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Everything posted by XR4ticlone

  1. No one assaulted Acosta...if you want to chant at someone...go ahead. Those people didn't assemble to got attack CNN. They went for a Trump rally...that CNN decided to try and spin and got called out for it. But if you want to equate cutting up 55 gallon drums into gay ass shields, putting on your black sweat suit and going out to 'counter protest' go for it. Up until the point where Acosta and CNN lied on air there wasn't any problem. Hell, Acosta was taking pics with the crowd. And the 'angry mob' was simply chanting 'fake news' or something. LOL...totally the same.
  2. Linda Sarsour is one of the main leaders of the Women's March group. She's pro-sharia law...and just a really vile woman...but the left embraces her. Kinda like Farrakhan
  3. Yea...communist / anarchists have never been a problem. I think there are 100,000,000 people that probably disagree with that...but they're in mass graves so I'm not expecting them to chime in here anytime soon.
  4. I'd rather see my enemies out in the open...where sunlight can disinfect them than having them in the darkness of the corners where they go unchecked. I've said for the past 14 months...the real way to deal with them is to ignore, or individually chastise them...not confront them with an angry mob.
  5. No I do. You realize what started the entire Acosta chant at that rally right? CNN reported a greatly reduced number of attendees on air. They confronted Acosta because the entire arena was full and there were people waiting outside. CNN had run with a number about half of what the capacity was for the arena...and they got called out for their lies. Rightfully so. Just like they try and make leftist crowds seem bigger...remember the islamics against violence 'protest' that CNN helped to stage & shot to make it look like it was enormous when it was like 15 people? Google both of these. CNN is FAKE NEWS...they're PR for the DNC.
  6. That has always been my dream. God Bless you sir!
  7. If we're talking real Nazis...who are self professed Nazis...then whatever. Although attacking them only helps their cause. The danger is that leftist want to paint everyone who's not leftist as a...you guessed it...Nazi. Then they want to run around punching them all. I'm not cool with that. It's what the left doesn't get about Trump. The more you attack him the more the left exposes their real agenda & is seen as being anti-American. I don't think everyone on the left is anti-American...but clearly some are. Trump has killed it in exposing the hard left. For my entire life they've hidden their real agenda...not any more. It's going to be the end of the DNC quite frankly. I don't like Nazis or Antifa...I'm not punching any of them. I'll tell them to fuck off & leave. I'll give them dirty looks. But I don't initiate physical conflict...but I will end it.
  8. That's always a dangerous tactic. It's how we got OBL. It's how the left is supporting islam & it's disgusting behaviors like Sharia law. The difference is when the Antifa or radical islamics use the naïve left as 'enemies of their enemies'...they'll have no problem turning on you. You think the radical islamics won't throw hella woke leftist gays off buildings? LOL Keep dreaming.
  9. Bitch, are you rahtarded? Seriously? What part of I HATE & DEPLORE NAZIS & WHITE SUPREMACISTS DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND????? But that DOES NOT mean that I can't ALSO despise the communist, fascist, little minions of hate that call themselves Antifa as well. I wouldn't want to hang out with either group. If you have a 3rd grade reading comprehension you'd have possibly picked up on this in my the past 40 posts. Now find an adult to help explain this to you. Then you can spend the rest of your day going through all my posts that you haven't got around to neg'ing yet... you pathetic, little, soiboi moron. .
  10. Calling our WWII soldiers 'antifa' is fucked up. They were not basement living, pussy ass soiboi's, communists, unwashed leftists with plastic barrel shields, and cop hating race baiters. Those were real men. And when they were done with the Nazis they spent the next 50 years fighting communists...because just like today, there isn't a hell of a lot of difference between the two. They both suck ass. I cannot imagine being mentally unstable enough to latch on to Antifa or defend them. They're vile, hate filled, assholes...who's tactics are just as offensive as those they claim to fight. To pretend they're somehow a champion for anything positive is just as asinine as saying the WS are in some way good. An angry mob is an angry mob. Nothing good comes from angry mobs.
  11. What part of... BOTH GROUPS ARE FULL OF DIP SHITS AND WORTHLESS ASSHOLES! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND????? I really don't know how to make it any clearer to you. Here you go...watch the video yourself. http://dailycaller.com/2018/08/13/i-asked-leftists-protesters-what-they-would-do-if-they-met-trump-their-answers-horrified-me/
  12. I don't think it's a lack of desire with them...more a lack of effort? But don't kid yourself....they'd love to kill cops, conservatives, or watch the video from this weekend where several were open about wanting to murder Trump.
  13. Ok...fine, they're useless, violent, socialist, fucking jackasses. Better? They're totally unlike the Nazis who were, violent, socialist, fucking jackasses... I guess the main difference was the Nazis had jobs and weren't afraid of working or showering? https://media.giphy.com/media/TUtr2Ky56D4Zy/giphy.gif
  14. The idea you wouldn't remember that when you're 10....maybe you wouldn't or didn't...but I did. I remember the hostage crisis in Iran as well...under both Reagan & Carter. Maybe you should go hang out at an Antifa rally some time. The video's I've watched are not loving, peaceful folks. It's becoming more and more clear that, while I'm not a Nazi...you're obviously a Antifa fanboi. I'll stand by my earlier proclamation...good guys don't mask their identities. They don't attack cops, or destroy property, they don't attack anyone. What were the Antifa a-holes doing the night they attacked, rioted, and destroyed property in Berkley to protest Milo? Protecting their community? "Guys! Guys! We've got to protect our community from a flamboyant homosexual who has conservative views! Quick! Someone throw a trashcan through that window! Jimmy, start something on fire!! Someone go sucker punch that girl who came to hear Milo speak!!!" You can take your revisionary history and shove it up your ass. Nothing you're going to say is going to make me think Antifa is anything more than an angry mob of communists, unwashed hippies, and basement living dip shits. Society would be better off without any of these people...Nazis or Antifa.
  15. A. I'd imagine that 10 year olds remembered something that historically significant. I was 10 when Reagan was shot...I remember it clearly, what I was doing, even them throwing him into the car. B. There is no growing Nazi movement here. Unless you want to consider people for border control Nazi's now as well? If so we've got a lot of Hispanic 'White Supremacists' here in San Antonio I could introduce you to. I actually feel the same way about Nazi's & Communists...there are only two types...the good ones, and then the ones still alive. So let's stop pretending the Antifa fucksticks are any less appalling than the Nazi fucksticks. They're all shitty people.
  16. A. B. It's going to be a leftist in that seat regardless...so please Lord let it be her for the next 30 years! Seriously...she's terrific!
  17. She Guevara has been running around telling everyone how the ''right' is scared of her. The leftist MSM immediately crowned her the new queen of the left. A future Presidential contender! The face of the new DNC! Well, if you're this major league bad ass & you've got it all figured out...then you shouldn't be afraid to go on conservative shows / podcasts & debate. She wouldn't go on Ben's show or any of them...so he threw out some money for charity to do a debate. What's better than money for charity? What's more American than free & open debate? She Guevara calls that 'cat calling' which is rahtarded...but what else is a rahtard going to say? I get it...Dems shit the bed with her. They put her out there as this hot new thing without vetting her...she's spewing socialism all over the place with the deadbeat old bastard from NH. She's getting all the hardcore leftist all excited...at the same time she's pissing all over the 70% of Dems that don't typically pay attention to politics. She's the greatest gift conservatives could have ever asked for!
  18. My Dearest Huckleberry, I'd like to thank you for your most sincere interest in me as a poster here on Surly. I appreciate that you took the time to go through all my recent posting history to neg every comment I've made on any of the forums. Some would think that shows that you're insane, or a little bitch...I say...'why not both?' Forever Yours, Xr 😘
  19. There's a lot of anger in you. Don't wait til November...get a head start on that therapy. I'm sorry you're such a miserable person. I want you to know I honestly mean this...get better.
  20. Gosh...hopefully Cruz doesn't get blown out like Abbott got blow out by abortion Barbie in the last Governor race. 😂. Seriously, I want all of you hard leftists here to get some therapy scheduled for November. I see a lot of you having a hard time reconciling reality with your expectations. #BecauseICare
  21. A. Economic growth increases the entire tax base. B. I'm aware of unfunded mandates...but they're not always about tax cuts. Sometimes they're about mandating things they don't want to enact themselves. C. There is so much Gov waste on all levels that it's insane. You're not going to convince me to pay additional taxes until you admit there are endless changes made.
  22. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-state-taxes/u-s-state-local-tax-revenue-up-5-8-percent-in-first-quarter-census-idUSKBN1JF2Y2 CHICAGO (Reuters) - U.S. state and local government tax revenue climbed to $350.2 billion in the first quarter of 2018, a rise of 5.8 percent compared with the same time period in 2017, the U.S. Census Bureau reported on Tuesday. It's NOT a TAX issue...it's a SPENDING issue. Lower taxes are still bringing in MORE revenue. It's better to have 10% of a bigger pie than 100% of a small one. Obama added MORE to the US Debt than all former Presidents combined. But we don't talk about that....right? I want basic services. Defense, Law Enforcement, Foreign Policy... that's it. I don't want free HC or college...because they're NOT FREE! Nor are they worth a shit. I don't want perfectly healthy people sitting at home watching Oprah all day. If you really feel like you owe people that...get our YOUR checkbook and make it happen. Don't tell me how generous you are with my tax dollars...tell me how generous you are with YOUR money. And if you wouldn't give your personal money to support those types of behavior...GFY.
  23. Don't you sweet talk me! I'm a married man...and you're not my type. But it's very flattering coming from you. 🙄
  24. A. I'm highly frustrated with the last budget and that they passed it. But let's not pretend Obama was any better...or Hillary would have been different. B. I'm NOT voting for that type of spending...BUT they're not spending money to placate me or to get my vote. They do it, in large part to keep from being crucified by the left for 'draconian cuts'...which typically means reduced spending increases. 😡 I'm not bankrupting shit. I want the Gov to be trimmed by 20%...and I'd be ok with cutting even more. I want a balanced budget.
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