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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChiTownDoc

  1. This times a billion. Who the flying fuck wants to be on that list? You do everything you can to stay off, especially if what you have is privately held. And no I’m not there but I have enough to worry about stupid lists and notoriety..,and insane to think about but likely would be there on the next exit in a year or two. We stopped all press releases on acquisitions etc. Beauty of staying private and not on any exchanges.
  2. ChiTownDoc


    Nice to see a few people being honest here. The fire and will just wasn't there for most of the game as far as UT players. OU was pissed and aggressive. Also things like OU getting in Ewers face after throwing him around and none of the Oline doing shit. Embarrassing.
  3. You guys will be just fine. Appreciate the love - got me thinking...how many SEC fans will come over next year? How many will survive? I like our resident UF posters and the LSU guy is a gem. Thanks for having us morons
  4. I also giggle at downs. I’ve got issues.
  5. There’s a reason I post here. No argument on fan IQ. Scoreboard forever.
  6. Can lose em all. This was still sweet.
  7. You’re spot on. But look at the OU sucks thread (I know. That’s all of em) There’s serious convos about why we think OU is anything but total dogshit going forward. Not w trolls but bright posters like CTJ etc. And OU very likely loses a rematch. So let us puff the chests a bit. But not too much bc we are on a UT site. 🤘🏽
  8. Yeah on paper but most of those chips aren't cashed in. Kind of insane considering I started shitposting on shaggy back in residency w the got damn statues.
  9. Of course. Love dropping lines about the jet. It’s a nice toy.
  10. Sark saves that game w the fake punt. It could have gotten ugly.
  11. Ok. Mea Culpa. I said my drivel and even my OU dbag friends were like THAT wasn’t a soft team. But I maintain UT has to fight that mentality.
  12. They both saw up close how OU treats this. It’s not how you guys treat it. Not you all personally - you guys care more than me. But deep down coming out the tunnel…the underdog mentality isn’t there. That’s all most of it boils down to. Do you feel disrespected? Do you feel they had it given to them and YOU have to earn it? Yeah. That’s special. Hold that feeling.
  13. He’s that dude. They don’t come often. Even Mack couldn’t fuck that up. Switzer is the first to acknowledge he’s a dipshit coach - I’m serious, have a beer w him. But he got a couple of those dudes and let em loose. Sometimes - It’s not that complicated.
  14. You’re a nice girl. But you have burnt orange glasses. Say what you will about me - and I know you will - but I have access to both programs. I have given more to UT but could easily be OU’s top donor by a mile (not the same w UT). Hear me out - UT is the plush kid who’s daddy gifted them that gold AP and Lambo. It’s ok. Just know, that kid will always be soft and it takes someone/something special to break the mold - VY. You refuse to acknowledge this and it’s odd but I’m guessing just a blind spot. Look at the entire millennium. Post after post of next time…
  15. OU pretty much always comes in w that edge. This century anyways. UT has won 2 of the past 9 or so. One was last year that was a joke. Hell I posted 10k bet against OU pregame. Other than that one win - fg game winner. Yet OU manages to come in full of piss and vinegar year after year. You guys know any rich kids that did ok? They’re always soft. It’s not any of you that I know of but it’s a real thing and you know it when you see it.
  16. ChiTownDoc


    OSU wanted to keep it?
  17. How pumped is YorDork for this massive matchup?
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