after the "previously on". Or it forgets what episode to load next. And I had issues adding captions a few times...had to restart the app.
  3. Had no idea what a Diva Cup was...My wife described it and said our neighbor told her she uses one. Not going over for dinner anymore.
  4. That's a good rule of thumb for cook duration, just depends on the brisket and pit temp. I use that also for estimating when to start cooking. Bark isn't ever mushy when I do it with foil. Just wrap the foil tightly to not allow it to steam inside. But yes you will get "crispier" bark if you don't wrap. Or if you use pink butcher paper to wrap, you will maintain some crisp bark as well. That is what most restaurants do. I have just always used foil because I add a liquid during the wrap...and foil holds it all in better than the paper.
  5. The brisket temp to wrap varies with everyone. But high 150s to 160s is also when I wrap in foil, because that is usually when the brisket stalls. Wrapping helps get through that stall faster, hence why you can heat up the pit more after brisket is wrapped up. But I also take into consideration the color of the brisket bark before I wrap...has to have good smoke and bark before I wrap. Honestly, lately I have been finishing briskets in the oven after I wrap them. No point in wasting wood and time outside if your brisket is wrapped. I leave it wrapped on the grill until the fire gets too low...transfer to oven at 225-275 degs, instead of adding fuel to the pit.
  6. Called it last week...Ryan. Although I wish it wasn't him. Sucks to see Lori suffering and Mare in a hard ass spot to be in...do your job or be a best friend? I'm not sure what I would have done in Mare's shoes. Why couldn't the cops awhile back just put out a community newsletter that said "if anyone knows of or has seen a rare Colt special handgun lately let us know" or something...probably not standard police work but it is a a small ass town so you may get answers quick. Then the old man could have talked awhile back. Great show. Best in awhile of this genre.
  7. One of the rare times where sequel is as good or better than original. Good time. Would rewatch
  8. Going to see it at Alamo tonight...rewatched 1 last night.
  9. He has been through the ringer...poor guy. Fought off addictions since like season 6. He has said he doesn't remember 3 seasons of the show when he was asked his fave ep. Had a critical stomach surgery last year...had a hole in it. He looked horrible in some of these interviews. Hoping the reunion is worth the hype...saw that there will be lots of celebs and musicians ...maybe just to ask questions. As far as HBOMax, enjoying it as a free add-on through my ATT cell phone deal. Seen pretty much all the major series. Started Hacks few days ago. Waiting for Insecure to come back. And hopefully curb...
  10. ^Fukin awesome. After Horns game wah wah...tuned in to Stros to see Correa launch one off bauer. Fukin great. Made me forget about the tues game.
  11. Yea Lori is on my radar too. So in that scene where Mare, Lori, John, Billy are drinking in the living room...wasn't it John and/or Lori that brought up the topic of Erin staying with Billy after her mom passed?? Why would they give that kind of clue to Mare and put Billy on the spot like that? Were they trying to setup the sacrifice of Billy....?
  12. Just too far fetched for Sio to be the killer. Acting pretty normal and hasn't appeared weird/guilty for someone who murdered a young mother. And all while living under the same roof as the detective trying to crack the case. And even if Sio did it on accident she would have confessed by now. Nah..she aint cold blooded like that. Unless she is some super low key sociopath.. Sio is just there for the emotional family factor for Mare/Kevin memory.
  13. Reddits provided that pic and have all kinds of theories on what they see lol From what I read people think: Main person is John or Frank and they see a woman lying in background. Someone is kissing a pregnant belly. Someone is going to eat a hot dog. Some also think it is Mare's son, or Ryan. I kinda see someone taking a selfie...likely Erin because the selfie taker usually would print and keep the photo. And someone is asleep or laying down in background unaware of the photo. Not sure if a baby is involved. It could have been taken at reunion when John or whomever was passed out. I dont think a baby would be in a picture with Erin and John...then why would she make Dylan think the kid is his this whole time?
  14. I just don't see Mare's daughter as going from helping her to killing her. She does get crazy when fucked up, but she seemed sober when helping Erin. And Siobhan (dumb name) has been pretty damn normal for the most part, aside from missing her bro and the lesbian stuff. She would have cracked by now if she did it. Good to see they are airing the finale even on holiday weekend.
  15. Interesting. I like the Dylan was the pimp idea. Explains why they haven't really showed what he does for work...and he rolls with his lil homie now.. Yea I'm still confused on why Billy is convinced he did it...he seems "simple" but not that much. I know John makes him repeat the admission. But I think Billy KNOWS he didn't actually kill her...and that he is protecting someone. But he wouldn't protect John...so maybe John's son somehow is involved out of jealousy?? Got ahold of an old pistol somehow...just not sure how he was out there in middle of the night. And could explain why John has been consoling Ryan.... I'm ready for a twist...don't think it's John or Billy.
  16. Agreed...at this point Mare needs to finish this to make a step towards getting her shit together. And ridding this small town of dirty men. So I guess the Guy Pearce character is just a love interest after all..? Hell the whole town may be in on Erin and just trolling Mare at this point.
  17. Yea I don't think it is as clear as Billy did it all. The mystery photo definitely changed the chief's mind on who is responsible. And John is obviously the asshole of the two and capable of being behind it all. But maybe his wife is also shady.....? Threesome..with Erin? Weird shit went on at the family reunion.. So what is Dylan's deal? Was he hired to help clean it up...or protecting someone? Just being an asshole?
  18. Friends texting me also about the no link...came here to verify it's not just us. Yup, good problems.
  19. So money. Aside from the space jam 2 leftover acting. He gave Curry a taste of his own medicine. I like both of them, but that was great to see!
  20. Agree with all this. I also binged it. Saw ep 1 and waited few days to decide on giving another try. Then watched ep 2-5 back to back. Zabol falling for her was easy but guess they wanted to add another strike on her personal life for men dying around her. Dude got sloppy letting that girl get away from the van. Fuck him. I had started thinking it was a combo of men involved. Or some underground sick thing when they mentioned “he has poker nights”. Guess they can check video cameras to see what visitors he has had. Curious what that Billy knows..obviously squirrelly when asked about Erin staying w him. But he may just know something. Not a killer. By now the show has tried to paint everyone as a suspect to something.
  21. Good luck, hope you get that bad boy back quick. Omega Houston is great in person. Lost the tachymeter on my Speedy TFWWOM last year...lol it actually took me awhile to notice it was gone, like a few days. It just looked weird until it finally hit me. Omega replaced it quick but at my cost...I bought it pre-owned.
  22. Have a few other Omegas but this is by far my favorite. Will he together long time
  23. Damn, those DSOTM are supposed to be pretty tough. I had that exact same black black for a year, but traded for the Vintage brown. Got tired of low vis on the black black. Hopefully Omega covers that replacement...?
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