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Posts posted by Helobious

  1. So people understand in terms of the lighting given off by an eclipse (even with clear skies) it’s going to just appear like a semi-overcast day right? It’s not going to be anything close to dark or pitch black? It’s an amazing amount of hype for something that’s going to underwhelm pretty much everyone. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, AbeFroman said:

    It wasn't, he's an inconsistent ass and he always has been.  

    So it’s almost like my original comment of “Angel Hernandez is such a fucking shitty ump” is true and you didn’t have to cause this whole tangent by crying about it 

  3. 4 minutes ago, AbeFroman said:

    and your pitcher wasn't engaging that's why he was told to engage. 

    Why didn’t he make the blue jay pitcher engage before calling Torres out on a ball way out of the zone? How was that the right call?

  4. 1 minute ago, AbeFroman said:

    You know you just combined two different things, so quit being disingenuous.   You know I was talking about when Gil was being dramatic about balls clearly out of the zone, and then of course the crowd starts chanting Angel sucks again about balls that were not close. 

    But hey, no one ever has accused Yankee fans of being reasonable people.

    Why would you assume I was talking about the Gil thing when the most egregious umpire fuck up I’ve seen this year had just happened? How did you like Angel’s temper tantrum stopping play to make Gil engage with the batter before the pitch (did the TOR pitcher do that with Torres? Fuck no). I didn’t think there were any Angel H fans out there but I guess now I know there’s one.  

  5. 20 minutes ago, AbeFroman said:

    If you're talking about what just happened, he didn't miss a call.  Your boy was out there on the mound acting like a pouty punk.

    He rung up Torres (on ball 4) after he stepped out of the box when the TOR pitcher stepped off the rubber, then stepped back on and threw the pitch all in one motion. Never seen anything like that. Boone was livid. But good to know you’re a Hernandez defender. Make sure you ask for his autograph next game you go to. 

    • Haha 1
  6. Just now, futureman said:

    why the fuck does everyone think the prestige is so great?  it’s ok.  am I misremembering?

    It’s my personal favorite of his. On the 2nd viewing you pick up on so many hints and clues that give away the ending, driving home the theme that the audience wants to be fooled even when the answer is right in front of them. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 3 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    It's a good movie. I don't find it particularly rewatchable for whatever reason. Zimmer crushes it - maybe his best ever.

    In tiers:


    The Dark Knight



    The Prestige


    Batman Begins



    The Dark Knight Rises 



    The rest (I haven't seen memento in awhile - need to watch it again to slot it in)

    Memento was legitimately one of the top 10 worst movies I’ve ever seen. Boring and made 0 sense. Dark knight rises is up there too, it’s fucking stupid and horrible. The rest of his movies all range from very good to incredible. 

    • Haha 1
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