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Posts posted by Pancho

  1. 3 hours ago, Don Johnson said:

    So the selection committee set the tournament up so that teams from California and Washington would not have to come to Texas, Mississippi or North Carolina as they are not allowed to use public funds to travel to those states (related to bathroom law).


    Whether you agree or disagree with the law, that's bullshit.  Its a tournament and the seeding are supposed to be merit based.  You should not be allowed to essentially refuse to play certain road games in a tournament.

    I work in higher ed and we’ve been told the state of Texas is considering a similar bill for travel to California and Colorado.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Chet Steadman said:

    Yea, you really stepped out on a limb on that one.  

    bought a powerball ticket after making that prediction too, Chet. 

    • Like 1
  3. Not sure I can take another term of Cruz who does absolutely nothing. 

    You knew Valdez was bad when the Human Rights Campaign didn’t even endorse her.  The LGBTQ National Organization didn’t even endorse the lesbian candidate.  That’s how bad she is. 

  4. Currently, my loans are with nelnet.  Because I'm writing my dissertation, I'm not FT anymore and must start paying them back.  I was looking to refinance through SoFi.  So two questions:

    1.) Anyone else use SoFi?  If so, how is/was it?  (Good reviews via reddit.)

    2.) I qualify for Student Loan Forgiveness, but does that still happen if you refinance through someone like SoFi?

  5. 18 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    This kind belongs in spirit even if I don’t know if a white person called on him. I grit my teeth watching this video.  Cop so keyed up every sentence is a confrontation.  Black dude so calm you might think he’s on the verge of falling asleep.  Backup called, surrounded, taken down, tazed.  




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